"Smaller government" advocates

I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

I'm amused by your ideas for welfare, Fridgid. You do know that if a Republican suggested people could only get Welfare if they first worked that he would be eviscerated by the Main Stream Media as being a hater of the poor?

What you suggest we already sort of have in place in Unemployment.

As for subsidies? I'm in favor of doing away with all of them. The government does an awful job at income redistribution.

I understand how things would look, but that's mainly because of the partisan game that's played. If you spend your whole time demonizing the poor, then you do something like that, people are just going to assume.

But it's also how you get your message across, and mainly the politicians do it with advertising and making everyone play the partisan bullshit game.

If a third party were to do something, they might stand a chance of making sensible policies be the norm.

Yo, you might want to look at Ted Cruz? He is not the typical ass!!!

I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

I'm amused by your ideas for welfare, Fridgid. You do know that if a Republican suggested people could only get Welfare if they first worked that he would be eviscerated by the Main Stream Media as being a hater of the poor?

What you suggest we already sort of have in place in Unemployment.

As for subsidies? I'm in favor of doing away with all of them. The government does an awful job at income redistribution.

I understand how things would look, but that's mainly because of the partisan game that's played. If you spend your whole time demonizing the poor, then you do something like that, people are just going to assume.

But it's also how you get your message across, and mainly the politicians do it with advertising and making everyone play the partisan bullshit game.

If a third party were to do something, they might stand a chance of making sensible policies be the norm.

I think you've underestimated the effect of forty years of entitlements, Frigid. It's not longer about what makes "sense" or even what's ultimately good for people! Once you give out entitlements it's almost impossible to stop giving them out. That holds true in Greece...just as it does here. Take away welfare and you'd have riots in the streets of our major cities. There are far too many people who view welfare handouts as their "right".
They would all love a good job. Not a Pub job that's not livable. Hater dupes! And thanks for the world depression, etc etc.

Sure they would.

What's a Pub job moron?
Fact - the larger a government becomes the more it misbehaves...
Though, if government funds science, it can influence it. The so-called "science" of Global Warming being a prime example.

Is it a prime example? Eight years of Bush in charge, six of those with a Republican Congress, and still global warming was an issue.

Do you think the English government was forcing gravity upon Isaac Newton, and that there were people who were mightily pissed off that someone invented gravity? "You bastard Newton, I was having fun floating around my garden the other day, and then this conspiracy came that invented gravity and I landed on the ground with a massive bump."

Name one government that benefits from promoting global warming..... and then tell me why they benefit.

Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

How does the US Constitution (1787) defines fair share?

It doesn't.

Now try the Communist Manifesto, how does i defines fair share?

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Science was improved on MASSIVELY by government help.

Though, if government funds science, it can influence it. The so-called "science" of Global Warming being a prime example.

Is it a prime example? Eight years of Bush in charge, six of those with a Republican Congress, and still global warming was an issue.

Do you think the English government was forcing gravity upon Isaac Newton, and that there were people who were mightily pissed off that someone invented gravity? "You bastard Newton, I was having fun floating around my garden the other day, and then this conspiracy came that invented gravity and I landed on the ground with a massive bump."

Name one government that benefits from promoting global warming..... and then tell me why they benefit.

Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

Yes, Democrat policy, or in other words, wealth redistribution.
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?
I don't know of anyone who wouldn't like a smaller government as long as we don't cut national defense, food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, disability, environmental protection, disaster relieve, aid to education, college loans, or whatever services they depend on.

Not true. There are a number of forum members, including me, who would be happy to cut all those things.

The reality is that a small government is not a real possibility. Every congressman knows it but many try to keep the dream alive to get re-elected. What we should be doing is focusing on making big government more efficient. Some years ago we seem to have given up on that idea.

The last thing we need is a more efficient government. The only thing preventing smaller government is politics.
Is it a prime example? Eight years of Bush in charge, six of those with a Republican Congress, and still global warming was an issue.

Do you think the English government was forcing gravity upon Isaac Newton, and that there were people who were mightily pissed off that someone invented gravity? "You bastard Newton, I was having fun floating around my garden the other day, and then this conspiracy came that invented gravity and I landed on the ground with a massive bump."

Name one government that benefits from promoting global warming..... and then tell me why they benefit.

Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

How does the US Constitution (1787) defines fair share?

It doesn't.

Now try the Communist Manifesto, how does i defines fair share?

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?
Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

How does the US Constitution (1787) defines fair share?

It doesn't.

Now try the Communist Manifesto, how does i defines fair share?

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?
You snooze you lose...

That simple
Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy
Is this a great country or what?

100% stupid of course. Apple does not decide who buys Iphones, its customers do. Apple's desire is to slavishly distribute them to as many customers as possible, but customers decide to accept the distribution or not.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy
Is this a great country or what?

100% stupid of course. Apple does not decide who buys Iphones, its customers do. Apple's desire is to slavishly distribute them to as many customers as possible, but customers decide to accept the distribution or not.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

Good point

How much does Apple pay the workers who assemble iPads ?
You know...the ones in China
Fact - the larger a government becomes the more it misbehaves...
More importantly, the larger and more powerful the government becomes the more power the wealthy and corporate entities within it wield.

The democrat solution of increasing the government exacerbates the wealth distribution and corporate power problem.
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

I'm amused by your ideas for welfare, Fridgid. You do know that if a Republican suggested people could only get Welfare if they first worked that he would be eviscerated by the Main Stream Media as being a hater of the poor?

What you suggest we already sort of have in place in Unemployment.

As for subsidies? I'm in favor of doing away with all of them. The government does an awful job at income redistribution.

I understand how things would look, but that's mainly because of the partisan game that's played. If you spend your whole time demonizing the poor, then you do something like that, people are just going to assume.

But it's also how you get your message across, and mainly the politicians do it with advertising and making everyone play the partisan bullshit game.

If a third party were to do something, they might stand a chance of making sensible policies be the norm.

Any third party would have to run from the middle drawing moderates from both sides

Running at an extreme only ensures the opposite side will win


From our standpoint the government can ONLY protect your right to Life, Liberty, property and to pursue happiness. We are NOT going to change our position in order to be "electable" or attract moderates.

.That was our position when we first became a political party in 1971 and that is our position in 2015.

That will be our position in the year 2525 , if man still alive..........


Libertarians are glorified Republicans, only crazier and less fun to be around

A Libertarian candidate will draw votes from the Republicans....see where the Pauls pull their votes?
If you bothered to actually look at where Libertarians draw the votes from you would realize that they draw from BOTH republicans and democrats. They even do so about equally. That is also why the republican whine that we elect democrats because we will not vote for their trash candidates is bullshit.
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces. They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.

In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?

Big Government Authoritarians run both major political parties. Smaller/Less Government is a matter of convenience for most of em. Most just wanna force their agendas on others by way of Government.

Most Republicans who call themselves 'Small/Less Government Conservatives', are really Big Government Authoritarians. That's been my experience anyway.
Politicians (particularly Democrats) have been trying to get more and more control over the people. The only two vestiges left are energy and healthcare. Once government has total control over those two entities, they will have total control over the people.

Since they can't just take away our energy and healthcare, they will try to make us surrender it to them. That's how government benefits from global warming.
Setting up transparent competition between insurers and making fracking safer and more environmental, and helping alt energy to compete with China and the EU is not control, dupe, just intelligent. Ay caramba. All the New BS GOP has is big lie propaganda.

We need the richest and giant corps to pay their fair share, and help and tax cuts for the little guy and small business- DEMOCRAT POLICY, dupes.

How does the US Constitution (1787) defines fair share?

It doesn't.

Now try the Communist Manifesto, how does i defines fair share?

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share
When ALL the new wealth goes to the 1% and many giant corps pay nothing, only morons think nothing's wrong.

Wealth doesn't "go" anywhere. Wealth is created. Do you think money gets up in the middle of the night and walks to the wealthy people like Zombis?

The only time money "goes" anywhere is when government takes it from one group of people and gives it to another.
Good point

Wealth does not go anywhere....it is distributed

Guess who gets to decide how it is distributed? The wealthy

Is this a great country or what?

Let's try this again:

You liberals live in this make believe world. In your make believe world, you think that we are an encapsulated country; there is only so much cash, and when one has too much cash, the others have less.

In the conservative world (reality) we realize that there is no such thing as limited cash. Everybody has the opportunity to make as much as they need or want. Therefore in reality, it doesn't matter if there are thousands of billionaires or just one. It doesn't change my world at all.

What does change my world is my cash. That is to say, how much I decide to earn and what I do with what I earned. If I have children long before I can support them, I will be poor or have much less money than I otherwise would. If I buy a car I can barely make payments on, then that too takes most of my cash. If I decide I will not work more than 40 hours a week or less, I bring less cash into my home.

It's all a matter of choice really. That's why I don't work at Walmart. Working at Walmart is a choice, and I chose not to. It's why I decided never to get married or have children. It's why I decided to try investments like the stock market, the commodities market, real estate which I'm currently involved. I used my cash to make investments.

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