"Smaller government" advocates

That is the way the one percent want it. Keep the workers unstable, in fear for their jobs. Fire those who dare to stand up for themselves.

you're in fear for your job because you have a bad attitude and suck at your job.

Good workers get treated well by their employers. We aren't actually stupid, that's why we ended up with the big pile, comrade big guy

Unfortunately, wage and benefit statistics vs company profits do not support that

Workers as a whole are treated worse than they were 30 years ago. It is not because they are dumb and lazy

In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

your 30 year wage stagnation is a result of 30 years of you sucking at your job and not giving a shit about your employer

You funny
you're in fear for your job because you have a bad attitude and suck at your job.

Good workers get treated well by their employers. We aren't actually stupid, that's why we ended up with the big pile, comrade big guy

Unfortunately, wage and benefit statistics vs company profits do not support that

Workers as a whole are treated worse than they were 30 years ago. It is not because they are dumb and lazy

In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

your 30 year wage stagnation is a result of 30 years of you sucking at your job and not giving a shit about your employer

You funny

Straight up, Comrade big guy. If you were a good employee, you would realize how much power people have over their own fates. That you don't know that and think employees are victims of their employers says what kind of employee you are
Our Federal Government was never set up to be some employment center for the people in this country. they have agencies after agency that is worthless and is now out of control making up their own rules and laws without YOUR say on it and GOING over your Representation in Congress. everyone should be in favor of cutting out some of these agencies. start with the EPA, DOE, NEA, cut down the IRS and lets get it done. take back your Federal government. as it now they are STEAMROLLING over us and save US SOME MONEY of having to FEED this Monster

We all have State Governments. that is how we were set up to run. the Feds were to protect us not be a nanny.
States Rights, the conservative code for bigotry and big corp duped greedy..
Gov't should help with supporting training for jobs going begging now.

It's not the job of federal government to train you for a job.

You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this country yet.
Shortsighted idiocy. "SUPPORT". Helluva lot smarter than 3 million good tech jobs going begging with 5% UE etc.
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers

The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate

That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
Not you or your dupe friends anyway lol...
Every great power throughout history supported taxing its populous to build infrastructure, supported education and encouraged science and r&d. Society's that don't normally end up quite poor and backwards.

I think we should focus more on encouraging economic growth here at home instead of attempting to police the world. This means our people need to be educated and we need to maintain our own country.
Unfortunately, wage and benefit statistics vs company profits do not support that

Workers as a whole are treated worse than they were 30 years ago. It is not because they are dumb and lazy

In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

your 30 year wage stagnation is a result of 30 years of you sucking at your job and not giving a shit about your employer

You funny

Straight up, Comrade big guy. If you were a good employee, you would realize how much power people have over their own fates. That you don't know that and think employees are victims of their employers says what kind of employee you are

You funny..

I like how you call me "Comrade" like you are a 1950s Red scare monger

Do you come up with this stuff yourself or does mommy help you?
Hell, I live in California, and what we need is not a 68 Billion dollar rail system ( that will likey cost twice that estimate like every other government project) but rather some fucking reservoirs SO WE CAN HAVE SOME WATER.

Right on. This train is nothing but glorified Amtrak. They already have $90 round trip flights all day long every day. Now they expect you to drive 1 hour and park at Train station (fee), ride stop ride stop ride stop..........4 hours later you arrive where you could have been in 1 hour by existing plane.

And they don't have water and they could have been preparing for up coming El Nion weather cycle.

note: some say this train is to "break up" large central farmers land sites.......more control.
i believe we should merely upgrade existing railroads to be capable of 100mph, minimum if not maglev capable.

Good, idea...Tens of thousands of jobs!!!

But first, we need to maintain our infrastructure and work on our electrical infrastructure.
In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

your 30 year wage stagnation is a result of 30 years of you sucking at your job and not giving a shit about your employer

You funny

Straight up, Comrade big guy. If you were a good employee, you would realize how much power people have over their own fates. That you don't know that and think employees are victims of their employers says what kind of employee you are

You funny..

I like how you call me "Comrade" like you are a 1950s Red scare monger

Do you come up with this stuff yourself or does mommy help you?

Anyone that supports civilization and the taxes that are needed to run one is a communist to this idiot.
'Right to work' is the 'right' to get paid less, the 'right' to be denied full-time employment, the 'right' to be deny benefits, and the 'right' to lose your job for any reason through no fault of your own.

With so many 'rights' it's impossible for many Americans to find a full-time job or make a living wage.
That is the way the one percent want it. Keep the workers unstable, in fear for their jobs. Fire those who dare to stand up for themselves.

you're in fear for your job because you have a bad attitude and suck at your job.

Good workers get treated well by their employers. We aren't actually stupid, that's why we ended up with the big pile, comrade big guy

Unfortunately, wage and benefit statistics vs company profits do not support that

Workers as a whole are treated worse than they were 30 years ago. It is not because they are dumb and lazy

In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

Nixon and Reagan really fucked the pooch with free trade and lower taxes on the super rich. The economic model of the 40's, 50s and 60's worked quite well and the rich paid a hell of a lot more then today...We did well because a lot more of the population had a chance to move upwards.

A fair trade is ok but free trade needs to die. Trump is right on this one...But he is very wrong about competing with sweat shops in asia...That would be very bad news.
Good question
It used to be strong unions who fought for the workers. But with Republicans steadily degrading the influence of unions, it has become every man for himself......just like the one percent want

So, it seems like only the government has the power to stand up for workers

The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate

That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
Even a majority of Pub dupes don't support deporting 11 million people. Only ignorant racist hater dupes.
The only thing that has been reduced is the artificial power given by government to workers. Workers are as free or more than ever to unite and negotiate on actual market power
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate

That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
Even a majority of Pub dupes don't support deporting 11 million people. Only ignorant racist hater dupes.
Actually, 50% of Republicans support Trump's position on the issue.
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Wealth is produced by the workers
It is distributed by the Capitalists

No, wealth is not produced by the workers. Work is produced by the workers. Wealth is produced by taking a manufactured product (or service) and selling it at a profit. Workers don't do that, companies and CEO's do that.
Labor and management together produce wealth. Neither can be successful without the other. Without labor, there is no product. Without management there is no one to market the product.

The difference of course is that there are plenty of workers and a much smaller group of employers. The employee needs the employer more than the other way around.
Well that's like saying the chickens are more important than eggs. An employer has no product without the labor to create it and labor can produce nothing without management overseeing the business and marketing the product.

No because what you are hinting at is that both entities play an equal part. There is no truth to that.

If a person digs a hole for no reason whatsoever, he doesn't produce anything. If an employer hires a person to dig a hole, both employer and employee benefit from the profit made by the digger digging that hole.

There is no chicken and egg here. The employer comes first and always has. It's the employee that comes later on to materialize the ideas of the employer. Without an employer, there would be no employee(s).

Ideas are what creates profit--not the actual work. Work produces the product or service. Creating a market and selling that product or service for a profit is what creates wealth. Workers are merely part of the food chain, not the top of the food chain.
I think what you are describing is not just an employer but an entrepreneur(s), the person or persons who organizes and establishes the business. These people are as you say at the top of the food chain because there would be no business without them. They hire employees who manage the business who in turn hire more employees. What we're really talking about is the interdependence between capital and labor. Using the terms employer and employee are confusing because employers can also be employees. Owners of the business can be both employers and employees.
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We had a small government then the framers made it much much larger with their Constitution.
Yeah, right, they made it 1/100th of the size it is now.

Who do you think you're fooling?
As the world grew so America grew, and so did the government. I wonder how many governments decreased in size since 1790? /
Our federal government stayed about the same size proportionally until 1916 when the 16th Amendment passed. Then it exploded.

There is no reason the federal government needs to be bigger than about 5% of the economy.

BTW, America's economy didn't grow simply because other economies in the world grew. Most of them didn't grow. Ours grew because of capitalism.
Actually, Republican laws like right to work ( right to get paid less) erode the power of workers to negotiate. Throw in attacks on collective bargaining and you have workers right where the wealthy need them....hungry and desperate

That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
Even a majority of Pub dupes don't support deporting 11 million people. Only ignorant racist hater dupes.
Actually, 50% of Republicans support Trump's position on the issue.
ACTUALLY, now less than 50%
That's only true if flipping burgers is your only skill and you have to compete with cheap labor the Democrats have imported from Mexico.

Democrats are the true enemy of the working man. They are fucking traitors.
How is it that the GOP, who refuse any solution to illegals that works and love cheap, easily bullied labor, are the friend of the working man? Just insane. The New BS GOP has wrecked the nonrich the last 30 years. see sig

Donald Trump has been proposing a solution and you and your ilk are calling him a racist.

No one believes Dims actually want to solve the illegal alien problem.
Even a majority of Pub dupes don't support deporting 11 million people. Only ignorant racist hater dupes.
Actually, 50% of Republicans support Trump's position on the issue.
ACTUALLY, now less than 50%
It's 49%, shit for brains.

What do you mean "now?" I'm not aware of any previous polls on the subject.
That is the way the one percent want it. Keep the workers unstable, in fear for their jobs. Fire those who dare to stand up for themselves.

you're in fear for your job because you have a bad attitude and suck at your job.

Good workers get treated well by their employers. We aren't actually stupid, that's why we ended up with the big pile, comrade big guy

Unfortunately, wage and benefit statistics vs company profits do not support that

Workers as a whole are treated worse than they were 30 years ago. It is not because they are dumb and lazy

In fairness, I am not saying "workers" are dumb and lazy, I'm saying you are. I have a business full of good employees. I own a business with three product lines, and I do management consulting on the side. I've been in Europe for 4 of the last six months. I'm here now. They run the business for me, and do a great job. They don't need your beloved big government, not at all. They don't suck as employees and they care about the company they work for. That's what gets us all ahead.

Nice story but.......How does that compensate for the 30 year trend of lower wages and benefits even during times of rising corporate profit?

Nixon and Reagan really fucked the pooch with free trade and lower taxes on the super rich. The economic model of the 40's, 50s and 60's worked quite well and the rich paid a hell of a lot more then today...We did well because a lot more of the population had a chance to move upwards.

A fair trade is ok but free trade needs to die. Trump is right on this one...But he is very wrong about competing with sweat shops in asia...That would be very bad news.

Funny how you omitted Clinton when speaking of free trade.

If you think isolationism would work, I think you need to learn a little bit more about our economy.

The rich of yesteryear did pay more back then than today. But there was not many places for them to go. Today is an entirely different era. Today, if you increase taxes too much, the rich will respond by moving the hell out of the country. We've seen this full force the last couple of decades when it comes to jobs.

The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay close to 70% of all collected federal income tax. If that's not enough, how much should the top 10% pay?
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Every great power throughout history supported taxing its populous to build infrastructure, supported education and encouraged science and r&d. Society's that don't normally end up quite poor and backwards.

I think we should focus more on encouraging economic growth here at home instead of attempting to police the world. This means our people need to be educated and we need to maintain our own country.

The world police was not a job opening that we applied for, but somebody has to be the world police. If we don't want to be, think of who has the power to gladly take our place.
Our Federal Government was never set up to be some employment center for the people in this country. they have agencies after agency that is worthless and is now out of control making up their own rules and laws without YOUR say on it and GOING over your Representation in Congress. everyone should be in favor of cutting out some of these agencies. start with the EPA, DOE, NEA, cut down the IRS and lets get it done. take back your Federal government. as it now they are STEAMROLLING over us and save US SOME MONEY of having to FEED this Monster

We all have State Governments. that is how we were set up to run. the Feds were to protect us not be a nanny.
States Rights, the conservative code for bigotry and big corp duped greedy..
Gov't should help with supporting training for jobs going begging now.

It's not the job of federal government to train you for a job.

You cradle-to-gravers will be the end of this country yet.
Shortsighted idiocy. "SUPPORT". Helluva lot smarter than 3 million good tech jobs going begging with 5% UE etc.

If you want a tech job, go out and get one, just don't expect me to pay for it.
as I recall it allowed them to create a data base of billions of connected telephone numbers so that if you were ever implicated as a terrorist the FBI could learn your associates and then listen in on your calls after securing permission from a FISA court. This is 1000% minor compared to what Census Bureaus, IRS, credit card companies, health insurance companies, etc know.

Thanks a lot 'Small Government' Republicans. You expanded the size and scope of Government beyond anyone's worst expectations. Homeland Security, Patriot Act, NDAA, and massive NSA spying. Thanks again guys. :(

What were the Republicans supposed to do? After 911, the first complaint by the left was how our Republican government left us unprotected; how they used OUR cell phones; how they used OUR e-mail for communications; how some of these jokers were known to be in terrorist organizations.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

You guys have conributed heavily to the rapid massive expansion of the size of our Government. You're just as bad, if not worse than Communists/Progressives.

So we have terrorists coming over our border, getting on airplanes, killing thousands of Americans, and your libertarian position is to do nothing? Maybe that's why we'll never see a Libertarian President in our lifetime.

There is a piece I would like you to read, it's called the US Constitution. The founders charged our leaders with the protection of our country. It's their duty to protect us from enemies within or outside of our borders.

Maybe our founders were big government people too.......at least by your standards.

Maybe your Government should stop starting wars all over the world? That would be a good start to really securing our country. And i've always supported securing our border. I supported it when it wasn't fashionable for you Johnny-Come-Latelys to. You 'Small Government Republicans' opposed it for years. You couldn't get enough of your Slave Labor.

So, you really wanna secure our country? End the Permanant War and secure our border. We don't need Big Brother taking our rights away in the name of 'Security.' Our Founding Fathers would be appalled at what our Government is doing.

No, they would actually applaud them--at least when it comes to securing the country.

What they would object to is our federal government being in every nook and cranny of our life; from forced healthcare to telling us what we should eat or weigh; From robbing the rich and supporting the lazy.

And how is it my rights were never violated and yours were? Can you tell me what rights you were denied of or what rights of yours were violated?

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