"Smaller government" advocates

I was posting why I don't get it. I don't get why someone would say they support something when they don't support it? Do you understand why someone would do that?
Yeah because they mistake a handful of examples as emblematic of the whole and are too intellectually lazy to do any research on the subject. So their answer more often than not is; attempt a straw man that reinforces their existing beliefs to themselves.

There are plenty of resources out there that examine the concept of "smaller" government in great detail... everything from thoughtful anarcho-capitalists to run of the mill strict constructionists (and A LOT in between). Perhaps you should take an objective listen to what they have to say and then make up your mind from an informed perspective instead of just listening to some 10 second sound byte with Joe Yokel on "the news" that has no understanding of the subject beyond the fact that it sounds cool as a bumper sticker slogan.

Godspeed in your quest for knowledge and understanding, I wish you well. :)

"The State's criminality is nothing new and nothing to be wondered at. It began when the first predatory group of men clustered together and formed the State, and it will continue as long as the State exists in the world, because the State is fundamentally an anti-social institution, fundamentally criminal. The idea that the State originated to serve any kind of social purpose is completely unhistorical. It originated in conquest and confiscation—that is to say, in crime. It originated for the purpose of maintaining the division of society into an owning-and-exploiting class and a propertyless dependent class — that is, for a criminal purpose.

No State known to history originated in any other manner, or for any other purpose. Like all predatory or parasitic institutions, its first instinct is that of self-preservation. All its enterprises are directed first towards preserving its own life, and, second, towards increasing its own power and enlarging the scope of its own activity. For the sake of this it will, and regularly does, commit any crime which circumstances make expedient."
-- Albert Jay Nock, the Criminality of the State

So your argument is what? Oh, wait, you don't have one, yours is to just attack me for making a point.

There might be loads of stuff about small government out there. That's no my point. My point is about those who claim to support smaller govt.
Yes, you protest being attacked while attacking those with whom you disagree.
Thread FAIL
Taxpayers are not forced. Our tax structure is established by legislators elected by We the People
LOL, what an ignorant rebuttal, since when does theft become moral simply because "the majority" voted for it? If you take the property of a peaceful citizen against their will it's called theft and no amount of voting will ever make it moral.

If the majority votes to take your house away from you and give it to somebody it deems more deserving would you call that moral ? Of course you wouldn't because you would be the direct victim of the theft, but you're perfectly okay if government force is utilized against some other peaceful citizen as long as you agree with the governments purported purpose of said theft.

Of course you'd understand that concept if you actually had a grasp on morality but since you obviously don't I expect it'll fly right over your head.
Taxation is not theft

It is the price you pay to belong to a civilized society


Bullshit. Taxation is indistinguishable from armed robbery and extortion. None of you leftist turds have ever managed to post a credible argument contradicting that fact.
Taxpayers are not forced. Our tax structure is established by legislators elected by We the People
LOL, what an ignorant rebuttal, since when does theft become moral simply because "the majority" voted for it? If you take the property of a peaceful citizen against their will it's called theft and no amount of voting will ever make it moral.

If the majority votes to take your house away from you and give it to somebody it deems more deserving would you call that moral ? Of course you wouldn't because you would be the direct victim of the theft, but you're perfectly okay if government force is utilized against some other peaceful citizen as long as you agree with the governments purported purpose of said theft.

Of course you'd understand that concept if you actually had a grasp on morality but since you obviously don't I expect it'll fly right over your head.
Taxation is not theft

It is the price you pay to belong to a free society

LOL, As I expected you have no grasp on the concept of the morality therefore you continue with your weak attempts to justify immorality. You don't seem to get that
a.) A "free society" cannot exist in an environment where government initiates force against peaceful citizens
b.) Our current system of taxation isn't a price tag since it's not uniform, bi-directional, voluntary nor quantifying any specific value proposition.

Now, would it be possible for you to post something OTHER than bumper sticker slogans? Isn't there some small part of your brain that is still capable of independent thought or did you sell the entire thing to Democrats?
Yes our tyrannical Gubmint using force against our beleaguered masses

No taxation is not uniform. Only a moron would expect those in poverty to pay the same as the mega wealthy

I expect them to pay the same percentage. No one should be able to hoot for higher taxes on others while they exempt themselves.
That has never been the governments main duty

Social Programs do more for our citizens than the military does

You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?

Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?

Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating

No it doesn't. Leftists take a big crap on the working man by bringing in cheap labor from third world countries to take his job from him.
You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?

Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating

I am sure you fuckers are "looking out" for them. How do you parasites call them.........I believe you refer to them as the "suckers".

Sorry; that is not the case regarding our social safety nets in one of the richest economies in the world.
What exactly "is not the case"?, the fact that resources are not infinite or the fact that only 18 cents of every subsidy dollar goes to people that are actually POOR (i.e. below the poverty line)? I do however accept your apology for not being able to formulate a coherent rebuttal, you're obviously resource constrained.

Why not just admit, the right fails to adore a god by being repugnant to a moral of "goodwill toward men"; and move forward from there.
Because your "argument" is a simplistic fantasy and no amount of partisan talking point regurgitation on your part is going to change that fact. The fact of the matter is both "the left" and "the right" are responsible for the completely ineffectual and corrupt welfare state that exists today. When it comes to the major parties and their hyper-partisan worshippers neither side actually gives a damn about the poor beyond how they can use them as props in their petty partisan squabbles, which explains why the so-called "war on poverty" is a complete failure.

If YOU really care about the poor go out and do something to help make them NOT POOR instead of spending time regurgitating partisan talking points and expecting government to do it.
Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating

No it doesn't. Leftists take a big crap on the working man by bringing in cheap labor from third world countries to take his job from him.

then lets use the RW mantra .... GET ANOTHER JOB OR TWO AND QUIT BITCHING !
New Hampshire gets along just fine with smaller government. They also don't have a sales or income tax, coincidence? I think not.
New Hampshire gets along just fine with smaller government. They also don't have a sales or income tax, coincidence? I think not.

maybe that's because NH is # 46 on the SMALLEST states in the country list ..

ya reckon?

And yet even smaller states have insanely high taxes, hence your theory is well dumb.

because why? Higher populations in a more crowded area .. nah, nothing like that.

New Hampshire gets along just fine with smaller government. They also don't have a sales or income tax, coincidence? I think not.

maybe that's because NH is # 46 on the SMALLEST states in the country list ..

ya reckon?

And yet even smaller states have insanely high taxes, hence your theory is well dumb.

because why? Higher populations in a more crowded area .. nah, nothing like that.


Its not my fault your idea was stupid geesh.
You're an imbecile. Social programs didn't exist before FDR, so how can you say that protecting citizens was not the government's main duty?

Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating

I am sure you fuckers are "looking out" for them. How do you parasites call them.........I believe you refer to them as the "suckers".

"Looking out for them" means bringing in cheap Mexican labor to take their jobs.

Libs are such astounding hypocrites.
Last edited:
Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating

No it doesn't. Leftists take a big crap on the working man by bringing in cheap labor from third world countries to take his job from him.

then lets use the RW mantra .... GET ANOTHER JOB OR TWO AND QUIT BITCHING !

"Quit bitching?" That's your answer to millions of Americans losing their jobs? That's your idea of "looking out for them?

Are you really that stupid?
New Hampshire gets along just fine with smaller government. They also don't have a sales or income tax, coincidence? I think not.

maybe that's because NH is # 46 on the SMALLEST states in the country list ..

ya reckon?

And yet even smaller states have insanely high taxes, hence your theory is well dumb.

because why? Higher populations in a more crowded area .. nah, nothing like that.


Why should that require higher taxes? If anything, it should require lower taxes. It's cheaper to provide services when people are packed together than when they are spread out over a large area.
Yes, the good ole days before FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself

A libertarian dream

Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers
Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

How would it shift to the workers?

We don't have a balanced budget. Congress just spends whether we tax the wealthy or not. If they spend money we don't have, then it's added to the deficit.
Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.

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