"Smaller government" advocates

If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.
Not higher education
It is killing the middle class

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class
I don't get people who say they want smaller government.

Mainly because I don't believe they want smaller government.

Your delusions are your own problem.

Most of the people who advocate smaller government are the sort of people who support the US having a massive armed forces.

Military budget should be cut at least 35% and probably 50.

They're the sort of people who want the government to ban same sex marriage. They're the sort of people who want the govt to ban drugs like Marijuana, perhaps even alcohol.


In other words, they're people who want the government in YOUR face, just not in their face. They're happy for big government, just so long as it doesn't step on their patch. They're not gay, they're not into recreational drugs, they're not getting invaded by the US armed forces, so they just don't care and they're happy for big government in those areas.

You seem to be projecting.

Also, I've been discussing government subsidies. Yes, we all know about welfare (for your information, before you jump on my back about it, I'm in favor of welfare based on how long you have worked, and before you've worked for 5 years you should get no welfare at all unless you're in education and doing well in your education at that, and then the longer you've worked, the more you can get, like after 10 years an increase in payments, if you need them) and the left giving money to people who really shouldn't be getting it, but this isn't what's been spoken about here, so lay off this topic.
Government subsidies to farmer and big corporations. Seem the right is all in favor of handing out money to rich people. Seems strange to talk about smaller govt one minute, then advocate govt giving out loads of money to businesses the next minute.

All subsidies should be ended.

Does anyone actually, really, truly, support smaller government?


My delusions huh? So, someone says they want smaller government then spouts off about wanting things that are larger government, and this is my delusion?

As for the rest of the post, you didn't put any effort into it, did you? Basically it was a waste of your time and my time that you wrote this.
"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.
Not higher education
It is killing the middle class

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Those liberal run colleges are really raking people over the coals.
It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.
Not higher education
It is killing the middle class

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Those liberal run colleges are really raking people over the coals.
Completely silly

It is all colleges including technical colleges. Blaming liberals is not the solution
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.
Not higher education
It is killing the middle class

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Those liberal run colleges are really raking people over the coals.
Completely silly

It is all colleges including technical colleges. Blaming liberals is not the solution

It may not be the solution, but it's the absolute truth. Look at our elementary schools, who are running those? The US spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for it.
Yes I support smaller government because we all know though not all are willing to admit there is a lot of waste in government that could be reduced or eliminated altogether. Yes that includes the military before any of the left ask.
Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers

Education is funded mostly with property taxes. Government healthcare doesn't help the economy. The massive taxes to pay for it positively harm the economy.
Not higher education
It is killing the middle class

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Those liberal run colleges are really raking people over the coals.
Completely silly

It is all colleges including technical colleges. Blaming liberals is not the solution

It may not be the solution, but it's the absolute truth. Look at our elementary schools, who are running those? The US spends more per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for it.

The purpose of public education is to provide gainful employment to powerful labor unions like the NEA.

They also dumb down the populace.

Intelligent Americans would have descended upon DC after finding out that Obama Hellcare was enacted in SECRET in 2008. During a "special" SENATE session at 2AM during snowy Xmas Eve.

The zombified product of public education just continued to pick their noses .

Harry Reid (D-USSR) got away with murder.

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

More reason we need healthcare for all
Yep, the good ol' days AFTER FDR
Rampant poverty, dust bowls, soup lines, massive migrations looking for work. Every man for himself, gargantuan welfare/warfare police state

A socialist/fascist dream.


If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers
That may be the rationalization in which you believe, but it is not based in fact.
First, it is not the job of the federal government to "provide help" for anyone.
We do however, as a society have a duty to insure those who are incapable of the pursuit of life liberty and happiness have the opportunity to to do so.
You assume that a general increase in taxes( leave the wealthy out of it because any tax increases must apply to all) in the short run may result in an increase in revenue, but over the long term the opposite is ALWAYS true. As taxes increase, the funding available to build, expand, invest and create is removed from the economy....
In a market based economy, only a healthy and growing private sector is capable of expanding the flow of revenue to govt coffers.
I must ask....Why is it you believe that all economic health MUST begin and end with government?
Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

More reason we need healthcare for all

More reason we need AFFORDABLE healthcare for all which can ONLY be provided by the FREE MARKETPLACE.
Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

More reason we need healthcare for all

More reason we need AFFORDABLE healthcare for all which can ONLY be provided by the FREE MARKETPLACE.

Articles: How the GOP Can Dominate Politics Past 2020

At least part of the answer is in the above op/ed piece.
Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy for the middle class

Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

More reason we need healthcare for all
Genius. But for the interference of the federal government in the health insurance and medical care industries, none of this would have occurred.
Government bureaucrats need to justify their paychecks. In typical fashion these people will swoop in to "fix" something, screw it up and then claim to have the solution to the problem.....A problem THEY created.....
You want to know why so many fewer employers provide health insurance for their workers? Because the federal govt created the monster that drives the cost of insurance and care. Do you really think that a new tax will solve this issue?
Because at the end of the day what you refer to as "healthcare for all" ( a euphemism for single payer) is merely going to result in a massive tax increase on goods services and income. Same as Obamacare. Even the POTUS ruled ACA is a tax.
Of course anyone with a healthy awareness of cynicism will peel back the layers of the onion and discover that you libs don't give two shits about the poor or how much money the govt can confiscate from the producers. Your entire pro tax platform is based on punishing those who you view as "having more" than your comfort level allows.
You nor the federal government get punish people just because you don't like them
Last edited:
Mr. Dingle Berry, Sir

Check medical costs BEFORE 1966 - then check medical costs AFTER 1966.

What happened in 1966 that made medical costs UNAFFORDABLE for many Americans?

Medicaid and Medicare.
There are many things that have happened after 1966

Can you demonstrate cause and effect or are you just looking for a scapegoat?


A parasite like you will do nothing.

Obama Hellcare is a blessing for you stupid fucks

More reason we need healthcare for all

More reason we need AFFORDABLE healthcare for all which can ONLY be provided by the FREE MARKETPLACE.

Articles: How the GOP Can Dominate Politics Past 2020

At least part of the answer is in the above op/ed piece.

Sorry, I am old enough to know that once the federal government adopts a law it will remain the law. Reason the federal government is now a behemoth.

The Republicans will do NOTHING that threatens the status quo.

we are fucked.

If looking out for fellow Americans is your view of socialism/fascism......maybe it is not so bad

"Looking out for fellow Americans" is a leftist euphemism meaning to loot the productive for the benefit of ticks on the ass of society. It means organized plunder and robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means your nothing but a cheap thug.

It also means to look out for those who are actually doing the work in this country. Those who actually create the wealth but see less and less of it. Those whose piece of the American Dream is rapidly evaporating
Nonsense. Your premise is a fail on its face as you once again equate taxation with prosperity
Here is how it works

Lower taxation on the wealthy means less revenue available to help the poor and working class. Meaning more of the burden for things like education and healthcare shifts to the workers
That may be the rationalization in which you believe, but it is not based in fact.
First, it is not the job of the federal government to "provide help" for anyone.
We do however, as a society have a duty to insure those who are incapable of the pursuit of life liberty and happiness have the opportunity to to do so.
You assume that a general increase in taxes( leave the wealthy out of it because any tax increases must apply to all) in the short run may result in an increase in revenue, but over the long term the opposite is ALWAYS true. As taxes increase, the funding available to build, expand, invest and create is removed from the economy....
In a market based economy, only a healthy and growing private sector is capable of expanding the flow of revenue to govt coffers.
I must ask....Why is it you believe that all economic health MUST begin and end with government?
It is the job of government to provide help if we elect them to do so

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