Smaller Majority "Extremely Proud" to Be an American

How proud are you of being an American?

  • Extremely proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Very proud

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Not very proud

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Never been proud of being American

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
this survey seems to indicate that the left wingers are in the minority.

Bottom Line

Americans' likelihood of saying that they are "extremely proud" to be an American has returned to where it was in early 2001, before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. While slightly more than half of Americans are now extremely proud to be an American, more than nine in 10 are at least moderately proud. This suggests that patriotism is still very much alive in the U.S., even if the fervor is slightly less than it was after 9/11.

The reading of 54% in early June is about the same as the 55% recorded when Gallup first asked the question nearly 15 years ago, at the tail end of Bill Clinton's presidency. This indicates that patriotism is not necessarily a fixed characteristic, but can vary depending on circumstances -- most notably when the U.S. is under duress, as was the case after the events of 9/11 and the build-up to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I am proud of where we have been in history.

I am not proud of where we are now. The government has been largely homogenized, with any opposition against the forces that seek Obama's "fundamental transformation" weak at best, and frankly, a huge part of the population have been so dumbed down and degenerated by media, culture and the public education system under the control of the Democrats that they are incapable of exercising common sense, much less rational thought.
Yes, Americans are proud to be American.

That is why ACA and Marriage Equality and Fair Housing and FairPayForHoursWorked are so important to Americans.
Being an American is nothing more than an accident of birth so its an empty phrase. Its like those feel-good bumper stickers that say "support our troops" when, in fact, most people do nothing to actually support our troops.

This is empty rhetoric and exactly the sort of thing RWs line up for. But, in fact, those are the very same people who are against the most important principles of the US.

In another thread, the RWs are applauding bunch of biker thugs for beating up people who burned the flag. And g-a-w-d - the wing nuts want nothing as much as they want certain segments denied basic American rights.
Being proud to be an American means different things to different people.

And that is part of what makes America great.

That the diversity is embraced and not divisive.

Yes, I am proud to be part of that diversity and see it as one of this nation's greatest strengths.
Being an American is nothing more than an accident of birth so its an empty phrase. Its like those feel-good bumper stickers that say "support our troops" when, in fact, most people do nothing to actually support our troops.

This is empty rhetoric and exactly the sort of thing RWs line up for. But, in fact, those are the very same people who are against the most important principles of the US.

In another thread, the RWs are applauding bunch of biker thugs for beating up people who burned the flag. And g-a-w-d - the wing nuts want nothing as much as they want certain segments denied basic American rights.

And in spite of that the extremist right never prevails in the long run.

This nation was founded on liberalism and each day it inches towards being ever more liberal in spite of the outrage of those who are being dragged along, kicking and screaming, because it takes them out of their "comfort zone".
Being proud to be an American means different things to different people.

And that is part of what makes America great.

That the diversity is embraced and not divisive.

Yes, I am proud to be part of that diversity and see it as one of this nation's greatest strengths.

And yet, its that very diversity that some Americans hate and fear.

I suspect there's some confusion about the question and that some are reading it as "proud OF America". We certainly have a lot to be proud of but also a lot to be ashamed of - like our treatment of Blacks, Hispanics, women, children, gays ...

We have a lot to be proud of in our president - creation of jobs, economic recovery, saved American auto industry, ACA, the strongest economy on the planet and so much more.
There isn't much of America to be proud of. There isn't much of America to be worth surviving either.
Being an American is nothing more than an accident of birth so its an empty phrase. Its like those feel-good bumper stickers that say "support our troops" when, in fact, most people do nothing to actually support our troops.

This is empty rhetoric and exactly the sort of thing RWs line up for. But, in fact, those are the very same people who are against the most important principles of the US.

In another thread, the RWs are applauding bunch of biker thugs for beating up people who burned the flag. And g-a-w-d - the wing nuts want nothing as much as they want certain segments denied basic American rights.

That's right s0n.......thread started by me and Im still laughing my balls off. Lots of people who have been sitting on their hands for the past couple of decades are starting to get sick and tired of the entitlement sentiment and anti-tradition attitudes we hear every day from the limpwristed left, prideful of their boot licking. Happy to say, the division is at that point now.......and it should be.

The k00k left, well represented on this board, have no clue about principles..........the principles that tens of millions of other Americans hold dear. Oh.....and when push comes to shove, damn glad Im on their side!!!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Being an American is nothing more than an accident of birth so its an empty phrase. Its like those feel-good bumper stickers that say "support our troops" when, in fact, most people do nothing to actually support our troops.

This is empty rhetoric and exactly the sort of thing RWs line up for. But, in fact, those are the very same people who are against the most important principles of the US.

In another thread, the RWs are applauding bunch of biker thugs for beating up people who burned the flag. And g-a-w-d - the wing nuts want nothing as much as they want certain segments denied basic American rights.

That's right s0n.......thread started by me and Im still laughing my balls off. Lots of people who have been sitting on their hands for the past couple of decades are starting to get sick and tired of the entitlement sentiment and anti-tradition attitudes we hear every day from the limpwristed left, prideful of their boot licking. Happy to say, the division is at that point now.......and it should be.

The k00k left, well represented on this board, have no clue about principles..........the principles that tens of millions of other Americans hold dear. Oh.....and when push comes to shove, damn glad Im on their side!!!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
After 50 years of watching the majority pile shit on the minority in this nation I am enjoying the change.....Now if we could get corporate America out of the govt....
Being part Indian I had to grow up listening to anti-Indian bullshit..Nothing forced people to say what they wanted to say, they did it freely...Yet looking Caucasian they never thought I was part Indian.....So I've heard all the disparaging racial slurs from honkies for many years...Oh and I'm part Irish which makes me even more of a social outcast....
Proud to be me, as an American......sure, but you will not catch me acting white...
Progressives are such stoopid fucks.........they hide behind this ghey intellectualism bs, hate their own country and automatically think those on the right are just going to fall into line and follow them over the cliff. just don't see in the media the level of passion towards ideals those on the right hold dear. New York they passed the "SAFE ACT" in 2013..........banning "assault weapons" and forcing New York residents to register their arms.

How many have complied?


Less than 4.5 of the assault weapons in New York were registered in THEE RANT Forum

Even less have complied with the same law in Connecticut!!!

Meanwhile, the intellectual left is sitting around automatically assuming that the 2nd amendment is going to go bye-bye soon!!!

The limpwristed intellectual left thinks somehow that "America" means that deeply held beliefs will be easily discarded because it is the civil thing to do in our society, of course, completely ignoring that in the history of the world, disagreements of this sort NEVER end peaceably. THATS just fact. Oh......and America is going to be different? about, I don't fucking think so!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_dance:
Meanwhile, the intellectual left is sitting around automatically assuming that the 2nd amendment is going to go bye-bye soon!!!

Sorry dipshit, no we do not sit around and worry about your guns or ammo....there may be some anti-gun owning groups, but it does not encompass all the left...derp...
Pride is an emotion best reserved for personal accomplishments.

Winning a birthing lottery is not a personal accomplishment, it's just the luck of the draw.

I would say I feel fortunate (or lucky) to have won that birthing lottery.
Being part Indian I had to grow up listening to anti-Indian bullshit..Nothing forced people to say what they wanted to say, they did it freely...Yet looking Caucasian they never thought I was part Indian.....So I've heard all the disparaging racial slurs from honkies for many years...Oh and I'm part Irish which makes me even more of a social outcast....

Oh Gawd.........Im of the same exact nationality as you. Buckle up your chinstrap s0n...........
I am proud of America, of being American, of serving in the Army for more than a decade on active duty.

Since 1964, there has been much to be proud of and much to ashamed of. All one can do is work to make a better America for all of us.
Being part Indian I had to grow up listening to anti-Indian bullshit..Nothing forced people to say what they wanted to say, they did it freely...Yet looking Caucasian they never thought I was part Indian.....So I've heard all the disparaging racial slurs from honkies for many years...Oh and I'm part Irish which makes me even more of a social outcast....

Oh Gawd.........Im of the same exact nationality as you. Buckle up your chinstrap s0n...........
Then alcoholism is your hobby?

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