Smart Conservatives like Gingrich


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
the lib media is befuddled by those types.

don't know how to handle them

usually go digging up past-history
Oh... so a candidate's history should be off limits? Wow... then I guess the radical right was/is wrong in regards to Obama?
If by "smart" Conservative you mean "a Conservative when the wind is blowing the right way, and a Liberal when it's blowing the other way", then Newt is a "smart" Conservative.
the lib media is befuddled by those types.

don't know how to handle them

usually go digging up past-history
Getrich is a Conservative? if obama is a conservative I guess getrich is one too.
Oh... so a candidate's history should be off limits? Wow... then I guess the radical right was/is wrong in regards to Obama?

No. A candidates history is very important. Especially when it is a peek into how they would be as a leader. Is the person bold and has real solutions for the future? Has he/she shown successes in the past? Can they reach across the aisle? Can the person change his mind as the times change?

Look at recent history of the individual. Does the person work for the good of the country?

As a voter, I evaluate Obama on those same criteria.

1. Is he bold? No, he has exhibited indecisiveness numerous times. Foreign affairs, BP oil spill, crisis of confidence, working on the economy, going outside of his own administration for answers to problems.

2. Does he have real solutions for the future? No. He continues with the spending to bring people a temporary job at an exuberant price. Look at the perfect example of the Keystone Pipeline that he is presently stalling on. No cost to America.

3. The only real success he has had was the Health Care Reform which the leadership encouraged the Congress to vote on to see what what in the bill. Then gave waivers to Congress and friends to opt out of the boondoggle when the facts came to be known.

4. No. Obama has been divisive and not a leader. When the Super Committee was appointed, he never indicated that "failure was not an option", he just waited for the failure to announce the cuts in defense spending and entitlements to blame the Republicans,.

5. Even as the economy continued to stagnate and get worse, Obama clung to his same old tactics, wanting more stimulus and spending sprees. It was the same definition of dementia. Doing the same dang thing expecting a different result.

Looking for a conservative alternative this time around.
Oh... so a candidate's history should be off limits? Wow... then I guess the radical right was/is wrong in regards to Obama?

No. A candidates history is very important. Especially when it is a peek into how they would be as a leader. Is the person bold and has real solutions for the future? Has he/she shown successes in the past? Can they reach across the aisle? Can the person change his mind as the times change?

Look at recent history of the individual. Does the person work for the good of the country?

As a voter, I evaluate Obama on those same criteria.

1. Is he bold? No, he has exhibited indecisiveness numerous times. Foreign affairs, BP oil spill, crisis of confidence, working on the economy, going outside of his own administration for answers to problems.

2. Does he have real solutions for the future? No. He continues with the spending to bring people a temporary job at an exuberant price. Look at the perfect example of the Keystone Pipeline that he is presently stalling on. No cost to America.

3. The only real success he has had was the Health Care Reform which the leadership encouraged the Congress to vote on to see what what in the bill. Then gave waivers to Congress and friends to opt out of the boondoggle when the facts came to be known.

4. No. Obama has been divisive and not a leader. When the Super Committee was appointed, he never indicated that "failure was not an option", he just waited for the failure to announce the cuts in defense spending and entitlements to blame the Republicans,.

5. Even as the economy continued to stagnate and get worse, Obama clung to his same old tactics, wanting more stimulus and spending sprees. It was the same definition of dementia. Doing the same dang thing expecting a different result.

Looking for a conservative alternative this time around.

I'm pretty sure that 'Divisive' is Mr Gingrich's middle name.
Smart ConJobs?
More like Dumb as a Bag of Hammers.

Of the Fifty (50) RePubliCons that served under Newtie when he was Speaker of House, only TWO (02) have come in support of his being a candidate. Senator Coburn (RePuBliCon) has "Serious Doubts as to my willingness to support a President Gingrich".

Newtie divorced one wife when she was in the hospital with cancer. He married one of his high school teacher. He was fined over $300,000.00 for ethics violations.

Keep selling your ConJob Kool-Aid. Someone might even buy it.
Oh... so a candidate's history should be off limits? Wow... then I guess the radical right was/is wrong in regards to Obama?

Wow. Your reading comprehension actually got worse. I didn't even think that was possible. I stand in openmouthed wonder at your awesome ability to make yourself more ignorant and obtuse with every passing day.

Where did anyone say the left's usual mudslinging character assassinations were "off-limits"? Point is that they won't work this time, not that you aren't welcome to continue wasting time on them to your little heart's content. Hey, why don't you demand access to his divorce records? Isn't that how Obama usually wins his elections? Maybe that'll distract from what a useless creature he is THIS time, too. :lmao:
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
John Stuart Mill

but, my real concern right now is,

My TV has never been set on a Focks (not)News station before.

Will it still show Current and MSNBC after we're finished watching the latest installment of the Clown Candidates Circular Firing Squad? We have our popcorn popped but we have a really nice TV and would hate to see it catch fire or blow up and I know that's how I feel if I actually listen to a pub/bag for more than a couple of sentences cuz they're so damn dumb.

Any advice from all you scared right wingers?

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