Smart Democrats Should Be Worried

"His (Ryan's Budget) blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs onto individuals and essentially converting Medicare into a capped voucher program. It would also alter the progressive income tax system, which, like the safety net, was built through the 20th century under Republican as well as Democratic presidents."

"On Saturday, Mr. Romney’s campaign quickly circulated talking points to supporters distancing him from Mr. Ryan’s budgets, saying Mr. Romney “will be putting together his own plan.”

Link to quotes:

Can we trust Romney to protect the middle class? I believe Romney is the quintessential plutocrat and actually believes in the failed trickle down economy theory.

We are 16 trillion dollars in debt. What soical saftey net are ewe talking about?
This country is headed squarely toward a plutocracy. I also dont like the student loan cuts. Less kids in college means less educated work force which means lower paying jobs. Scary proposition. Lets make it so MORE, not less young people are getting training so as to encourage higher paying jobs. The more highly educated the work force the higher the pay they will require.

Can we trust Romney to protect the middle class? I believe Romney is the quintessential plutocrat and actually believes in the failed trickle down economy theory.

Man we can only hope he does. The last President that did ushered in the greatest peace time expansion of our economy in history. :clap2:
"His (Ryan's Budget) blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs onto individuals and essentially converting Medicare into a capped voucher program. It would also alter the progressive income tax system, which, like the safety net, was built through the 20th century under Republican as well as Democratic presidents."

"On Saturday, Mr. Romney’s campaign quickly circulated talking points to supporters distancing him from Mr. Ryan’s budgets, saying Mr. Romney “will be putting together his own plan.”

Link to quotes:

Can we trust Romney to protect the middle class? I believe Romney is the quintessential plutocrat and actually believes in the failed trickle down economy theory.

We are 16 trillion dollars in debt. What soical saftey net are ewe talking about?

I'm not talking about anything; I posted an article form the New York Times, a paper above your level of comprehension.
"His (Ryan's Budget) blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs onto individuals and essentially converting Medicare into a capped voucher program. It would also alter the progressive income tax system, which, like the safety net, was built through the 20th century under Republican as well as Democratic presidents."

"On Saturday, Mr. Romney’s campaign quickly circulated talking points to supporters distancing him from Mr. Ryan’s budgets, saying Mr. Romney “will be putting together his own plan.”

Link to quotes:

Can we trust Romney to protect the middle class? I believe Romney is the quintessential plutocrat and actually believes in the failed trickle down economy theory.

We are 16 trillion dollars in debt. What soical saftey net are ewe talking about?

I'm not talking about anything; I posted an article form the New York Times, a paper above your level of comprehension.

I don't think there is anything you will worry about.
"The Ryan plan, which Mr. Romney endorsed during the hard-fought race for the Republican presidential nomination, would cut about $6 trillion from projected spending in the first 10 years. But the plan also would cut revenues by $4 trillion, and more over time, by slashing individual and corporate income taxes. The government would not run a surplus for three decades, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office — an outcome that would have been heresy to pro-tax-cut but anti-deficit Republicans of the past"

"His (Ryan's Budget) blueprint would greatly shrink the government, largely undoing the social safety net by shifting more costs onto individuals and essentially converting Medicare into a capped voucher program. It would also alter the progressive income tax system, which, like the safety net, was built through the 20th century under Republican as well as Democratic presidents."

"On Saturday, Mr. Romney’s campaign quickly circulated talking points to supporters distancing him from Mr. Ryan’s budgets, saying Mr. Romney “will be putting together his own plan.”

Link to quotes:

Can we trust ROh yomney to protect the middle class? I believe Romney is the quintessential plutocrat and actually believes in the failed trickle down economy theory.

We are 16 trillion dollars in debt. What soical saftey net are ewe talking about?

I'm not talking about anything; I posted an article form the New York Times, a paper above your level of comprehension.

nice try asswipe. is that the same NYT that vilified an American Olympic Athele while she was in competition? Yes,, I read the muck the nYT again we are 16 trillion dollars in debt,, what fucking social safety net are ewe talking about?
Romney had been running on a platform of.......We gave Obama a chance and he failed
That tactic had no legs and Romney fell further back in the race

With the selection of Ryan, Romney is embracing extreme rightwing economic ideology. He is firmly abandoning the middle class in favor of supply side solution to our economy

Double down on Trickle Down

Ryan is almost as extreme as Obama, ie. not at all. You really need to stop spouting sound bites in an attempt to look intelligent and informed, it makes you look as dumb as rdean.
Romney had been running on a platform of.......We gave Obama a chance and he failed
That tactic had no legs and Romney fell further back in the race

With the selection of Ryan, Romney is embracing extreme rightwing economic ideology. He is firmly abandoning the middle class in favor of supply side solution to our economy

Double down on Trickle Down

Ryan is almost as extreme as Obama, ie. not at all. You really need to stop spouting sound bites in an attempt to look intelligent and informed, it makes you look as dumb as rdean.

Reform is reform; Ryan's ideas maybe reform but seem at first look to be radical. Imagine paying into social security for 30 or more years and learning on your 54th birthday the supplemental retirement income you counted on evaporated as did you IRA in October 2008?
I respectfully disagree with your points.

I think at this moment, Barack Obama really likes that Paul Ryan was chosen, that way we get to have a national referendum on Medicare and the Social Safety Net as a whole, instead of it being a referendum on him.

If Christie had been the guy, the Democrats wouldn't know wtf to do.

But Paul Ryan's budget reveals the ultimate difference between the core philosophies of both parties: Democrats say "We're stronger if we share the burden, share the pain, and share the prosperity", while Republicans say, "Every man for himself".

Cut and dry. Take it or leave it. One side says we should negotiate fixed prices for seniors and give them Medicare. The other side says we should give them a percentage of what their health care costs are and let them leave their houses and go shopping for insurance themselves.

Main Street voters are pissed: They're pissed at Wall Street for creating an economic crisis, and they're pissed at the government for enabling Wall Street, then rescuing them with our money, and now telling us we're broke as a result and so bye-bye Medicare.

With the Paul Ryan pick, everything crystallizes now into two fundamentally different visions for the future of America. Will Main St. voters decide that we should punish ourselves for what the Wall Streeters did by actually voting to gut our own health care? We'll have to see, but I highly doubt it.

You don't screw around with America's third rail like this in a general election, and the choice of Paul Ryan brings that idea front and center now.

I'd say it's game over once the Obama Super PACS start using clips from townhall meetings like this from last year-- The GOP Meets the Main Street Movement - YouTube --featuring craggy old white conservative voters yelling and booing at their Republican representatives for actually voting yes to end Medicare as we know it.

None of this would even be coming up had Pawlenty, Rubio, Christie or Portman been announced today. But no, just like McCain, Romney went and got mavericky and decided to appease the Kochs and the Cons, which is great for them and for folks like yourself who get to invent things like "smart Democrats are worried", but it's meaningless to the moderates among us out there.

For three months now Obama has been hammering away at the wishy washy Romney, and for three months people like yourself keep saying how afraid the Democrats are.

Yeah, I'm sure Obama is just shaking in his turban at the thought of that 9 point lead in the latest FOX poll.
One word...POWERFUL!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Sure to shake the confidence of the SMART Republicans; watch as they post idiotgrams in a futile effort to censor this post.

Ever wonder why whoever made that video didn't bother showing the replies to the questions?
Romney had been running on a platform of.......We gave Obama a chance and he failed
That tactic had no legs and Romney fell further back in the race

With the selection of Ryan, Romney is embracing extreme rightwing economic ideology. He is firmly abandoning the middle class in favor of supply side solution to our economy

Double down on Trickle Down

Ryan is almost as extreme as Obama, ie. not at all. You really need to stop spouting sound bites in an attempt to look intelligent and informed, it makes you look as dumb as rdean.

Ryans "non extreme" budget plan managed to hit all the rightwing talking points. Cut taxes on the wealthy, slash social spending, increase military spending, kill Medicae, kill Obamacare
Romney had been running on a platform of.......We gave Obama a chance and he failed
That tactic had no legs and Romney fell further back in the race

With the selection of Ryan, Romney is embracing extreme rightwing economic ideology. He is firmly abandoning the middle class in favor of supply side solution to our economy

Double down on Trickle Down

Ryan is almost as extreme as Obama, ie. not at all. You really need to stop spouting sound bites in an attempt to look intelligent and informed, it makes you look as dumb as rdean.

Reform is reform; Ryan's ideas maybe reform but seem at first look to be radical. Imagine paying into social security for 30 or more years and learning on your 54th birthday the supplemental retirement income you counted on evaporated as did you IRA in October 2008?

Imagine actually making a point, I actually remember when you could debate.
Romney had been running on a platform of.......We gave Obama a chance and he failed
That tactic had no legs and Romney fell further back in the race

With the selection of Ryan, Romney is embracing extreme rightwing economic ideology. He is firmly abandoning the middle class in favor of supply side solution to our economy

Double down on Trickle Down

Ryan is almost as extreme as Obama, ie. not at all. You really need to stop spouting sound bites in an attempt to look intelligent and informed, it makes you look as dumb as rdean.

Ryans "non extreme" budget plan managed to hit all the rightwing talking points. Cut taxes on the wealthy, slash social spending, increase military spending, kill Medicae, kill Obamacare

Ryan's budget plan actually hit quite a few of the Democratic talking points too, why don't you mention them?
"Nonpartisan analyses of Mr. Ryan’s proposed income tax cuts reached conclusions much like those of Mr. Romney’s tax proposals in recent weeks. “The tax cuts in Paul Ryan’s 2013 budget plan would result in huge benefits for high-income people and very modest — or no — benefits for low-income working households,” Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, a policy research organization, wrote in summarizing the findings of the Tax Policy Center.

"The center is a joint effort of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution that includes economists and tax experts with experience in both Republican and Democratic administrations. It concluded that a tax-code overhaul meeting Mr. Romney’s goal — a 20 percent cut in all rates without adding to annual budget deficits — would leave wealthy taxpayers with a large tax cut but 95 percent of Americans with a net tax increase once tax breaks for items like mortgage interest are curtailed to keep deficits in check."

I cherry pick because I know the willful ignorant won't bother to read an ariticle from the New York Times, link:

Entire article linked for the curious.

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