Smart money: Romney to win


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

The thought of four years of Romney as President makes me sick.

Four more years of Obama will likely kill me.

I think I will vote for Camacho.


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Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

An interesting conclusion that neglects one small fact. Both parties are trying to mae a claim the economy will increase with their leadership. Boehner seems to be backing off the ideas that crashing the economy will ensure a republican win by disgracing Obama. This is probably because of the damage done to their reputation last year by their attempts to do that. It would seem that now both parties are going to try and claim economic growth as their influence. Hence the actual purpose of the article. The economy is coming around due to the potential for romney to be president.

presently that doesn't mean shit. Since both parties are going to look to improve the economy so they can claim it as their victory it is quite probably the economy will see some improvement as we go into the end of the election. Also, the back to school and fall holiday shopping season is coming up and due to a more hopeful outlook it will probably mean people are going to loosen up their spending which they have been holding back on for the past few years. You add in a few other factors and it is actually a good bet to presently invest and drive up prices in the stock market as it will probably go up. So yeah it makes sense to bet on the next few months as being a time to invest and see your money grow.

This doesn't mean much aside from a temporary confidence in the market that will benefit those people who can get in and out quick and make money on the present upswing that can be anticipated. You push the economy up, encourage the little guys to take risks which further ups the stocks, then before the wave breaks you get the fuck out and leave the people who stay in too long holding the bag. Fuck, this is like standard stock market manipulation 101. The big money in the stock market is not in long term investments, but rather in riding the waves. It is far more likely the market people are creating a wave in the middle of election confidence in both candidates. It has nothing to do with anything other than a prediction they can manufacture an upswing to make money in IMO.

Given the reality they can make money on the up and the down market volatility is actually profitable for them. The only thing that cuts their profits is market stagnation. Do yourself a favor, figure out where the upswing is coming, figure out when they plan to break the wave. Invest in the upswing, get out before the crash when it is easy to sell, and don't worry about missing some of the upswing. Put the money into making money on the backside while the stock is falling. If you are good at this you too can make money doing nothing but moving money around. Just beware that as the little guy you are behind the curve and they will try to stick you with the payments.

This has nothing to do with the president, and everything to do with how to make money.
you have misread the market -

for 1 it is not yet August, for 2 we have not yet seen October ...
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

The thought of four years of Romney as President makes me sick.

Four more years of Obama will likely kill me.

I think I will vote for Camacho.


[ame=]President Camacho - YouTube[/ame]

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

The thought of four years of Romney as President makes me sick.

Four more years of Obama will likely kill me.

I think I will vote for Camacho.


[ame=]President Camacho - YouTube[/ame]

Nice one, is that from Idiocracy? I haven seen that one yet.
Nice one, is that from Idiocracy? I haven seen that one yet.

Yeah, great movie, and unfortunately too true.

Camacho was the highest IQ person on the planet in that story till Not Sure showed up, lol.

I'd take him any day over Mittens and Hussein.
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

The thought of four years of Romney as President makes me sick.

Four more years of Obama will likely kill me.

I think I will vote for Camacho.


[ame=]President Camacho - YouTube[/ame]


LOL, you really dont get the joke? Have you seen the movie 'Idiocracy'?
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Why would Wall Street bet on Romney? Are you suggesting Wall Street does better under Republican Presidents? You really should do some research. Wall Street has always done better under Dems.
Before putting down any hard earned money, we better wait until we hear what the Supreme Court has to say in the recount...
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Why would Wall Street bet on Romney? Are you suggesting Wall Street does better under Republican Presidents? You really should do some research. Wall Street has always done better under Dems.

No necessarily, Wall street has tanked with CArter, Clinton and Obama when you had a democratic congress......elect those republicans to stop some of their bullshit.....and maybe roll some of this crap back.
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Why would Wall Street bet on Romney? Are you suggesting Wall Street does better under Republican Presidents? You really should do some research. Wall Street has always done better under Dems.

No necessarily, Wall street has tanked with CArter, Clinton and Obama when you had a democratic congress......elect those republicans to stop some of their bullshit.....and maybe roll some of this crap back.

Under Carter, everything tanked mostly due to the high interest rates, but Volker was supposedly trying to control inflation. I still don't buy into it, but everything was a mess. Under Clinton, the Dow went form 3300 to over 10,000, and under Obama, it he inherited a crashing market that was around 8000 then dropped to 6600 before beginning it's return to nearly 13,000 now. Under GW? Went from 10,600 to 8000, so a 20 plus percent loss in eight years. Under Reagan, it went from around 900 to 2800, so a good return. Overall though, facts are facts; the markets historically have done better under Dems.
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Why would Wall Street bet on Romney? Are you suggesting Wall Street does better under Republican Presidents? You really should do some research. Wall Street has always done better under Dems.

No necessarily, Wall street has tanked with CArter, Clinton and Obama when you had a democratic congress......elect those republicans to stop some of their bullshit.....and maybe roll some of this crap back.

You have almost gotten there. Take away the bias and look. Big money, aka the stock market, prefers the president and congressional majority to be different. A government fighting itself is not fighting corrupt business practices. A united congress and president don't need as much money to fight with each other and would be harder to lobby. It is also dangerous for business in that a united congress and president are also able to strong arm businesses a lot easier. Mixed power means that if one side is after you, you can go with the other side. If one side doesn't have power you cannot do that.

One of my problems right now is the stupification of the republican party. When either side comes into power it means bigger government. The dems are tyrant babysitters, and the reps are tyrant moral police. I actually prefer the two sides to be opposed and one in control of the presidency and one in control of congress up until the past decade where the reps have just lost their collective minds. The republicans have become too embroiled in their battles. There should be a point where you can get a bipartisan law that is good passed because enough of one side or the other will cross the lines based on necessity. The dems still do that, but the republicans have become too unified. It is good to have a few extremists on both sides making their arguments, but the mass should be near the middle, and not be flowing towards the fringe.
Smart money: Romney to win

Why would anyone want to bet on Papa Obama winning ?
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Care to bet sig lines on it?

Well? :deal:?
Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November

With just 100 days left until the U.S. presidential election, investors are beginning to make bigger bets on which candidate will carry the day.

One analysis concludes that last week's sharp three-day market surge can only mean that Wall Street is banking on a victory from Republican Mitt Romney.'

Wall Street Already Betting On Who Wins in November - U.S. Election 2012 - CNBC

Why would Wall Street bet on Romney? Are you suggesting Wall Street does better under Republican Presidents? You really should do some research. Wall Street has always done better under Dems.

No necessarily, Wall street has tanked with CArter, Clinton and Obama when you had a democratic congress......elect those republicans to stop some of their bullshit.....and maybe roll some of this crap back.

Obama had a Democratic Congress from Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2011.

The SP500 went from 805 to 1280.

Stop posting stupid shit.

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