‘Smug Canadian superiority complex’ contributes to immigrant talent being underused, study says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is what happens in police states and a contributing factor to Canadas dead innovation.

You employ a quasi-caste system in which police from the RCMP, OPP on down to the lowly Peel Region, TPS and others are overpaid and unaccountable. They determine the outcome of lives. You can be a brilliant person with ambitious and immense aspirations and they will be squashed by the apparatus. Ditto for immigrants of course.

I've said it before, if Elon Musk had migrated to Canada rather than America he'd be driving a truck or working in a warehouse today. As I told you America, follow our footsteps at your own peril. Don't believe what you are told by those who have a conflict of interest in convincing you of that which isn't true. I was one of the top achievers at a dynamic U.S tech corporation and the Creepy Ones undermined my career.

We lost many jobs back to the U.S thanks to their efforts. Jobs I worked hard to attract with my performance. One of many in this country who have suffered this fate. You can be sure our desperate economy wishes we had those jobs today.

A “smug Canadian superiority complex” that is quick to dismiss immigrants’ ideas and experience as “not the way we do things” is among the contributors to the underutilization of immigrant talent in this country, says a new report.

That mindset stemming from “Canadian complacency” prevents employers from hiring and integrating newcomers, and hinders promotions and retention of immigrant talents, according to business, government and civil society leaders who participated in the survey by Deloitte Canada and the Institute for Canadian Citizenship.

“Immigrant talent not only alleviates workforce shortages, but also delivers significant competitive advantages in domestic and global markets,” said the report, titled “Talent to win,” that was released on Tuesday.
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This is what happens in police states and a contributing factor to Canadas dead innovation.
So you begin with making it obvious that this is about your own paranoia over the police harassing you!
“Immigrant talent not only alleviates workforce shortages, but also delivers significant competitive advantages in domestic and global markets,” said the report, titled “Talent to win,” that was released on Tuesday.
I can readily agree on that, but the idea is poison to all the Americans on this board!

It's Canada that is inviting immigrants to come for the reasons stated!

Americans are convinced that they are stealing their jobs.
So you begin with making it obvious that this is about your own paranoia over the police harassing you!

I can readily agree on that, but the idea is poison to all the Americans on this board!

It's Canada that is inviting immigrants to come for the reasons stated!

Americans are convinced that they are stealing their jobs.

You're a gem. A bad liar, but a gem...to someone I'm sure.

Your dishonesty reminds me of someone

I have more important matters to tend to than you and your fantasies.

So do those whose job it is to understand what we represent. All to benefit the cult of liars.

I'd say such unaccountable tactics that undermine the efforts our politicians apply to improve our reputation and credibility represent a national security threat.

Not one person was saved. Not one crime prevented. Not one Canadian outside of the cult benefiting.

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