Smugglers climbing Trump's multi-billion dollar wall with $5 rebar ladders

Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

And your solution tear the wall down? Or build a bigger and better one?

What is your point?

If someone has to explain to you why it is a monumental waste of money and environmental disaster, it would explain why you support it in the first place.
Perhaps if the politicians actually did something besides talk for many decades which has actually half destroyed one major party and move the other one to the left with it, the wall would not be necessary.

I'm sure that Mexico will soon write a check for the wall which will stop Mexicans from overstaying their visa's.
You think a multi-million dollar wall that can easily be easily breached lots of different ways, the latest being a couple of pieces of rebar, is a good idea, and you want to call me dumb. Yep that;s funny.

How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

The 8 year old had her clmbing instructor dad helping her and professional mountain climbing equipment.

THanks for proving my point that you libs just say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
Open the border to hunting. No wall necessary.

You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

And your solution tear the wall down? Or build a bigger and better one?

What is your point?
Tear that Mofo down

Let’s see you remove your front door and put a big sign, free lodging.
Oh, so sorry, someone else already won "dumbest post of the thread" for that comment. Better luck next thread.

Yes I know, righteringer won it.

It is stupid, that’s the point. How dumb can someone be to want to tear down our international barrier?
Not dumb, just anti-American
Over/ Under / Around or Through ... Donnie’s wall Is doggy doo (actually doggie doo might create a more substantial barrier at fraction of the cost) :)
Another thread where the left shows they will forever, do nothing but criticize ANY attempt to stop or slow down illegal immigration.
How do you build a 30-foot ladder with "a couple of pieces of rebar"? LOL

Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

The 8 year old had her clmbing instructor dad helping her and professional mountain climbing equipment.

THanks for proving my point that you libs just say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
Open the border to hunting. No wall necessary.

You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all of them. They do have a choice.
Why would you need a 30 ft ladder? It's already been shown that even an 8 year old girl can easily climb to the top of the bollards with no help. 6 or 8 feet of rebar makes it easier to get over the top few feet.

The 8 year old had her clmbing instructor dad helping her and professional mountain climbing equipment.

THanks for proving my point that you libs just say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
Open the border to hunting. No wall necessary.

You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all of them. They do have a choice.

As do you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

Good....I want them to have to use a ladder.....I see it got them detected.
That's good enough for me....finish the wall. You idiot...did you even read the whole article.
Apprehensions have doubled since the wall went up in those think that's pro immigration? You are out of your mind.

Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

Good....I want them to have to use a ladder.....I see it got them detected.
That's good enough for me....finish the wall. You idiot...did you even read the whole article.
Apprehensions have doubled since the wall went up in those think that's pro immigration? You are out of your mind.


Apparently, you missed the part where they find the used ladders lo0ng after they have been used and abandoned.
The 8 year old had her clmbing instructor dad helping her and professional mountain climbing equipment.

THanks for proving my point that you libs just say shit, and it don't mean nuthin.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
Open the border to hunting. No wall necessary.

You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all of them. They do have a choice.

As do you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. I choose to have open season on invaders.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all of them. They do have a choice.

As do you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. I choose to have open season on invaders.

So you share the same ideology as the El Paso Walmart killer? Good to know.
Ever watched a tree trimmer? Most anymore are Mexican.
You are really obsessed with killing brown people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Are you insinuating that ALL brown people are criminals?

Nope. I’m stating a fact that you want brown people dead.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all of them. They do have a choice.

As do you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. I choose to have open season on invaders.

As well as wanting more black women to have abortions.

Who is the REAL savage?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....
"Border Patrol apprehensions of single adults — those most likely to use the ladder method — have nearly doubled in the El Paso sector."

Yet, more illegals have been deported during the Obama years than the Trump years. it was probably the fault of the Muslims, or maybe Hillary...
Bullshit claim.
High deportation figures are misleading
I once worked in construction.

That rebar form isn't a ladder. .. :cool:

Call it anything you want. They are using it to climb over the wall, dumb ass.

So are they coming across in droves?

Better than no wall, isn't it?

Millions of dollars for a wall that everybody knew wouldn't work. You Trumpbotts aren't very smart, are you?

So, are you really too stupid to know how walls work? Or are you just pretending to be this stupid, so you have an excuse for your stupid position on this issue?
More name-calling from someone who complained about name-calling.

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