Smugglers climbing Trump's multi-billion dollar wall with $5 rebar ladders

This is why I keep saying the wall needs to be enhanced with sharpshooters. After picking off a few assholes who make it to the top of the wall, the rest would scatter like cockroaches and vamoose.
And the MINE FIELDS, never forget the mine fields.
Simplistic band-aids like walls aren't going to make things better. Only effectively address core causes can do that.
Yeah, thats why no prison has walls,....oh, wait they ALL have ineffective walls.

Now why do they do that? :D
This is why I keep saying the wall needs to be enhanced with sharpshooters. After picking off a few assholes who make it to the top of the wall, the rest would scatter like cockroaches and vamoose.
And the MINE FIELDS, never forget the mine fields.

If we're gonna go that far, we might as well deploy the sharks with lasers on their heads too.

It's only dumb when the Democrats attempt it: Socialism, nationalized healthcare, wiping out terrorists, building a puny border wall that you could drive a truck through, writing apps to count votes....
They just don't seem to understand concepts very well.
...or labor,....or honesty....or virtues in general....well maybe we should talk about what they do understand....graft, kickbacks,...Tammany Hall, Quid Pro Quo, acusing others of your own faults, dishonesty,...stupidity, cheating....did I say dishonesty?
Just because a few of them get across doesn't mean is "doesn't work." What not "very smart" are you idiots who just resign themselves to overrun by illegals, without ever trying to stop the flow of them.

Think about that when you're robbed, raped, or ran over by an illegal.

That's OK. Nobody expects you to admit the wall was a dumb idea. We know it was, and we know you now know it was, even if you won't admit it.

thats funny because like about ten + years ago Democrats were having the same "dumb" idea. And I know for sure they haven't gotten any smarter in the last ten years. They change their minds based on whats good for their electability to political office, their ideas fluctuate with the polls and demographics in their districts and they are the party of identity politics. Trump did not invent the concept of the border wall.
So you just admitted the wall is dumb. Dumb = Dumber.

It's only dumb when the Democrats attempt it: Socialism, nationalized healthcare, wiping out terrorists, building a puny border wall that you could drive a truck through, writing apps to count votes....

They just don't seem to understand concepts very well.
You Weaselist.

As Grand Commissar of the Weasel Party, District 24, I thank you.
This is why I keep saying the wall needs to be enhanced with sharpshooters. After picking off a few assholes who make it to the top of the wall, the rest would scatter like cockroaches and vamoose.
And the MINE FIELDS, never forget the mine fields.

If we're gonna go that far, we might as well deploy the sharks with lasers on their heads too.

And the Tee Rexes that can go invis, like I saw on that there documentary.
Why are these people willing to risk everything to cross the border?
Because they are fucking desperate.

Why are they fucking desperate?
Because their lives are miserable and they have no hope.

Why are their lives miserable, why do they have no hope?
Because their countries are shit holes.

Why are their countries shit holes?
Because of the corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The cartels, who are paying off the government and the cops to do their bidding.

How can the cartels do that?

Because they have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they can use to aggressively protect their interests.

Holy crap! Where are they getting all this money?
Drug sales.

Well, WHO are they selling all these drugs to?

Holy shit, that's right! So I guess we should feel just a tiny bit of national responsibility to turn this around so that they can stay in their countries.
No way bro! FUCK those sub-human brown people! FUCK 'EM! MAGA dude! USA! USA! USA!

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This is why I keep saying the wall needs to be enhanced with sharpshooters. After picking off a few assholes who make it to the top of the wall, the rest would scatter like cockroaches and vamoose.
And the MINE FIELDS, never forget the mine fields.

If we're gonna go that far, we might as well deploy the sharks with lasers on their heads too.

And the Tee Rexes that can go invis, like I saw on that there documentary.

Stop already. You're going to make these liberals feel like you don't take them seriously.

They see themselves as being so significant and hate when someone makes fun of them.
Why are these people willing to risk everything to cross the border?
Because they are fucking desperate.

Why are they fucking desperate?
Because their lives are miserable and they have no hope.

Why are their lives miserable, why do they have no hope?
Because their countries are shit holes.

Why are their countries shit holes?
Because of the corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The cartels, who are paying off the government and the cops.'

How can the cartels do that?
Because they have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they can use to aggressively protect their interests.

Holy crap! Where are they getting all this money?
Drug sales.

Well, WHO are they selling all these drugs to?

So I guess we should feel just a tiny bit of national responsibility to turn this around so that they can stay in their countries.
No way bro! FUCK those sub-human brown people! FUCK 'EM! MAGA dude! USA! USA! USA!


I don't do drugs.

I didn't corrupt their countries.

I didn't breed their children.

I didn't make their lives miserable.

I didn't make their countries shitholes.

So why should I have to sacrifice my freedoms and my resources to better their miserable lives? I and my ancestors fought and died to make this country a better place. If those people willing to break my country's laws in order to come here don't like their own countries, maybe they should fight and die to make their own countries as great as mine is.
Camouflaged, no less.

Smugglers helping migrants scale Trump’s border wall ‘using $5 ladders’

Well, now, who would have thought THAT would happen? You would think that they would at least until it was more than a few miles past El Paso....

And your solution tear the wall down? Or build a bigger and better one?

What is your point?

If someone has to explain to you why it is a monumental waste of money and environmental disaster, it would explain why you support it in the first place.

Do you have any idea how much money illegals cost taxpayers every year? They get free school for their kids, free emergency healthcare, they steal and destroy private and public property, they steal jobs and lower wages of citizens, they drive without insurance making us pay more for insurance, they fill our jails, and some of them destroy lives through assaults, rapes, and murders of our citizens.

An effective wall would be worth it to save us taxpayers and consumers money, as well as save many lives that wouldn’t be torn apart or ended by illegal thugs.
Why are these people willing to risk everything to cross the border?
Because they are fucking desperate.

Why are they fucking desperate?
Because their lives are miserable and they have no hope.

Why are their lives miserable, why do they have no hope?
Because their countries are shit holes.

Why are their countries shit holes?
Because of the corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The cartels, who are paying off the government and the cops.'

How can the cartels do that?
Because they have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they can use to aggressively protect their interests.

Holy crap! Where are they getting all this money?
Drug sales.

Well, WHO are they selling all these drugs to?

So I guess we should feel just a tiny bit of national responsibility to turn this around so that they can stay in their countries.
No way bro! FUCK those sub-human brown people! FUCK 'EM! MAGA dude! USA! USA! USA!


I don't do drugs.

I didn't corrupt their countries.

I didn't breed their children.

I didn't make their lives miserable.

I didn't make their countries shitholes.

So why should I have to sacrifice my freedoms and my resources to better their miserable lives? I and my ancestors fought and died to make this country a better place. If those people willing to break my country's laws in order to come here don't like their own countries, maybe they should fight and die to make their own countries as great as mine is.
Because you're an American and you understand that everything I wrote was true.

If you don't have enough pride in your country to take responsibility for it, that's on you.
Why are these people willing to risk everything to cross the border?
Because they are fucking desperate.

Why are they fucking desperate?
Because their lives are miserable and they have no hope.

Why are their lives miserable, why do they have no hope?
Because their countries are shit holes.

Why are their countries shit holes?
Because of the corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The cartels, who are paying off the government and the cops.'

How can the cartels do that?
Because they have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they can use to aggressively protect their interests.

Holy crap! Where are they getting all this money?
Drug sales.

Well, WHO are they selling all these drugs to?

So I guess we should feel just a tiny bit of national responsibility to turn this around so that they can stay in their countries.
No way bro! FUCK those sub-human brown people! FUCK 'EM! MAGA dude! USA! USA! USA!


I don't do drugs.

I didn't corrupt their countries.

I didn't breed their children.

I didn't make their lives miserable.

I didn't make their countries shitholes.

So why should I have to sacrifice my freedoms and my resources to better their miserable lives? I and my ancestors fought and died to make this country a better place. If those people willing to break my country's laws in order to come here don't like their own countries, maybe they should fight and die to make their own countries as great as mine is.
Because you're an American and you understand that everything I wrote was true.

If you don't have enough pride in your country to take responsibility for it, that's on you.

If you're so adamant about improving their overall situation, you're more than welcome to go to their country and fight and die to make their own country a better place to live.

Be sure to send a postcard.
Why are these people willing to risk everything to cross the border?
Because they are fucking desperate.

Why are they fucking desperate?
Because their lives are miserable and they have no hope.

Why are their lives miserable, why do they have no hope?
Because their countries are shit holes.

Why are their countries shit holes?
Because of the corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The cartels, who are paying off the government and the cops.'

How can the cartels do that?
Because they have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they can use to aggressively protect their interests.

Holy crap! Where are they getting all this money?
Drug sales.

Well, WHO are they selling all these drugs to?

So I guess we should feel just a tiny bit of national responsibility to turn this around so that they can stay in their countries.
No way bro! FUCK those sub-human brown people! FUCK 'EM! MAGA dude! USA! USA! USA!


I don't do drugs.

I didn't corrupt their countries.

I didn't breed their children.

I didn't make their lives miserable.

I didn't make their countries shitholes.

So why should I have to sacrifice my freedoms and my resources to better their miserable lives? I and my ancestors fought and died to make this country a better place. If those people willing to break my country's laws in order to come here don't like their own countries, maybe they should fight and die to make their own countries as great as mine is.
Because you're an American and you understand that everything I wrote was true.

If you don't have enough pride in your country to take responsibility for it, that's on you.

If you're so adamant about improving their overall situation, you're more than welcome to go to their country and fight and die to make their own country a better place to live.

Be sure to send a postcard.
I appreciate you stepping up and illustrating the last line of my post for me. Right there on the screen.

Now, no one can say I was being absurd, or unfair, or lying.

Good stuff.

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