Snail eaters Macron and Treadue vow to confront President Trump over tariffs.

I think we're about even with the EU, but the UK taking a powder .... Throw in the Asians .....

but the thing is we are not projected to be an increasing consumer market even without tariffs. That was the basic point of trade. Trading just in the US is a zero sum, esp w/o immigration.

But I still think Trump is mostly bluster, and he'll cut quota deals, but he thinks he can bully a better deal. But that may not necessarily be true if Asia decides they've had enough of him too.
They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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So you're comfortable with a trade deficit of $46 billion. No other country in the world lets themselves get screwed over as bad as the US does.
Macron and Trudeau vow to confront Trump on tariffs

We don't need their shit ... or the Germans.
And they don't need our shit.

The US is less than 5 percent of the world's consumers.

List of largest consumer markets - Wikipedia
Population US: 320 million

Population Earth: 7600 million

We are 4.2 percent of the world population.

So you seriously believe that native Sudanis = Americans as consumers? You always were an idiot
They will all trade with each other and we will sit here pretending the rest of the world does not exist all because we elected a 5 year old in a man’s body as president and his sheep will gladly follow him off the cliff...yelling MAGA as they fucking die

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So you're comfortable with a trade deficit of $46 billion. No other country in the world lets themselves get screwed over as bad as the US does.

Trade deficits are meaningless, we all run a trade deficit in our lives each and every day. A trade deficit simply means that you and I and every other American chooses to buy stuff made in other countries, why is it bad that we are exercising our freedom to buy what the hell we want to buy? Why do you want the Fed Govt trying to force you to buy certain products or products made in certain places? Are you a socialist, because that is what they like for their central government to do.

We are 106 months into the 2nd longest period of economic expansion in the history of our country, there are 100 threads on this forum alone praising the amazing economy, record setting UE rate and so much more....that would not be happening if we were getting cannot have it both ways...either we are in a booming economy or we are getting fucked...pick one

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