Snake Meat......source of chinese virus

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Does the (apparent) laboratory insertion in the report of post #419 look like DNA rather than RNA?

Botao Xiao, Lei Xiao, The Possible Origins of the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus
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'....According to municipal reports and testimonies of 31 residents and 28 visitors, bats were never a food source in the city and no bats were traded in the market....The bats carrying the CoV ZC45 were originally found in Yunnan or Zhejiang Provinces. both of which were more than 900km away from the seafood market. The probability was very low for the bats to have flown to the market....We screened the area around the seafood market and found two labs conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within 280 m of the market there was the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (WHCDC). In one of their studies, 155 bats including Rhinolophus affinis were captured in Hubei Province and 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang Province.'
The expert team cannot actually visit the epicenter:

WHO Expert Team Visits China for COVID-19 Control
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'....The epidemic-stricken Hubei is not included in the international expert team's destinations, which, according to experts, is because the province is at a vital time combating the epidemic and cannot spare time and people to receive the experts.'
Some investigations are pointing to TCM rather than the seafood market:
2019_nCoV: Rapid classification of betacoronaviruses and identification of traditional Chinese medicine as potential origin of zoonotic coronaviruses. - PubMed - NCBI
'...As conservation of coding sequences decrease with third-base variation, it is likely that this degree of conservation in gene E would decrease as more genomes would be included in the comparison. Thus, restricting analyses to only comparing coding regions may decrease the chance a proposed detection target might be able to detect a novel sarbecovirus species. Instead, we recommend inclusion of non-coding regions in such attempts. Although it was not our aim to develop improved detection methods (for which we would have to experimentally test any proposed target region), our findings can be a starting point....It has been proposed, though not yet proven, that 2019-nCoV naturally propagates in bats, but the bat species in which the population mainly resides was unknown at the time of writing. The food market of Wuhan may or may not have been selling bats for food; however, bats and their excrements are often used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which may be a reason for their legal or illegal trading....It is possible that the virus had infected another mammal, Malay pangolins (Liu et al, 2020), a meat delicacy that was most likely sold in the exotic meat market. The case for pangolins being the actual source of 2019-nCoV has not yet been proven, but was referred from sequence similarities (Liu et al, 2020). Even in this scenario, there must have been a reason why an infected bat came in the vicinity of a pangolin that ended up in the market, for which only bat species with local commercial value come into question....Even a high similarity match to a bat isolate may not always identify the correct bat species that was the cause of a given zoonotic outbreak. This caution can be extended to other possible animal hosts....In this respect, it is interesting to note that the first known onset of symptoms (on 1 Dec 2019) were observed in a patient with no known epidemiological links to the Wuhan food market....Even when the selling of live wild animals at food markets would be completely prohibited in China, the trading and handling of bats for traditional medicinal practices would remain a serious risk for future zoonotic coronavirus epidemics.'
In post #398, we showed that ACE2 receptor susceptibility places the Japanese genome high on the list. Thus not surprisingly in the video, Ryan is asked the "endemic" question by a Japanese journalist at timepoint 10:18.
The term, "pandemic," cannot be excluded from the concept "endemic." Otherwise, it skirts the ACE2 receptor statistics that Ryan agrees to (without mentioning Ace2) by agreeing that outside China, H2H is rather weak considering non-Chinese, non-Japanese genomes. Ryan is not willing to wager that because of ACE2 stats sequestering the phenomenon inside China and nearby Japan, there will likely be no "pandemic."
Singapore seems one other most likely of places for the virus to mutate into considerable virulence.
Seemingly, the pangolin sequences comparing COVID-19 are forthcoming:

7 Feb 2020
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'...." I can definitely believe it could be true," says Kristian Andersen, an immunologist and computational biologist at Scripps Research in La Jolla, California. Andersen says he has compared publicly available sequences from pangolin viruses and found that they are similar to that of COVID-19. "I look forward to the published report and data." '
Post #319 'did it mutate on some surface, like pangolin or snake scales?'....asked whether the COVID-19 Orf8 serine-to-leucine at position 84 could be linked to temperature, as the serine from bat virus was changed to leucine in COVID-19. We will compare human and pangolin BATF sequences in the Music forum, because there are five differences between pangolin and human BATF (which changes the amino acid melody), and because FOXP3 links BATF, just as FoxP2 links dyslexia.
In this thread, it has been shown that, ethnically, ACE2 susceptibility places Japanese at the top of the list. Since COVID-19 uses human ACE2 receptor, this is not surprising:

Avian Flu Talk thread "Exponential Growth"....' Almost doubling of COVID-19 cases in Singapore (1.8 fold), Hong Kong (1.9 fold) and Japan (2 fold)....Japan appears to be on the cusp of a large outbreak and maybe epidemic growth. "We need to watch that very closely." (Scott Gottlieb).'
Our initial cold-shock trajectory in the attempt to link COVID-19 to cold-blooded animals for this thread, included mouse hepatitis coronavirus (MHV) in comparison to hepatitis B virus, frost-induced deoxynojirimycin production from mulberry, and deoxynojirimycin preventing maturation of hepatitis B virus. Here we link BATF (post #450) to cool conditions in Arabidopsis germination due to the BATF pangolin link:

Jun 2019 Arabidopsis Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor 67
Basic LEUCINE ZIPPER TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR67 Transactivates DELAY OF GERMINATION1 to Establish Primary Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis. - PubMed - NCBI
' increased in seeds matured in cool conditions....delay of germination (Dog1)....'

Continuing to add evidence supporting COVID-19 Orf8 leucine at position 84 to temperature dependence, there is

Dec 1997 Leukemogenicity
The Myb leucine zipper is essential for leukemogenicity of the v-Myb protein. - PubMed - NCBI
' which leu325 and leu332 of the leucine zipper have been replaced by alanines, failed to induce leukemia in virus-infected chickens....they failed to grow @ 42 C, the physiological body temperature of avian species.'

(2003) Tel Aviv / HIV-1-SARS-CoV Cloaked Similarity
Cloaked similarity between HIV-1 and SARS-CoV suggests an anti-SARS strategy. - PubMed - NCBI

(2015) Heidelberg / Mature HIV-1
RNA and Nucleocapsid Are Dispensable for Mature HIV-1 Capsid Assembly. - PubMed - NCBI
The report in post #453 says there is " no relevant homology" to HIV. The report from Tel Aviv (post #452) also says that there is no homology with spike protein and gp41, though also that there is a leucine zipper-like sequence in gp41 to which enfuvirtide and C34 bind.
19 Feb 2020 An Expert Booted Off the Diamond Princess Says Japan's Coronavirus Control is "Completely Chaotic"
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