SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.

Yeah, definitely an education thing. I was lucky, I grew up in a modest upbringing so Mom always cooked. We never ate prepared... an you ate leftovers, till they were all gone! I developed a fondness for cooking for which I am eternally grateful.
I started eating microwave food in 1988. No microwave for first 18 years.

And when we went out we didn't have a phone to take with us. I didn't have a cellphone for my first 25 years of my life. Hard to imagine

I know... I actually went to the store the other day and realized I had left my cell at home. It thought about going back to get it and then it was..WTF???? REALLY?

I can survive a trip to the grocery without the damn phone. Guess what? I did.


You can avoid diabetes and obesity with a more varied diet then you present.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying diabetes and obesity are caused mainly by eating junk food and a diet of staples will prevent the two syndromes.
How did you come to that conclusion?
That healthy eating will cure obesity and diabetes? I'm no doctor but I think he's right
Of course you do not know what it means to eat healthy. Therefore your opinion is worthless.
Wow, there Republicans really hate poor Republicans. I wonder if the GOP base understands how much their party hates them?
But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. .

HUH?? You saying rice and oats are junk food?? You're fool of it.

No, I'm not. But they are ONLY a carbohydrate. Nutritional value of rice ain't much, bub. Grains are very poor sources of nutrition -- read up on the paleo diet to see what kind of food we evolved on and are designed to eat. Namely, nutrient dense fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, seafoods and offal.
Food stamps should be used for meat, veggies, milk, dry goods and eggs and that's it.

I've seem people in 7-11 grab every junk food you can think of and soda and pay for it with their handy dandy EBT card. Nothing nutritional about anything they bought with tax payer dollars.

Hell I watched a woman in Wal-Mart show up at the customer service counter with a full cart of groceries. She turned that full cart in. Wal-Mart couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so they gave her a Wal-Mart card and she took it and went shopping. Way to use our tax dollars. Talk about freeloaders.

The Fed and State Govts. should allocate Food Stamps for just what I named and nothing else.
Food stamps should be used for meat, veggies, milk, dry goods and eggs and that's it.

I've seem people in 7-11 grab every junk food you can think of and soda and pay for it with their handy dandy EBT card. Nothing nutritional about anything they bought with tax payer dollars.

Hell I watched a woman in Wal-Mart show up at the customer service counter with a full cart of groceries. She turned that full cart in. Wal-Mart couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so they gave her a Wal-Mart card and she took it and went shopping. Way to use our tax dollars. Talk about freeloaders.

The Fed and State Govts. should allocate Food Stamps for just what I named and nothing else.

That's the problem, to get a job and pay for their own food, they are not smart enough for that. To figure out a way to scam the system, they are plenty clever.

Working with industry I talk to people at companies that are quite aware what their temporary help does. They get an apartment with four or five people and pony their cards together. Usually you can buy enough food for those people on two cards, and they sell the rest of them.

With technology today, I'm sure there's a way they can print those cards with the users picture on it so they can't sell the cards for cash.
No, that's unfounded. The truth is they don't know what causes diabetes. .

BS. It's been known for decades that adult-onset diabetes is almost always due to obesity. If you aren't fat, you don't get it and if you've got it and take off the weight, you're pretty much cured.

Well that's because you don't know much about it. Yes, if your sugar gets slightly higher, you can control that through diet, but diabetes itself is not caused from that. For instance people that use insulin can't control their sugar that way alone. I do have a friend that had sugar problems and he was able to get that sugar back down by losing weight and cutting back on beer.

Diabetes is actually when something happens to the cells in the pancreas. They die off for some reason and there's no getting them back, at least for the present. With sugar problems related to weight, pregnancy and age. that's not the case. I don't actually consider that real diabetes.
Poor people rarely have the kitchen supplies and utensils and counter space needed to cook from scratch.
Rocks are free.....
You literally made me giggle when I read that. Suck on a rock. Lol. Good one owebo
The first tools of a,civilized society....

I can't wait until you learn to use them....:lol:
When we stone aborters?
We have faith you can evolve....
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
No beans, no milk, no meat?

You're straight out of a Dickens novel.
Please, sir. May I have some more?
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
No beans, no milk, no meat?

You're straight out of a Dickens novel.
Please, sir. May I have some more?
Hey I lived on Ramen noodles for a few years and I turned out just fine

Eating ramen every meal for a year would cost about only $140.

Although it began as a luxury food, instant ramen has taken quite a turn since then. With the average packet costing a consumer only 13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65. To put that into perspective, an average American spends $6,372 a year on food — eating ramen would reduce that to about 3 percent of the average cost. Due to its affordability, ramen is often called “gakusei ryori,” or “student food,” in Japan, and start-ups earning just enough for the founders to survive are known to be “ramen profitable.”
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
No beans, no milk, no meat?

You're straight out of a Dickens novel.
Please, sir. May I have some more?
Hey I lived on Ramen noodles for a few years and I turned out just fine

Eating ramen every meal for a year would cost about only $140.

Although it began as a luxury food, instant ramen has taken quite a turn since then. With the average packet costing a consumer only 13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65. To put that into perspective, an average American spends $6,372 a year on food — eating ramen would reduce that to about 3 percent of the average cost. Due to its affordability, ramen is often called “gakusei ryori,” or “student food,” in Japan, and start-ups earning just enough for the founders to survive are known to be “ramen profitable.”
Oh yes. I remember quite well having to pay for what others think they are entitled to have.

At times I did work 2 jobs to make it.

This notion that people are entitled to steak and lobster at the expense of those who are not eating steak and lobster is ludicrous.

I won't go as far as putting them on bread and water but these people need to eventually learn to provide for themselves.
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
No beans, no milk, no meat?

You're straight out of a Dickens novel.
Please, sir. May I have some more?
Hey I lived on Ramen noodles for a few years and I turned out just fine

Eating ramen every meal for a year would cost about only $140.

Although it began as a luxury food, instant ramen has taken quite a turn since then. With the average packet costing a consumer only 13 cents, you could eat three square meals a day for an entire year for just $142.65. To put that into perspective, an average American spends $6,372 a year on food — eating ramen would reduce that to about 3 percent of the average cost. Due to its affordability, ramen is often called “gakusei ryori,” or “student food,” in Japan, and start-ups earning just enough for the founders to survive are known to be “ramen profitable.”
Oh yes. I remember quite well having to pay for what others think they are entitled to have.

At times I did work 2 jobs to make it.

This notion that people are entitled to steak and lobster at the expense of those who are not eating steak and lobster is ludicrous.

I won't go as far as putting them on bread and water but these people need to eventually learn to provide for themselves.

They won't. They are riding the system for everything they can get at tax payer expense.

Why get a job when the tax payers pay for your food, housing and medical. It doesn't cost you a dime. No job needed.

Freeloaders every one.

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