SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

I'm just so tired of this fucks picking on poor people...seriously, give it a rest.

we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.

You're fucking retarded. Yes, that's what all poor people do, they get money to buy lap dances and tattoos. Jesus, are you really that fucking dumb?
Most dancers and tattoo artist would probably slap you upside your head if you tried to pay them with food stamps or even food.

Trust me. It is abused massively. The old cash back game is one way. Work for cash, show no income but grt stamos. Turn into cash, go clubbing. Massive Katrina fraud showed up using EBT cards. Oh yes, it happens. All the time.

No, no it doesn't. It's FACTS that SNAP is one of the least abused programs in government.

If you believe that, then perhaps you should Google what Maine did.

Maine created restrictions for those without children to receive food stamps, You had to do one of three things: be enrolled in a vocational program, have a job working at least 20 hours per week, or volunteer your time at least 20 hours per month. Guess what the results were? Those people were not that hungry after all. Most dropped out of the program.

Perhaps under Republican leadership, we can use that strategy across the entire country. After all, one of the first things DumBama did was double the food stamp role. was a recession. But as this so-called economic boom took place, few left the program.

On a personal note, I'm sick of getting behind these food stamp people. They buy their food with the card, and then whip out a wad of cash to pay for their alcohol, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers and perfume. And you should see what kind of newer model vehicles they drive.
we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.

You're fucking retarded. Yes, that's what all poor people do, they get money to buy lap dances and tattoos. Jesus, are you really that fucking dumb?
Most dancers and tattoo artist would probably slap you upside your head if you tried to pay them with food stamps or even food.

Trust me. It is abused massively. The old cash back game is one way. Work for cash, show no income but grt stamos. Turn into cash, go clubbing. Massive Katrina fraud showed up using EBT cards. Oh yes, it happens. All the time.

No, no it doesn't. It's FACTS that SNAP is one of the least abused programs in government.

If you believe that, then perhaps you should Google what Maine did.

Maine created restrictions for those without children to receive food stamps, You had to do one of three things: be enrolled in a vocational program, have a job working at least 20 hours per week, or volunteer your time at least 20 hours per month. Guess what the results were? Those people were not that hungry after all. Most dropped out of the program.

Perhaps under Republican leadership, we can use that strategy across the entire country. After all, one of the first things DumBama did was double the food stamp role. was a recession. But as this so-called economic boom took place, few left the program.

On a personal note, I'm sick of getting behind these food stamp people. They buy their food with the card, and then whip out a wad of cash to pay for their alcohol, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers and perfume. And you should see what kind of newer model vehicles they drive.

No, again, you don't know the laws about food stamps. Maine didn't do anything special. Working 20 hours a week or volunteering was ALWAYS part of the program, but years ago, I think 1996, there was a rule put into place that as long as the unemployment rate in a state was at a certain point, people could stay on food stamps indefinitely.
we don't like mofo having kids, starving them with our money to buy lapdance or tattoo. Gig is up! No more cash payments for dope.

You're fucking retarded. Yes, that's what all poor people do, they get money to buy lap dances and tattoos. Jesus, are you really that fucking dumb?
Most dancers and tattoo artist would probably slap you upside your head if you tried to pay them with food stamps or even food.

Trust me. It is abused massively. The old cash back game is one way. Work for cash, show no income but grt stamos. Turn into cash, go clubbing. Massive Katrina fraud showed up using EBT cards. Oh yes, it happens. All the time.

No, no it doesn't. It's FACTS that SNAP is one of the least abused programs in government.

If you believe that, then perhaps you should Google what Maine did.

Maine created restrictions for those without children to receive food stamps, You had to do one of three things: be enrolled in a vocational program, have a job working at least 20 hours per week, or volunteer your time at least 20 hours per month. Guess what the results were? Those people were not that hungry after all. Most dropped out of the program.

Perhaps under Republican leadership, we can use that strategy across the entire country. After all, one of the first things DumBama did was double the food stamp role. was a recession. But as this so-called economic boom took place, few left the program.

On a personal note, I'm sick of getting behind these food stamp people. They buy their food with the card, and then whip out a wad of cash to pay for their alcohol, cigarettes, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers and perfume. And you should see what kind of newer model vehicles they drive.
I finally realized you aren't wrong and neither am I. The poor & rich are both screwing the middle class. But I don't think the cuts the rich make to poor people is going to end up in your pocket or lowering the debt. Guess what ray? Republicans love pork too. So you just removed some safety nets you're more likely to benefit from to give tax breaks you don't qualify for.
No, that's unfounded. The truth is they don't know what causes diabetes. .

BS. It's been known for decades that adult-onset diabetes is almost always due to obesity. If you aren't fat, you don't get it and if you've got it and take off the weight, you're pretty much cured.
No, that's unfounded. The truth is they don't know what causes diabetes. .

BS. It's been known for decades that adult-onset diabetes is almost always due to obesity. If you aren't fat, you don't get it and if you've got it and take off the weight, you're pretty much cured.

Gotta agree there. It's the only constant. Get fat, you're at severe risk for diabetes. Lose the weight, your risk is basically gone.
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, what processed food is and what a healthy meal actually consists of. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are often totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.
Ignorant ass OP aside, I sort of agree with his overall point. Food stamps should only be effective for buying REAL FOOD. The problem is that grocery stores are actually a nutritional nightmare by design, chock full of bullshit food products, food-like substances, and calorically rich/nutritionally poor food "products" packaged in pretty boxes. You really gotta avoid the entire middle of the store and only shop around the edges where the produce and meat sections are.

Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. I propose a basic food cooking class for those on food stamps that actually teach them how to cook. We are a culture of idiots and buffoons who's idea of cooking consists of putting some package in a microwave. Corporate food will destroy us all eventually, we'll all be too fucking fat to even walk into a grocery store.
Hopefully the people you talk about get to fat to fuck. We should put birth control in all foodstamp food.

We will eventually become immune to microwaves. The human species 1000 generations from now will be able to chew depleted uranium.
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.
If your only choice this month is pears and apples, that's what you eat. Next month corn and Strawberry's. July watermelon and cantaloupe. You get what you get.

This would be amazing for the consumers and farmers of our nation. Sorry hostess tweenky stock is going to plummet.

This would lower healthcare costs too.
But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. .

HUH?? You saying rice and oats are junk food?? You're fool of it.
But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. .

HUH?? You saying rice and oats are junk food?? You're fool of it.
We don't need to argue over all the things we provide or allow on snap. Point is the person won't starve but no one would want to be on snap any longer than necessary.
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.



You can avoid diabetes and obesity with a more varied diet then you present.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying diabetes and obesity are caused mainly by eating junk food and a diet of staples will prevent the two syndromes.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.

Yeah, definitely an education thing. I was lucky, I grew up in a modest upbringing so Mom always cooked. We never ate prepared... an you ate leftovers, till they were all gone! I developed a fondness for cooking for which I am eternally grateful.
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.



You can avoid diabetes and obesity with a more varied diet then you present.

You misunderstand me. I'm saying diabetes and obesity are caused mainly by eating junk food and a diet of staples will prevent the two syndromes.
How did you come to that conclusion?
That healthy eating will cure obesity and diabetes? I'm no doctor but I think he's right
Don't gimme any crap about how poor people need a balanced diet. As it is these snappers spend all this money on junk food. A diet of staples will be better for them. And MUCH cheaper for the taxpayers. Eating just those 4 staples, a person can live on a dollar a day.
Rice, Beans, Bread, and pork.
Other folks are making the point that they likely wouldn't know how to cook with the real ingredients from scratch -- and they are 100% correct as well. .

No they are not correct. There's is nothing to fixing a meal of rice or rolled oats. You just heat water.

But those are only complex carbohydrates. Do you think you can live eating only carbs? Not for long. The nutritional value of rice and oats is virtually nill. The nutritional content of fruits, vegetable and meats dwarf what you'll get from rice or fucking oatmeal. They need to learn how to cook and they need to be educated on what real food is, processed food and what healthy food actually is. I've seen several programs on this very issue, and one commonality among the poor is they are totally clueless about food and nutrition. Most Americans in general are clueless, actually.
Progressives want to be fed by a nanny… Otherwise known as the federal government. Fact

Honestly, the government isn't a very good source for nutritional advice. Take the ridiculous food pyramid, for example. But, the poor do need help in this area, and that's an understatement.

Yeah, definitely an education thing. I was lucky, I grew up in a modest upbringing so Mom always cooked. We never ate prepared... an you ate leftovers, till they were all gone! I developed a fondness for cooking for which I am eternally grateful.
I started eating microwave food in 1988. No microwave for first 18 years.

And when we went out we didn't have a phone to take with us. I didn't have a cellphone for my first 25 years of my life. Hard to imagine

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