Sniglets...Words That Should Be In The Dictionary But Aren't

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
While going through some definitions this morning...I came across this Site...''SNIGLETS".
For those of you that had HBO in the early 80's you will rememer the word. HBO had a Satire Program called "Not Necessarily The News" [ Reference ]

I used to watch it to learn new 'words'.

For Instance?

Hozone (ho' zohn) - n. The place where one sock in every laundry load disappears to.

Hydralation (hi dra lay' shun) - n. Acclimating oneself to a cold swimming pool by bodily regions: toe-to-knee, knee-to-waist, waist-to-elbow, elbow-to-neck.


Icision (ih sih' zhun) - n. Delicate operation performed on Neapolitan-flavored ice cream in which one entire flavor is precisely and systematically removed.


Go to the link at the top of the page. Some of these are pretty funny.
Hmmmm ... this seems to have practical application on message boards ...

"Bargue (bar' gyoo) - v. To whine, fuss, and complain a great deal while at the same time trying to get someone to see your point of view. Ex: The young child bargued with his father until his father gave in and let him stay up past his bedtime."


"Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future."
Aquagasm: A heightened state of sexual excitement that produces an ejaculate caused by merely drinking a glass of water.
Poopery: A public facility where one normally leaves a BM, most often while traveling on an interstate highway.
Luposlipaphobia - n. The fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor. :lol:
Pediquerey (pehd' eh kweer ee) - n. The continuation of one's child to ask "why?" no matter what the answer to the last "why?", commonly asked about a subject that does not matter. :rolleyes:
Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
Alkafibbostrus - A human condition caused by the consumption of alcohol to such a state that lies are told and bragging about impossible human feats are declared possible to accomplish.

While sitting in the bar drinking, John became alkafibbostrus and was hitting on the pretty blonde lady.
Glad that you guys are enjoying the spirit of it all! :lol:

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