Snowden nominated for E.U. human rights prize

Granny says, "Dat's right - he done a dastardly deed...
Snowden Potentially Put Lives of U.S. Troops at Risk
February 3, 2014 - DNI: ‘Lives of Members or Assets of Intelligence Community at Risk’
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence last week that the intelligence that Edward Snowden stole from the U.S. government potentially puts the lives of U.S. troops at risk. In his own opening statement to the committee, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the consequences of Snowden’s act include “putting the lives of members or assets of the intelligence community at risk, as well as our armed forces, diplomats, and our citizens.” “You would agree that it puts at risk potentially the lives of our troops,” Sen. Susan Collins (R.-Me.) later asked Flynn of Snowden’s theft of classified documents. “Is that accurate?”

“Yes,” said Flynn. “Yes, ma'am.” “I think that the greatest cost that is unknown today, but we will likely face is the cost in human lives on tomorrow's battlefield or in someplace where we will put our military forces, when we ask them to go into harm's way,” Flynn said, when questioned by Collins about Snowden’s theft. Later in the hearing, Sen Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.) raised the same issue with Flynn. “Are there men and women in uniform who are potentially in harm's way because of what this individual has done?” Rubio asked Flynn. “Senator, I believe there are,” said Flynn.

Edward Snowden, who worked for the CIA as a technical assistant and as an employee for defense contractor Booz Allen, leaked classified documents to The Guardian and other news organizations last year. The documents included information about the National Security Agency’s collection of metadata on telephone communications within the United States. The government reportedly used this information as a rapid means of tracking down the communications contacts of terrorists discovered to be inside the United States.

However, according to Sen. Collins, who cited a DIA assessment of Snowden’s act, “most of the documents stolen by Mr. Snowden have nothing to do with the privacy rights and civil liberties of American citizens, or even the NSA collection programs.” Indeed, said Collins of the stolen documents, “If you printed them all and stacked them, they would be more than three miles high.” At the committee hearing, which took place on Jan. 29, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper described Snowden’s act as “the most massive and most damaging theft of intelligence information in our history.”

i do not know if this is a positive or negative thing for Snowden and the USA.

Follow nominees include a 16 year old girl that was shot by the Taliban for trying to go to school. I do not think Snowden is in the same league as her.

Article via | Snowden nominated for E.U. human rights prize

The girl may have been doing something wonderful for the Muslim community, but it won't work. Snowden, however, has provided the citizens of the US knowledge that the government believes it has the right to track phone calls and monitor you constantly. Snowden did just as brave. He stole secrets from one of (if not the) most powerful nations in the world and its tyrannical government and gave the knowledge that the government is overstepping its bounds. His reward? Forced to travel across Europe, seeking asylum for bringing justice for the American people.
i do not know if this is a positive or negative thing for Snowden and the USA.

Follow nominees include a 16 year old girl that was shot by the Taliban for trying to go to school. I do not think Snowden is in the same league as her.

Article via | Snowden nominated for E.U. human rights prize

The girl may have been doing something wonderful for the Muslim community, but it won't work. Snowden, however, has provided the citizens of the US knowledge that the government believes it has the right to track phone calls and monitor you constantly. Snowden did just as brave. He stole secrets from one of (if not the) most powerful nations in the world and its tyrannical government and gave the knowledge that the government is overstepping its bounds. His reward? Forced to travel across Europe, seeking asylum for bringing justice for the American people.

You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.
i do not know if this is a positive or negative thing for Snowden and the USA.

Follow nominees include a 16 year old girl that was shot by the Taliban for trying to go to school. I do not think Snowden is in the same league as her.

Article via | Snowden nominated for E.U. human rights prize

The girl may have been doing something wonderful for the Muslim community, but it won't work. Snowden, however, has provided the citizens of the US knowledge that the government believes it has the right to track phone calls and monitor you constantly. Snowden did just as brave. He stole secrets from one of (if not the) most powerful nations in the world and its tyrannical government and gave the knowledge that the government is overstepping its bounds. His reward? Forced to travel across Europe, seeking asylum for bringing justice for the American people.

You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.

I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.
The girl may have been doing something wonderful for the Muslim community, but it won't work. Snowden, however, has provided the citizens of the US knowledge that the government believes it has the right to track phone calls and monitor you constantly. Snowden did just as brave. He stole secrets from one of (if not the) most powerful nations in the world and its tyrannical government and gave the knowledge that the government is overstepping its bounds. His reward? Forced to travel across Europe, seeking asylum for bringing justice for the American people.

You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.

I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.

Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:
You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.

I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.

Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:

There is a wonderful thing called sarcasm, ever heard of it? And I have six years forming this opinion. Well, not this specific one, but my general attitude. Among the many advantages of youth over age is flexibility. Youth have the ability to change and adapt based on the situation but old people have the deficiency of refusing to see change. Washington is full of old voices who refuse to bow out and let the future of America take a hand at steering the metaphorical ship.
The girl may have been doing something wonderful for the Muslim community, but it won't work. Snowden, however, has provided the citizens of the US knowledge that the government believes it has the right to track phone calls and monitor you constantly. Snowden did just as brave. He stole secrets from one of (if not the) most powerful nations in the world and its tyrannical government and gave the knowledge that the government is overstepping its bounds. His reward? Forced to travel across Europe, seeking asylum for bringing justice for the American people.

You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.

I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.
Yes, you're a blithering idiot, and you have no idea what a corrupt government is either. The United States may not be perfect, but tyrannical and corrupt is an absurd claim. Get a life you loser. You have no idea how good you have it here.
You have no idea what a tyrannical government is you blithering idiot.

Is Snowden a hero? Fuck no. Is he a celebrity now? Absolutely. I hope he likes vodka, because that's all his betrayal/celebrity is going to get him.

I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.
Yes, you're a blithering idiot, and you have no idea what a corrupt government is either. The United States may not be perfect, but tyrannical and corrupt is an absurd claim. Get a life you loser. You have no idea how good you have it here.

I admit that tyrannical is a bit out of left field, but there's no arguing that our government is corrupt.
Not surprising since much of what he's revealed was about the countries now giving him awards.

Think he deserves a reward from the US as well, but that it should be placed on his coffin after he's been shot for treason. He broke federal laws disclosing information that was classified. He broke contract laws as well which he would have signed to have a security clearence. He broke state laws stealing documents that weren't his to possess.

He should get an award for providing insight into the crimes our country's commiting against other countries. Then be shot for disclosing such restricted information.

Law is all that matters. Without law we're nothing but very advanced primates.
Law is advanced primates, right? I think we can easily uncover universally agreeable mores and morals without intervention by an institution. Aren't we the creators of these institutions meant to serve our purposes? Reification is the dominance of man made institutions over man. The object comes to control the subject, its creator. It is the succinctest way I can imagine construing social issues. We are no longer in control of ourselves although we are all better off--I admit our institutions have served us well, but not well enough for humans--there is much left to social and cultural evolution. Liberty is mediated by powerful elite. In China and North Korea esp. we see this operate overtly. This concept isn't entirely foreign to the US although its done more covertly: Propaganda and the media defines our parameters of thought and scope of vision. Hence Snowden has been covered up and called a dastardly traitor.

Laws are meant to reflect the good of humanity. Allowing laws that are flawed to rule our lives is to live under tyranny--a society misguided. I really recommend watching Snowden's interview which has gone with little coverage from American media. There is a reason. America doesn't want us to know his holistically valid points!
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Excellent news not that the Europeans have an right to nominate anyone for anything after they gave Yassar and Barry Soetoro the Nobel.
I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.

Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:

There is a wonderful thing called sarcasm, ever heard of it? And I have six years forming this opinion. Well, not this specific one, but my general attitude. Among the many advantages of youth over age is flexibility. Youth have the ability to change and adapt based on the situation but old people have the deficiency of refusing to see change. Washington is full of old voices who refuse to bow out and let the future of America take a hand at steering the metaphorical ship.

actually it is to the contrary.

youth is maximalistic.

when youth stops it's maximalism and begins to change and adapt - that's a sign that the youth is gone :D
If we expect openness and transparency from our government then we need to elect Snowden president.

Or, at the very least, a candidate who will promise to bring him home and appoint him to one of the Obamatype "CZARSHIPS" - in charge of protecting Americans privacy.
I'm a blithering idiot? And if informing the American people about the corruption of the government makes people bad, I'd better go shoot myself now, lest other people catch my dissent.

Don't shoot yourself! Giver yourself some time to form an opinion! You'll be much less sensational and a lot more rational once you go through puberty :cool:

There is a wonderful thing called sarcasm, ever heard of it? And I have six years forming this opinion. Well, not this specific one, but my general attitude. Among the many advantages of youth over age is flexibility. Youth have the ability to change and adapt based on the situation but old people have the deficiency of refusing to see change. Washington is full of old voices who refuse to bow out and let the future of America take a hand at steering the metaphorical ship.

I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that I'm younger than you you dumb fuck.

6 whole years? Well at least that's more time than Snowden spent working on his plan to get famous. I hope they're giving him a bunch of leggy Russian blondes to pass the rest of his life as a traitorous exile
As soon as Snowden steps on American soil Obama has promised to charge him with 3 felonies, mainly pertaining to the Espionage Act of 1919. Obama says if Snowden thinks what he done was just then he should be man enough to defend it in a court of law. However, the law is arranged so that he necessarily looses and Obama would make a spectacle of Snowden's life imprisonment. There is no defending his actions under current statues. But if we listen to his side and not just the media we learn the problem is our current statues do not reflect the needs or service the public good in accordance with basic rights.
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I hardly think Snowden would be so foolish as to return to The US so long as it's in subjugation to the current regime. After all, he cost them a lot of their cover.

Good that Putin is as powerful as he is else the drones swarming Russia in search of Snowden would be thicker'n thieves in da district.

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