Snowflakes LOSE THEIR MINDS over GOP Health Care Passage - Reveal Even More Who They Are

Campaign 2018 is already in full force. The Leftists and the Media are mounting a continuous "full-court press" to influence the results of the next round of Congressional elections. The strategy is obvious. Every single Republican initiative will be reported with a negative slant. If there is one Republican critic of a bill, that Republican will be quoted. If they can fine one person whose life will, even arguably, be harmed by some Republican bill or proposal, they will find that person and do a full report on how terrible it will be. Broad, unsubstantiated statements will be inserted into "news" accounts ("...this highly unpopular bill...")

In the case of this law, the mantra is deafening: people with "pre-existing conditions" will get screwed. But the reality is far different. It will depend on how the state chooses to implement the law, what the individual has done in their own interest, and what the person chooses to do. The R's want the focus to devolve to the states, and to give people more choices, and to - as much as possible - bring competitive market forces to bear, thus lowering premiums.

Where were these intrepid reporters when working class people's insurance premiums were doubling? How about the states where ALL INSURERS pulled out due to the Obamacare provisions making it impossible to make a profit? Did they find and interview people who lost their coverage and had nowhere to go? Hardly.

Trump is right about the MSM, but two years of constant propaganda may have the desired effect. We'll see.

You must be talking about what we had before the ACA. Why would anyone want to go back to those days??
Its over. We should remember we are the UNITED states of America, and if we are not going to be UNITED, why have a FED GOV.
You have no defense of that terrible law so you turn your focus toward the old standby....talking about people's reaction to the terrible law.

While they take your healthcare you want to discuss attitude. .
Campaign 2018 is already in full force. The Leftists and the Media are mounting a continuous "full-court press" to influence the results of the next round of Congressional elections. The strategy is obvious. Every single Republican initiative will be reported with a negative slant. If there is one Republican critic of a bill, that Republican will be quoted. If they can fine one person whose life will, even arguably, be harmed by some Republican bill or proposal, they will find that person and do a full report on how terrible it will be. Broad, unsubstantiated statements will be inserted into "news" accounts ("...this highly unpopular bill...")

In the case of this law, the mantra is deafening: people with "pre-existing conditions" will get screwed. But the reality is far different. It will depend on how the state chooses to implement the law, what the individual has done in their own interest, and what the person chooses to do. The R's want the focus to devolve to the states, and to give people more choices, and to - as much as possible - bring competitive market forces to bear, thus lowering premiums.

Where were these intrepid reporters when working class people's insurance premiums were doubling? How about the states where ALL INSURERS pulled out due to the Obamacare provisions making it impossible to make a profit? Did they find and interview people who lost their coverage and had nowhere to go? Hardly.

Trump is right about the MSM, but two years of constant propaganda may have the desired effect. We'll see.

You must be talking about what we had before the ACA. Why would anyone want to go back to those days??
Its over. We should remember we are the UNITED states of America, and if we are not going to be UNITED, why have a FED GOV.

Guess that explains all the anarchists on the left.
Kurt Eichenwald: I Want Republicans To Watch Their Families ‘Lose Insurance’ And ‘Die

"Senior Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald wants innocent people to suffer and die in order to prove a point.

Eichenwald said on Twitter Friday night that he hopes every Republican who voted in favor of the American Health Care Act on Thursday sees a family member come down with a serious “long term” illness and lose their insurance before dying. When challenged, Eichenwald doubled down. “I want them to be tortured,” he said of Republicans who supported the AHCA. He added: “I want the [Republicans] who supported this to feel the pain in their own families.”

"Eichenwald’s insinuation — that the Republican Obamacare replacement is effectively sentencing Americans to death — is a
favorite Democratic talking point that policy experts have said is unsupported by evidence."

- Eichenwald is a sick, deluded, evil, lying Liberal POS.

- 'Fear-Mongering' - another Snowflake Tactic.

-- Whattayaknow - another FALSE / FAKE NEWS accusation against Republicans that has
NO EVIDENCE to support it?! :p

Kurt Eichenwald: I Want Republicans To Watch Their Families ‘Lose Insurance’ And ‘Die’

Eh, can't say everyone wasn't already aware of the true colors of these leftists.

Yes, they want people who disagree with them dead. No wonder that, twitter is full of assassinate Trump messages.
Campaign 2018 is already in full force. The Leftists and the Media are mounting a continuous "full-court press" to influence the results of the next round of Congressional elections. The strategy is obvious. Every single Republican initiative will be reported with a negative slant. If there is one Republican critic of a bill, that Republican will be quoted. If they can fine one person whose life will, even arguably, be harmed by some Republican bill or proposal, they will find that person and do a full report on how terrible it will be. Broad, unsubstantiated statements will be inserted into "news" accounts ("...this highly unpopular bill...")

In the case of this law, the mantra is deafening: people with "pre-existing conditions" will get screwed. But the reality is far different. It will depend on how the state chooses to implement the law, what the individual has done in their own interest, and what the person chooses to do. The R's want the focus to devolve to the states, and to give people more choices, and to - as much as possible - bring competitive market forces to bear, thus lowering premiums.

Where were these intrepid reporters when working class people's insurance premiums were doubling? How about the states where ALL INSURERS pulled out due to the Obamacare provisions making it impossible to make a profit? Did they find and interview people who lost their coverage and had nowhere to go? Hardly.

Trump is right about the MSM, but two years of constant propaganda may have the desired effect. We'll see.

You must be talking about what we had before the ACA. Why would anyone want to go back to those days??
Its over. We should remember we are the UNITED states of America, and if we are not going to be UNITED, why have a FED GOV.

Guess that explains all the anarchists on the left.

You either have a short memory or you are young.
I live in a state where the upper half and the way upper half is probably 97 white, 2% Indian, and maybe 1% black. Those who voted for Trump are white, and are the most dependent on the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Go figure. PS: I'm white, so I'm not being bias.

In what universe is the upper half and the "way upper half" dependent on the ACA and Medicaid?
What matters is what the people think. I think they're saying, "if you can run it better, run it better, but don't take away benefits and coverage."
And that's exactly why Obama and crew were so desperate to get obamadon'tcare implemented and kept alive for a few years. They knew that once people get accustomed to a government giveaway, it's almost impossible to take it back.
Why would the people want it taken back? They want it run correctly. That's the Republican task.
Sometimes running it correctly means taking back unearned benefits.
Campaign 2018 is already in full force. The Leftists and the Media are mounting a continuous "full-court press" to influence the results of the next round of Congressional elections. The strategy is obvious. Every single Republican initiative will be reported with a negative slant. If there is one Republican critic of a bill, that Republican will be quoted. If they can fine one person whose life will, even arguably, be harmed by some Republican bill or proposal, they will find that person and do a full report on how terrible it will be. Broad, unsubstantiated statements will be inserted into "news" accounts ("...this highly unpopular bill...")

In the case of this law, the mantra is deafening: people with "pre-existing conditions" will get screwed. But the reality is far different. It will depend on how the state chooses to implement the law, what the individual has done in their own interest, and what the person chooses to do. The R's want the focus to devolve to the states, and to give people more choices, and to - as much as possible - bring competitive market forces to bear, thus lowering premiums.

Where were these intrepid reporters when working class people's insurance premiums were doubling? How about the states where ALL INSURERS pulled out due to the Obamacare provisions making it impossible to make a profit? Did they find and interview people who lost their coverage and had nowhere to go? Hardly.

Trump is right about the MSM, but two years of constant propaganda may have the desired effect. We'll see.

You must be talking about what we had before the ACA. Why would anyone want to go back to those days??
Its over. We should remember we are the UNITED states of America, and if we are not going to be UNITED, why have a FED GOV.

Guess that explains all the anarchists on the left.

You either have a short memory or you are young.

You either get Obamacare for free or you are not terribly bright.
You either get Obamacare for free or you are not terribly bright.

1. Obamacare is anything BUT 'free'

2. According to the Law / Obama / Democrats, you either buy Obamacare OR you get hit with this nifty tax as a monetary punishment for not obeying the law. That is how it was written...
Crooked, Lying D-Alan Grayson sought to speak FOR the GOP when he stated HE THOUGHT the GOP wanted people to 'die quickly'. Donald Trump's win and the passage of this House ACA-Replacement bill has completely 'TRIGGERED' the snowflakes to the point where they are openly declaring they hope Americans die.

Keep it up, snowflakes...


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