Snyder vs Phelps: Freedom - Liberty - Justice

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Snyder vs Phelps: Freedom - Liberty - Justice

On October 6th 2010 the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Snyder v Phelps

Snyder v. Phelps | Citizen Media Law Project


“The funeral picketing case (Snyder v. Phelps, et al., 09-751) focuses on a significant question of First Amendment law: the degree of constitutional protection given to remarks that a private person made about another private person, occurring outside the site of a privae event.. The family of the dead soldier had won a verdict before a jury, but that was overturned by the Fourth Circuit Court, finding that the signs displayed at the funeral in western Maryland and later comments on an anti-gay website were protected speech. The petition for review seeks the Court’s protection for families attending a funeral from “unwanted” remarks or displays by protesters.” SUPREME COURT TO RULE ON SNYDER VS PHELPS

Snyder v. Phelps : SCOTUSblog

Issue: (1) Whether the prohibition of awarding damages to public figures to compensate for the intentional infliction of emotional distress, under the Supreme Court’s First Amendment precedents, applies to a case involving two private persons regarding a private matter; (2) whether the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment trumps its freedom of religion and peaceful assembly; and (3) whether an individual attending a family member’s funeral constitutes a “captive audience” who is entitled to state protection from unwanted communication.

Plain English Issue: Does the First Amendment protect protesters at a funeral from liability for intentionally inflicting emotional distress on the family of the deceased?


Where do you stand and why?
Itll be an interesting decision to read. I think the Fourth Circuit Court's ruling will be affirmed. However morally contemptible Phelps and his followers may be to rule against them is an unnecessary restriction on speech.
Itll be an interesting decision to read. I think the Fourth Circuit Court's ruling will be affirmed. However morally contemptible Phelps and his followers may be to rule against them is an unnecessary restriction on speech.

I personally have my doubts. If the Court really was not interested in the case they would not have even taken it. If it is so cut and dried they simply would have left the 4th's ruling intact and refused the case.

This is a 2 edged sword though. As reprehensible as the preacher and his group are, is it better to let Government interfere between private citizens on a free speech matter?

Personally I would get arrested if those dirt bags showed up at a funeral I attended as I would exercise my right to beat the shit out of the cowards.
Below is question posed by somebody who I take it thinks they support freedom and liberty:

"When has one of our most cherished and guarded freedoms gone too far?" - Snyder v Phelps SCOTUS - The Exchange


My question would be: "Are cherished and guarded freedoms absolute and if not, why?

Its going to be a gut wrenching decision for the Supreme Court. As despicable the message from Fred Phelps is, our tradition is that he has a right to say it.

However, the court has to provide local law enforcement the tools to force protestors to keep a respectful distance
Itll be an interesting decision to read. I think the Fourth Circuit Court's ruling will be affirmed. However morally contemptible Phelps and his followers may be to rule against them is an unnecessary restriction on speech.

I personally have my doubts. If the Court really was not interested in the case they would not have even taken it. If it is so cut and dried they simply would have left the 4th's ruling intact and refused the case.

This is a 2 edged sword though. As reprehensible as the preacher and his group are, is it better to let Government interfere between private citizens on a free speech matter?

Personally I would get arrested if those dirt bags showed up at a funeral I attended as I would exercise my right to beat the shit out of the cowards.

there you go again.

Government is NOT interfering. Government was begged to discuss this by the family of the dead.
Below is question posed by somebody who I take it thinks they support freedom and liberty:

"When has one of our most cherished and guarded freedoms gone too far?" - Snyder v Phelps SCOTUS - The Exchange


My question would be: "Are cherished and guarded freedoms absolute and if not, why?

Its going to be a gut wrenching decision for the Supreme Court. As despicable the message from Fred Phelps is, our tradition is that he has a right to say it.

However, the court has to provide local law enforcement the tools to force protestors to keep a respectful distance

Wrenching? Not really. The Conservative Court we now have is full of believers in the original intent and exact meaning of words expressed at the time, in the Bill of Rights. Should be a piece of cake for them. I think it is the liberals with conscience who will struggle.
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Phelps and his band of idiots shouldn't be allowed to protest at any funeral, In sight of the family. Period.

I've been to their 'events', they're dispicable creatures. They came to our local base and shouted at soldiers that "GOD KILLED YOUR FRIENDS", and, "GOD LOVES IEDS".. and, "YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR FAGS".. etc, etc. No family should be put through that at a funeral.
Below is question posed by somebody who I take it thinks they support freedom and liberty:

"When has one of our most cherished and guarded freedoms gone too far?" - Snyder v Phelps SCOTUS - The Exchange


My question would be: "Are cherished and guarded freedoms absolute and if not, why?

Its going to be a gut wrenching decision for the Supreme Court. As despicable the message from Fred Phelps is, our tradition is that he has a right to say it.

However, the court has to provide local law enforcement the tools to force protestors to keep a respectful distance

Wrenching? Not really. The Conservative Court we now have is full of believers in the original intent and exact meaning of words expressed at the time, in the Bill of Rights. Should be a piece of cake for them. I think it is the liberals with conscience who will struggle.

Before you start a whine thread dedicated to the neg rep I just gave you, I think it is nothing short of despicable that you would use the tragedy of the Snyders to score cheap partisan points.

Normal human beings would be ashamed of such disgraceful comments. It is a pity that you are not a normal human being.
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Below is question posed by somebody who I take it thinks they support freedom and liberty:

"When has one of our most cherished and guarded freedoms gone too far?" - Snyder v Phelps SCOTUS - The Exchange


My question would be: "Are cherished and guarded freedoms absolute and if not, why?

Its going to be a gut wrenching decision for the Supreme Court. As despicable the message from Fred Phelps is, our tradition is that he has a right to say it.

However, the court has to provide local law enforcement the tools to force protestors to keep a respectful distance

Wrenching? Not really. The Conservative Court we now have is full of believers in the original intent and exact meaning of words expressed at the time, in the Bill of Rights. Should be a piece of cake for them. I think it is the liberals with conscience who will struggle.


10-05-2010 12:00 PM = California Girl - neg rep - "I find it despicable that you would use the plight of the Snyder family to score partisan points. That's my opinion."


:cuckoo: Cali-Boil's infection is spreading through her limp brain.
Phelps and his band of idiots shouldn't be allowed to protest at any funeral, In sight of the family. Period.

I've been to their 'events', they're dispicable creatures. They came to our local base and shouted at soldiers that "GOD KILLED YOUR FRIENDS", and, "GOD LOVES IEDS".. and, "YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR FAGS".. etc, etc. No family should be put through that at a funeral.

note: ignore trollsih whores likeCali-Boil

The law is the law. Rights are rights. I always said I would take a criminal charge for doing something in a situation where the Phelps made me get upset enough. But at the same time, I would stand up for their rights to freedom of speech.

We are a nation of laws, not a nation of feelings and men

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