So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

Shut up - progressives (adults) are talking.
The ones upset that guards on campus means more criminals will be arrested?
The left are more interested in protecting criminals than they are good kids who wish to learn.

More Cops In Schools Means More Black Kids In The Criminal Justice System
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.
So because some corporations fail, does that mean Capitalism is a failure?

Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
It shouldn't be when one buys a box of ammunition, that's for damn sure.

Which number of visits is the magic number where one loses their constitutionally protected rights

Any one of the previous visits in which someone expressed concern for not only his safety, but that of others.
Right after he posted his claim of being a "professional school shooter."

To sit there and pound on a number is irrelevant... Law enforcement didn't do their jobs here.
It can be explained to you, however, it cannot be understood for you.

So, which of those things do you think reached the level of taking away a constitutionally protected right? Was it the statement about being a professional school shooter?

I have a very high threshold for when a person should lose their constitutionally protected rights, others like you seem to not be as high.
School shooter made gun threats, first host family told police - CNN

At this point here would have been fine by me.

Shooter showed violence and mental instability 03:01
(CNN)Just months before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 at his former high school in South Florida, the host family who had taken him in immediately after his mother's death warned local law enforcement that the 19-year-old had "used a gun against people before" and "has put the gun to others' heads in the past," according to records obtained by CNN.

It's the latest indication of how law enforcement encountered warning signs about Cruz's violent behavior before he attacked students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day.

or here:
In the wake of the Valentine's Day mass shooting, there has been intense public scrutiny of why Cruz was not identified as an imminent threat despite his encounters with law enforcement. The FBI has acknowledged that it did not act on a specific tip about Cruz that warned about his "gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting."

or here:
Separately, the FBI was warned in September about a YouTube commenter named Nikolas Cruz, who wrote: "Im going to be a professional school shooter."

There are other examples, and with any occurrence with domestic violence, there should have been some sort of investigation, regardless of parties involved. Just because a 22 year old and a 19 year old hug it out after cops are called does not allow for domestic altercation to be unfounded because they "hugged and reconcile(d) their differences."

precedent set here:
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia

I'm sure you'll come back with something. Above are just a few incidents, had they been investigated thoroughly, would and should have been enough to prevent him from purchasing a weapon in a legal manner. Maybe even preventing this whole sad situation.
Man who killed Maryland officer was ordered to surrender guns 3 times in 5 years, records show

Court records say the man who fatally shot a Maryland police officer earlier this week had been court-ordered to surrender his guns at least three times in the last five years.

The Washington Post reports three different judges ordered Glenn Tyndell to “immediately surrender all firearms” after they found his wife, ex-wife and child needed protection. Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Col. Darrin C. Palmer says Tyndell had told deputies he’d turn himself in Tuesday. He didn’t show.

Prince George’s County police say 37-year-old Tyndell shot Cpl. Mujahid Ramzziddin five times with a shotgun Wednesday when the off-duty officer attempted to intervene in a dispute between Tyndell and his wife. Tyndell then fled before being fatally shot by officers Luke Allen and Channing Reed, who have been place on paid leave.

Man who killed Maryland officer was ordered to surrender guns 3 times in 5 years, records show
The ones upset that guards on campus means more criminals will be arrested?
The left are more interested in protecting criminals than they are good kids who wish to learn.

More Cops In Schools Means More Black Kids In The Criminal Justice System

He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.
Cops would not be nearly as afraid if he was using hand guns or a machete
By the way, the “government” your bitching about is the GOP STATE government of Florida.

Let that sink in for a while
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

If you buy that bullshit I have a nice piece of SWAMP land I'd like to sell you.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....


I'll bet you've never picked up a gun in your life.

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....


Leftards try to be experts on a lot of stuff they know nothing about.

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.


You ever been to an airport in Switzerland?

How about Israel, ever been there?

The gendarmes will talk to you but they won't be looking at you.

lmao :p

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