So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

If your child or husband was killed by some nut why would you think guns should be banned? Why wouldn't you think maybe they needed one?
Because in REALITY, my child or husband would not be carrying an AK47 or and AR15 or any equal match to the gun power of a determined mass murderer carrying war like weapons of this kind.. on them while they are attending school and moving from class to class...

It just comes off as unrealistic and ridiculous to me... and to most logical people, to hear that kind of argument...

We know the guns of choice for these murderers are these kinds of rapid fire weapons,

and we know why.....and it's not to rob a home or to steal a car....or to rape a woman.... it's to kill as many human beings as possible, in the shortest amount of time....and most of these crazies, are on a suicide by cop mission.

A teacher or a child carrying a gun does not have the same freedom as the Killer....he wants to kill, his goal is to kill, to hurt people, as many people as possible....for his own legacy too......

the Teacher has the concern of not harming any children that may be in the way of the killer, and no experience with dealing with an extremely stressful situation with bloody bodies spread all over, such as this, along with worrying about the kids he left behind in his own classroom.....

And now we know more than one cop, stayed outside and did not approach him....with their just ain't gonna turn out as peachy as the president claims or the NRA claims, or you claim....

This NRA bull crud of:

"Everything would be honky dory if only everybody had a gun" bull crud,

is simply empty rhetoric repeated over and over again after each tragedy to sell more guns and used as a persuasion tactic on all of you who repeat it....over and over again hoping to convince the rest of us...and convince yourselves that it is true, without even putting any thought to it...on how would that work in a school or how would that work in a Bible study in church, or how would that work in a hospital, or how would that work in a Daycare center and so on and so forth.....

it's absolutely illogical and insane to push that ridiculous line, when in my opinion, the easy button is just waiting and waiting and waiting, for us to press on this issue with the semi automatic guns.
The odds may have been zero before Parkland. Now it's the solution to the problem.

you act as if no one ever thought of this before. what are you, 12?

The NRA is losing major business sponsors for the first time. Politicians are now afraid teenage voters are going to take them out of office. That they'll be taken out of office for their support of the NRA.

Times they are a changing.
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
And in the mean time you're telling us what guns you want to take away.
why do you need or want rapid fire assault weapons Missouri Mike? For fun? Or for, ''my gun is bigger than your gun'' crapola? Is it really worth it?

If some evil government ever came to get ya, your weapons will be that of a needle and the govt weapons will be like that of a don't stand a prayer! :eek:

And if it boils down to you just having some fun with some (deadly) toys every once in a while, or kids/adults being mowed down by some crazy in school or perp at a rock concert who decides to use that weapon because it will acertain MORE deaths in a shorter period of time, and since it meets constitutional muster to ban them, I'm on the side of the people mowed down and the families left behind in pain and sorrow and an emptiness that is beyond imaginable to me,

and can empathize ....if it were to happen to a child or husband, of mine.....

I think this disagreement is probably a perfect example of:

Men are From Mars
Women are from Venus
how many husbands do you have?
As many as I can handle, and that is just ONE! :D
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA

How? Positive media coverage? Invitations to more city conventions by Dallas? You'd need a steam-shovel to shovel your kind of bull. AFAICT, the only group out there benefiting from any of this are possibly the Democrats, who will no doubt try to spin this into an election issue, you watch. And I still say somewhere behind closed doors, rather than horrified, at some level in the DNC, they are CELEBRATING these killings for giving them political hay to sew against the GOP and will try to spin the Repubs as baby killers even though they take just as many donations and do JUST AS LITTLE when in power.

I no more fault politicians for gun killings as do I credit their ability to solve it. People will ALWAYS abuse their freedoms until the day you take all of them away. And when THAT day comes, it will be the Left pushing for it.
:cuckoo: the first time around and :cuckoo: on the regurgitation!
Think about it. the government had no idea Cruz had a gun, until he showed up killing kids in school.
cause none of the 2 dozen times they told them before that registered i suppose.

None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.

So let's confiscate all the guns from law abiding people who registered theirs!

The left are fascists.
If your child or husband was killed by some nut why would you think guns should be banned? Why wouldn't you think maybe they needed one?
Because in REALITY, my child or husband would not be carrying an AK47 or and AR15 or any equal match to the gun power of a determined mass murderer carrying war like weapons of this kind.. on them while they are attending school and moving from class to class...

It just comes off as unrealistic and ridiculous to me... and to most logical people, to hear that kind of argument...

We know the guns of choice for these murderers are these kinds of rapid fire weapons,

and we know why.....and it's not to rob a home or to steal a car....or to rape a woman.... it's to kill as many human beings as possible, in the shortest amount of time....and most of these crazies, are on a suicide by cop mission.

A teacher or a child carrying a gun does not have the same freedom as the Killer....he wants to kill, his goal is to kill, to hurt people, as many people as possible....for his own legacy too......

the Teacher has the concern of not harming any children that may be in the way of the killer, and no experience with dealing with an extremely stressful situation with bloody bodies spread all over, such as this, along with worrying about the kids he left behind in his own classroom.....

And now we know more than one cop, stayed outside and did not approach him....with their just ain't gonna turn out as peachy as the president claims or the NRA claims, or you claim....

This NRA bull crud of:

"Everything would be honky dory if only everybody had a gun" bull crud,

is simply empty rhetoric repeated over and over again after each tragedy to sell more guns and used as a persuasion tactic on all of you who repeat it....over and over again hoping to convince the rest of us...and convince yourselves that it is true, without even putting any thought to it...on how would that work in a school or how would that work in a Bible study in church, or how would that work in a hospital, or how would that work in a Daycare center and so on and so forth.....

it's absolutely illogical and insane to push that ridiculous line, when in my opinion, the easy button is just waiting and waiting and waiting, for us to press on this issue with the semi automatic guns.
What crazy notion thinks self defense requires equal firepower?
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

Hell there were more than that he was DCF radar for years. This was an epic fail by the state of Florida, cops and FBI. The sheriffs office had a call from someone on social media from MA about his guns and threats to commit suicide.
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
It shouldn't be when one buys a box of ammunition, that's for damn sure.
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

HERE WE HAD A TEXTBOOK CASE of a kid who was crying for attention, had untold numbers of alerts given to the authorities at every level about him and even four deputies on the scene, a situation where if ever the "system" was going to work to prevent a killing, it would be HERE, and still, NO ONE RESPONDED except to wait till it was over to pick up the dead bodies . . . and blame the NRA.

Liberalism is a mental disorder and like a calculator with a cracked board that produces an 8 when you press 4, it all makes perfect sense to them.

Had ONE PERSON had a gun in the school to shoot back in defense, almost certainly, SOME lives would have been saved. So what does the left conclude? To take the guns from those best positioned to be the first and best responders and leave it all up to those who demonstrate time and again utter indifference and incompetence in doing anything at all other than to protect themselves.

AND STILL . . . the Left will march on blind, rallying to end gun rights, kill the NRA and make the rest of us as defenseless as the schools.
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
It shouldn't be when one buys a box of ammunition, that's for damn sure.

Which number of visits is the magic number where one loses their constitutionally protected rights
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
It shouldn't be when one buys a box of ammunition, that's for damn sure.

Which number of visits is the magic number where one loses their constitutionally protected rights

Any one of the previous visits in which someone expressed concern for not only his safety, but that of others.
Right after he posted his claim of being a "professional school shooter."

To sit there and pound on a number is irrelevant... Law enforcement didn't do their jobs here.
It can be explained to you, however, it cannot be understood for you.
The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.


Good Lord, man.... how is 39 not a whole stampeding herd of red flags?!?!
If they didn't pay attention to
39 frigging visits, what in the bluest of blueballed fuckfest makes you think any of your make believe standards would be one to a kid who had the authorities called out to his house 39 times. Because you said so? The authorities didn't do their jobs, young women and men lost their lives, families are devastated, and its all blood on the hands of those authorities, who did not do their jobs.
Dear sweet baby Jesus...

What is the threshold for the number of visits before a person loses their constitutionally protected rights? Is it 30? 20? 10?
It shouldn't be when one buys a box of ammunition, that's for damn sure.

Which number of visits is the magic number where one loses their constitutionally protected rights

Any one of the previous visits in which someone expressed concern for not only his safety, but that of others.
Right after he posted his claim of being a "professional school shooter."

To sit there and pound on a number is irrelevant... Law enforcement didn't do their jobs here.
It can be explained to you, however, it cannot be understood for you.

So, which of those things do you think reached the level of taking away a constitutionally protected right? Was it the statement about being a professional school shooter?

I have a very high threshold for when a person should lose their constitutionally protected rights, others like you seem to not be as high.
I look forward to the death of the last Boomer, just so I can find them and spit on their grave.
A woman who called the FBI with a tip about Nikolas Cruz, the confessed gunman in last week’s shooting at a Florida high school, warned the bureau he had multiple rifles and ammunition and feared Cruz would wind up “getting into a school and just shooting the place up.”

The woman spoke with the FBI for roughly 13 minutes, according to a transcript of the call obtained and published by the New York Times. During that time, she told the FBI about several photos on Cruz’s Instagram accounts, as well as changes in his behavior following the death of his mother.

“If you go onto his Instagram pages, you’ll see all the guns,” the woman said. “He’s so into ISIS, and I’m afraid this is, something’s gonna happen because he doesn’t have the mental capacity. He can’t. He’s so outraged if someone talks to him about certain things.”

The tip to the FBI came on Jan. 5, more than one month before Cruz, 19, said he opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. Seventeen people were killed and at least a dozen were injured. Cruz admitted to police he was the shooter.

Transcript: Tipster told FBI she feared Florida shooting suspect would end up 'getting into a school and just shooting the place up'

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