So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter


26 calls to the FBI and local police and police on his property several times in that span and yet - nothing we can do, according to you..

The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.

26 calls to the FBI and local police and police on his property several times in that span and yet - nothing we can do, according to you..

The local police were called 39 times, and they didn'[t do anything.

If they knew he bought a bunch of guns and ammo, ii'm sure they would have at least questioned why he bought them, when they questioned his violent behavior.

you refuse to understand, only pretend a couple of your well thought out rules are enough.

you make all innocent people a criminal and never bother to take action against those committing criminal acts.

and we wonder how we got to where we are today.
Throwing stuff at your step mother. Doesn't raise a red flag. The police just let Cruz go with a warning.

Throwing stuff at your step mother, and then going out and buying a bunch of guns and ammo, and they would have at least taken Cruz in for questioning, and confiscated his weapons until they checked him out better.
you refuse to understand, only pretend a couple of your well thought out rules are enough.

you make all innocent people a criminal and never bother to take action against those committing criminal acts..

Actually criminals aren't the one's committing mass murder, especially against schools.
Unless they arrested, and charged Cruz, which I don't think they ever did, they have no grounds for a warrant against somebody not under arrest.

That's a classic fishing expedition, and not grounds for a search warrant.

You don't have to arrest someone to get a warrant.

If they don't have grounds for a warrant, then they failed to prove probable cause ...
What part of that do you fail to understand ... :dunno:

I never mentioned anything about a fishing expedition ...
You are the person that keeps coming up with imaginary reasons to do things that are not compliant with the law.

You are the one that thinks there should be a National Registry that includes everyone regardless of the fact they have broken no laws.

That's worse than your so called fishing expedition.
That's like using dynamite along with a troller net ... And killing everything in the pond to catch a minnow.

you refuse to understand, only pretend a couple of your well thought out rules are enough.

you make all innocent people a criminal and never bother to take action against those committing criminal acts..

Actually criminals aren't the one's committing mass murder, especially against schools.
neither are 99.999% of the people you want to register their bullets.
Four states agree to share gun registries

THIS shit will make a difference.

trying to get people to register ammo - fuck that. wasted time for a feel good move.

Why do half the job? Having guns with no ammo isn't a danger. Somebody buying ammo to go deer hunting isn't going to buy 1,000 rounds.

Think !!!
how many people buy 1k rounds at a time?
how many kevlar vests are sold?

you're inundating the FBI now with bullshit after just giving cruz a bye for "well how many calls do they get a day"???

if what you're doing is an example of "thinking" then i'll pass. that type of "thinking" i grew out of around 5.

we have a chance to fix our background database and ensure it's correct. let's do what we CAN do that WILL make a difference.

not make up bullshit laws so you can go LOOK I GOT ONE like a child catching candy at a parade.
They won't ask. They'll require people selling guns and ammo to tell the ATF what they sold, how much they sold, and who they sold it to.

And to make it simple, they should require the same ID requirements you need to vote in that state.

Soooo..... you would have a store clerk deputized as a federal agent?
I could not possibly see any thing being wrong with that.... (just in case you missed it, let me tell you, that was sarcasm )

As for ID requirements..... many shortcomings in other states, however, where I live, you must provide an ID to purchase not only a firearm, but the ammunition as well.... The Bassacward thing here is, you don't have to have an ID to vote.....

When the manufacture sells ammo, they have to tell the ATF who they sold it to. This just continues the chain of ownership. This just lets the authorities know before the murders start, who has what. It's to provide the picture with red flags on it.

Ok, this is just being nonsensical.

Some of the things you have said are real close to being tag lined...

You want or need big brother watching over you to make sure you do right? Be my guest. I don't, nor do I want anyone else looking for something where there is nothing. I learned a long time ago, if they (the man, big brother, dishonest cops, etc etc etc) want to get you for something, they will get you for something. Follow the law and do what you need to do within the legal confines, than so be it. So far, with this shooting, it's been proven that the breakdown and failure for these young men and women was at the law enforcement level.... I, nor anyone else, should make assumptions as to what a "new and better" gun control law would do. And that is all and ammunition stipulation would ever be.... another form of gun control. Stop it, work the laws that haven't been enforced and go forth from there.
Gonna have to start loading my own, I guess..... might as well, I only have all the time I need...
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You are the one that thinks there should be a National Registry that includes everyone regardless of the fact they have broken no laws.
You mean like the national voter registry that Trump tried to set up headed by Kobach?

If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA

How? Positive media coverage? Invitations to more city conventions by Dallas? You'd need a steam-shovel to shovel your kind of bull. AFAICT, the only group out there benefiting from any of this are possibly the Democrats, who will no doubt try to spin this into an election issue, you watch. And I still say somewhere behind closed doors, rather than horrified, at some level in the DNC, they are CELEBRATING these killings for giving them political hay to sew against the GOP and will try to spin the Repubs as baby killers even though they take just as many donations and do JUST AS LITTLE when in power.

I no more fault politicians for gun killings as do I credit their ability to solve it. People will ALWAYS abuse their freedoms until the day you take all of them away. And when THAT day comes, it will be the Left pushing for it.
You are the one that thinks there should be a National Registry that includes everyone regardless of the fact they have broken no laws.
You mean like the national voter registry that Trump tried to set up headed by Kobach?

If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.
and your odds of ever getting that are zero.

asking for it ends any discussion at all. THINK.
You are the one that thinks there should be a National Registry that includes everyone regardless of the fact they have broken no laws.
You mean like the national voter registry that Trump tried to set up headed by Kobach?

If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.

Is that what you meant and support ... :dunno:
You're the only one talking about a registry ... And stupid fishing expedition.

how many people buy 1k rounds at a time?
how many kevlar vests are sold?

you're inundating the FBI now with bullshit after just giving cruz a bye for "well how many calls do they get a day"???

If they get a call about somebody who just bought 10 guns, 1,000 rounds of ammo, and a bulletproof vest, i'm sure the red flags would go off.

IF somebody complains about something they saw on facebook about a guy with a gun, if they had a registry they could verify if the guy legally had the weapon.

Somebody shows off a 20 gun arsenal that were all legally purchased may be a concern, but the same person, same arsenal, but none of them registered, RED FLAG. Call in the police to investigate. If he just bought a bunch of ammo, send in the SWAT team.
You mean like the national voter registry that Trump tried to set up headed by Kobach?

If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.
and your odds of ever getting that are zero.

asking for it ends any discussion at all. THINK.

I am pretty sure thinking is not that nit-wits forte ... :thup:

how many people buy 1k rounds at a time?
how many kevlar vests are sold?

you're inundating the FBI now with bullshit after just giving cruz a bye for "well how many calls do they get a day"???

If they get a call about somebody who just bought 10 guns, 1,000 rounds of ammo, and a bulletproof vest, i'm sure the red flags would go off.

IF somebody complains about something they saw on facebook about a guy with a gun, if they had a registry they could verify if the guy legally had the weapon.

Somebody shows off a 20 gun arsenal that were all legally purchased may be a concern, but the same person, same arsenal, but none of them registered, RED FLAG. Call in the police to investigate. If he just bought a bunch of ammo, send in the SWAT team.
and we know they pay attention to calls don't we?

lord you re-invent stupid.
If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.
and your odds of ever getting that are zero.

asking for it ends any discussion at all. THINK.

The odds may have been zero before Parkland. Now it's the solution to the problem.
If we had an ATF registry of all the legally bought firearms, we would know how many firearms somebody has, and wouldn't need a fishing expedition search warrant to find out.
and your odds of ever getting that are zero.

asking for it ends any discussion at all. THINK.

The odds may have been zero before Parkland. Now it's the solution to the problem.

you act as if no one ever thought of this before. what are you, 12?
and we know they pay attention to calls don't we?

lord you re-invent stupid.

That's because they have no clue about the person other than the call, and any arrests they had on file. Which is Cruz's case was a blank sheet of paper.

If they had a record of him buying guns, especially an AR-15 and a bunch of ammo for it, that would have raised a RED FLAG.

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