So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
that kinda goes for any of us so what's your point?

when people talk like this the main thing you show is how much you DO NOT know about the current system.

That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.

Have you ever bought a weapon legally?
i'm not going to buy 1000 rounds of .22 ammo to go plinking and then have to register them.

as for registering guns - stop. if ANY progress is to be made you wont' do it lobbin out hail marys that are gonna get "shot down" before they have a chance. you won't win that, don't put it on the table. let's go for compromises that have a chance, shall we?

Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
that kinda goes for any of us so what's your point?

when people talk like this the main thing you show is how much you DO NOT know about the current system.

That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.
So far all I've seen is he had an arsenal of one. I suppose registration and ammo lists will make it easier to figure out where the government failed.
That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.

The 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act eliminated the National Registry ... :thup:

So far all I've seen is he had an arsenal of one. I suppose registration and ammo lists will make it easier to figure out where the government failed.
i'm not going to buy 1000 rounds of .22 ammo to go plinking and then have to register them.

as for registering guns - stop. if ANY progress is to be made you wont' do it lobbin out hail marys that are gonna get "shot down" before they have a chance. you won't win that, don't put it on the table. let's go for compromises that have a chance, shall we?

Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
no it wouldn't. people buy in bulk quite often.

like i said - you dont have a lot of experience here so your flags are not really GOOD flags. not trying to be a dick here, but manyh people do buy in bulk to go hit the range on a given weekend and so forth.
I guess this gives the righteous right, the empowerment to reorganize the FBI unto the image and likeness of God almighty.....or something like that, more or less.
It gives the right the power to terminate the FBI.

THEY literally have blood on their hands, not the NRA.
That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.

The 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act eliminated the National Registry ... :thup:

people don't understand the laws we do have.

and this is why we can't have nice laws.
Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
no it wouldn't. people buy in bulk quite often.

like i said - you dont have a lot of experience here so your flags are not really GOOD flags. not trying to be a dick here, but manyh people do buy in bulk to go hit the range on a given weekend and so forth.

They are used in combination. Right now being a nut, but not institutionalized doesn't raise a red flag.. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of weapons doesn't raise a red flag. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of ammunition, doesn't raise a red flag.

But all of these things taken together = mass murderer.

But right now the FBI and police aren't allowed to see the flags before a murder investigation. So they can't do anything before the murders start. This must end.
Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
no it wouldn't. people buy in bulk quite often.

like i said - you dont have a lot of experience here so your flags are not really GOOD flags. not trying to be a dick here, but manyh people do buy in bulk to go hit the range on a given weekend and so forth.

The number of firearms, model of firearms nor amount of ammunition are adequate in determining actual intent or assuming a viable threat.

Should the federal authorities require this information to assess a possible intent ... They would have to conduct a formal investigation.
Any such investigation would probably require a warrant and proof of probable cause.

Neither of which I would assume to be difficult providing for in the case of Nikolas Cruz considering his incredibly extensive record with authorities.

The number of firearms, model of firearms nor amount of ammunition are adequate in determining actual intent or assuming a viable threat.

Should the federal authorities require this information to assess a possible intent ... They would have to conduct a formal investigation.
Any such investigation would probably require a warrant and proof of probable cause.

Neither of which I would assume to be difficult providing for in the case of Nikolas Cruz considering his incredibly extensive record with authorities.


You have it wrong. You're talking a fishing expedition to find out what weapons and ammo he has. That's not grounds for a warrant.
Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
no it wouldn't. people buy in bulk quite often.

like i said - you dont have a lot of experience here so your flags are not really GOOD flags. not trying to be a dick here, but manyh people do buy in bulk to go hit the range on a given weekend and so forth.

They are used in combination. Right now being a nut, but not institutionalized doesn't raise a red flag.. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of weapons doesn't raise a red flag. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of ammunition, doesn't raise a red flag.

But all of these things taken together = mass murderer.

But right now the FBI and police aren't allowed to see the flags before a murder investigation. So they can't do anything before the murders start. This must end.
you're NOT going to get it all right off the bat. we have a chance to strengthen background checks and that's one hell of a start. what's supposed to be there, should be. due process should be there. this alone will help us and the system needs to be brought into modern times and tested/validated.

things like this WILL make a difference.

asking people to register guns AND ammo? they'll walk away and we do nothing. again.
Can anyone help the OP? He can't seem to back up his claim that the shooter could have been stopped, under the law, from doing the crime.
The right is running scared because they know they’ve lost the youth vote in elections as far as the eye can see.

And now corporations are bailing on the NRA; that's something all the market forces geniuses on the Right should be able to understand.
And now Republicans can run against the rich corporations.....
You have it wrong. You're talking a fishing expedition to find out what weapons and ammo he has. That's not grounds for a warrant.

You are obviously not familiar with the record of Nikolas Cruz.

In any case ... What I suggested is the proper legal recourse.
The burden to achieve a warrant by showing probable cause is on law enforcement ... And not a fishing expedition.

Registering your 1,000 rounds of .22 plinking ammo would also mean the Las Vegas shooter would have registered his 1,000 rounds of ammo. That would have set off a red flag.
no it wouldn't. people buy in bulk quite often.

like i said - you dont have a lot of experience here so your flags are not really GOOD flags. not trying to be a dick here, but manyh people do buy in bulk to go hit the range on a given weekend and so forth.

They are used in combination. Right now being a nut, but not institutionalized doesn't raise a red flag.. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of weapons doesn't raise a red flag. Somebody suddenly buying a lot of ammunition, doesn't raise a red flag.

But all of these things taken together = mass murderer.

But right now the FBI and police aren't allowed to see the flags before a murder investigation. So they can't do anything before the murders start. This must end.
and hey - if they FBI can't see HEY FUCKERS - THIS GUY HAS GUNS AND IS GONNA START SHOOTING PEOPLE ANY DAY NOW then i don't think seeing a few thousand rounds of ammo is going to clue them in.
The Federal Government was to only concern itself with laws that regulated issues between STATES and not within States. And they were to deal with attack from foreign nations. COMMUNITIES were to set up their own laws. The problem is that once a law becomes a FEDERAL case, all STATES and communities are forced to react in the very same manor. The problem is that what might work well in South Dakota might not work at all in say New Jersey. And what might work in Camden might be overkill in Buffalo. Plus, if a law is discovered to be terrible, at the community level it is far easier to repeal than if it is a Federal mandate. Democrats today seem far to power hungry and control freaks to rationally understand any of this!

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