So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

The deadliest school shooting (Virginia Tech)
Was carried out with two handguns ... 170 rounds shot, 33 dead and 23 wounded.

It isn't the firearm ... It's the nut behind the bolt ... :thup:

Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

It is like less than 2% of murders are committed using a rifle.
So again, your only agenda is to get all guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens so only outlaws and a rogue government have them.

It is more likely that someone intent on committing mass murder will use a long gun, one which can be fired rapidly by design or modification, such as a quick release button.

SKS Quick Mag Release By CNC Warrior
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

It is like less than 2% of murders are committed using a rifle.
So again, your only agenda is to get all guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens so only outlaws and a rogue government have them.

It is more likely that someone intent on committing mass murder will use a long gun, one which can be fired rapidly by design or modification, such as a quick release button.

SKS Quick Mag Release By CNC Warrior
Ignoramus. Close quarters a handgun is best. Rifle you just grab the barrel and he is disarmed.
It is more likely that someone intent on committing mass murder will use a long gun, one which can be fired rapidly by design or modification, such as a quick release button.

SKS Quick Mag Release By CNC Warrior

The mag release for a handgun is already next to the trigger guard.
It is closer to your fingertips and easier to operate than a long rifle mag.
Everything on a handgun is at your fingertips and not hard to get to.

The quick release button you posted a link to ...
Would still put the release on a long rifle further away from the release on my handguns.
Not to mention ... You don't have to stretch as far to jack another clip with a handgun.

Long arms are also terrible weapons indoors.
Even Navy Seal teams use shorter versions in close combat.

That’s why they want to raise the age to 21. Three more years of relying strictly on the government for your safety. The longer they can keep these kids dependent on government the better.

And it seems that Trump is a willing participant in this move.

He is backing away from that now


Which is not a surprise, he changes his stance more than most people change their underwear

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Reminds me of Obama on gay marriage


Yes and no. While I have no doubt Obama was just being political, I know lots and lots of people that were against gay marriage before they were for it, myself included.

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And I know lots and lots of people who have decided to add a firearm to the home

Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

I wonder if all these people were liberals? I've said it before: either the Left is working at some level to set up these killings as likely if not planned events, or they sure are getting a gift handed them to campaign against.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

The deadliest school shooting (Virginia Tech)
Was carried out with two handguns ... 170 rounds shot, 33 dead and 23 wounded.

It isn't the firearm ... It's the nut behind the bolt ... :thup:

Two semi automatic hand guns....
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

Yes they are don trump apologist.
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

I wonder if all these people were liberals? I've said it before: either the Left is working at some level to set up these killings as likely if not planned events, or they sure are getting a gift handed them to campaign against.
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

The deadliest school shooting (Virginia Tech)
Was carried out with two handguns ... 170 rounds shot, 33 dead and 23 wounded.

It isn't the firearm ... It's the nut behind the bolt ... :thup:

Two semi automatic hand guns....

2.99 seconds to shoot 16 rounds with a revolver.
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
obama lied many times about what he wanted to do with gun control. even the simple .22 round of ammo became "unicorn tears" due to his restrictions and efforts. then he lied about "green tipped .223" ammo and called it armor piercing - um..."training rounds"... "armor piercing" - same thing, right?

so you sooner or later have to ask yourself, if you're not coming for my guns, what's up with the lies to restrict them if not make them useless?
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
And in the mean time you're telling us what guns you want to take away.
I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!

I wouldn't assume to know what you want ... Other than what you say you want.
Of course I haven't mentioned anything about taking all my firearms away ... All I mentioned was restrictions.

You're the only one giving any indication otherwise ... Nit-wit ... :21:

Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
What is an assault weapon if I might ask? Tell US your expertise in the many types of weapons?

Any weapon used to assault or to commit a battery on another person.
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
Yes, they do.
A. Everyone trained in gun handling knows to drop their weapon when the cops show up.
B. Despite leftist bullshit propaganda, police do not just start shooting everyone without warning.
They never taught us to drop our weapon in the Army when cops were around...

I thought every morning you were told to drop your cock and grab your socks!
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
Yes, they do.
A. Everyone trained in gun handling knows to drop their weapon when the cops show up.
B. Despite leftist bullshit propaganda, police do not just start shooting everyone without warning.
They never taught us to drop our weapon in the Army when cops were around...

I thought every morning you were told to drop your cock and grab your socks!
No it wasn't the Navy or Marines..
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
And in the mean time you're telling us what guns you want to take away.
why do you need or want rapid fire assault weapons Missouri Mike? For fun? Or for, ''my gun is bigger than your gun'' crapola? Is it really worth it?

If some evil government ever came to get ya, your weapons will be that of a needle and the govt weapons will be like that of a don't stand a prayer! :eek:

And if it boils down to you just having some fun with some (deadly) toys every once in a while, or kids/adults being mowed down by some crazy in school or perp at a rock concert who decides to use that weapon because it will acertain MORE deaths in a shorter period of time, and since it meets constitutional muster to ban them, I'm on the side of the people mowed down and the families left behind in pain and sorrow and an emptiness that is beyond imaginable to me,

and can empathize ....if it were to happen to a child or husband, of mine.....

I think this disagreement is probably a perfect example of:

Men are From Mars
Women are from Venus

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