So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

why do you need or want rapid fire assault weapons Missouri Mike? For fun? Or for, ''my gun is bigger than your gun'' crapola? Is it really worth it?

If some evil government ever came to get ya, your weapons will be that of a needle and the govt weapons will be like that of a don't stand a prayer! :eek:

And if it boils down to you just having some fun with some (deadly) toys every once in a while, or kids/adults being mowed down by some crazy in school or perp at a rock concert who decides to use that weapon because it will acertain MORE deaths in a shorter period of time, and since it meets constitutional muster to ban them, I'm on the side of the people mowed down and the families left behind in pain and sorrow and an emptiness that is beyond imaginable to me,

and can empathize ....if it were to happen to a child or husband, of mine.....

I think this disagreement is probably a perfect example of:

Men are From Mars
Women are from Venus

Why do you keep thinking it makes a difference ... :dunno:

The point is not that someone may or may not need anything.
The point is you don't have the authority to decide what someone else may or may not need.

Congress can grant themselves that sweeping authority ...
They granted themselves the authority to tax income with the 16th Amendment.
They just don't get that authority without actually doing what is necessary.

If you don't like what you want to refer to as assault weapons ... Talk to your State Legislators ... They can regulate them.
Ask your Representatives in Congress to Repeal the Second Amendment ... And replace it with something more to your satisfaction.

You Do Have Options ... :thup:

Trying to piece-mill whatever your wants and desires may be through additional legislation that undermines the rights we already exercise is unacceptable.

While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
Yes, they do.
A. Everyone trained in gun handling knows to drop their weapon when the cops show up.
B. Despite leftist bullshit propaganda, police do not just start shooting everyone without warning.
They never taught us to drop our weapon in the Army when cops were around...

I thought every morning you were told to drop your cock and grab your socks!
No it wasn't the Navy or Marines..

Oh, so in the Army it would have been drop your boyfriend's cock and grab your socks! Gotcha!
I didn't decide, it already has been adjudicated, all the way up to the SC.

No it hasn't or we wouldn't be talking about it ... :thup:

Why are you scared to take the matter to your State Legislators?
Are you afraid that just might be influenced too much by the real desires of the people that live in your state?

Are you trying to impose your will on people who don't live in your state against their will?
Or are you trying to leverage people outside of your state to accomplish what you cannot accomplish otherwise?

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The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
And in the mean time you're telling us what guns you want to take away.
why do you need or want rapid fire assault weapons Missouri Mike? For fun? Or for, ''my gun is bigger than your gun'' crapola? Is it really worth it?

If some evil government ever came to get ya, your weapons will be that of a needle and the govt weapons will be like that of a don't stand a prayer! :eek:

And if it boils down to you just having some fun with some (deadly) toys every once in a while, or kids/adults being mowed down by some crazy in school or perp at a rock concert who decides to use that weapon because it will acertain MORE deaths in a shorter period of time, and since it meets constitutional muster to ban them, I'm on the side of the people mowed down and the families left behind in pain and sorrow and an emptiness that is beyond imaginable to me,

and can empathize ....if it were to happen to a child or husband, of mine.....

I think this disagreement is probably a perfect example of:

Men are From Mars
Women are from Venus
how many husbands do you have?
Oh, no, no! You see, that rifle forced itself into Cruz's hands and then made him shoot those kids. So stop trying to muddy the waters by blaming government authorities for inexplicably failing to act on several chances to stop this shooting before it occurred. It's all that rifle's fault.
Oh, no, no! You see, that rifle forced itself into Cruz's hands and then made him shoot those kids. So stop trying to muddy the waters by blaming government authorities for inexplicably failing to act on several chances to stop this shooting before it occurred. It's all that rifle's fault.

Think about it. the government had no idea Cruz had a gun, until he showed up killing kids in school.
Oh, no, no! You see, that rifle forced itself into Cruz's hands and then made him shoot those kids. So stop trying to muddy the waters by blaming government authorities for inexplicably failing to act on several chances to stop this shooting before it occurred. It's all that rifle's fault.

Think about it. the government had no idea Cruz had a gun, until he showed up killing kids in school.
cause none of the 2 dozen times they told them before that registered i suppose.
The ONLY people that benefit from these mass murder killings is the NRA and the gun manufacturers that they represent....gun sales are promoted heavily and sore in sales after every massacre! :eek:

Do you think firearm sales soar because someone shoots up a school ...
Or because the first thing nit-wits like you do is start talking about restricting firearms ... :dunno:

I think that it's because nitwits :D like you immediately claim we want to take all of your guns away....!
And in the mean time you're telling us what guns you want to take away.
why do you need or want rapid fire assault weapons Missouri Mike? For fun? Or for, ''my gun is bigger than your gun'' crapola? Is it really worth it?

If some evil government ever came to get ya, your weapons will be that of a needle and the govt weapons will be like that of a don't stand a prayer! :eek:

And if it boils down to you just having some fun with some (deadly) toys every once in a while, or kids/adults being mowed down by some crazy in school or perp at a rock concert who decides to use that weapon because it will acertain MORE deaths in a shorter period of time, and since it meets constitutional muster to ban them, I'm on the side of the people mowed down and the families left behind in pain and sorrow and an emptiness that is beyond imaginable to me,

and can empathize ....if it were to happen to a child or husband, of mine.....

I think this disagreement is probably a perfect example of:

Men are From Mars
Women are from Venus
I have weapons that span the spectrum. And they are all available to me in any situation I may find myself in. The fact I have those guns makes your my dick is bigger argument null and void. It's not about bigger it's about being prepared. And hell yes it's worth it.

If your child or husband was killed by some nut why would you think guns should be banned? Why wouldn't you think maybe they needed one? You can't disarm criminals. But you can disarm yourself and be a victim.

BTW- My wife has three firearms within reach of her when she goes to sleep at night. I sleep better knowing that.
Think about it. the government had no idea Cruz had a gun, until he showed up killing kids in school.
cause none of the 2 dozen times they told them before that registered i suppose.

None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
that kinda goes for any of us so what's your point?

when people talk like this the main thing you show is how much you DO NOT know about the current system.

random pic of the day.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

The arm the cop with an even bigger or or more automatic weapon. You people appease and appease.
None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
that kinda goes for any of us so what's your point?

when people talk like this the main thing you show is how much you DO NOT know about the current system.

That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.
None of it registered because the guns weren't registered. They had no clue how many guns or how much ammunition Cruz had.
that kinda goes for any of us so what's your point?

when people talk like this the main thing you show is how much you DO NOT know about the current system.

That's the point. We need full and complete gun registration, and ammunition registration. It's one thing for somebody to be an unstable mental case. But currently it comes as a surprise that he's a well armed unstable mental case.

Knowledge is knowing. Had the florida police known how many guns Cruz had, and how big an arsenal he as building, they would have done something during their 39 police visits.
i'm not going to buy 1000 rounds of .22 ammo to go plinking and then have to register them.

as for registering guns - stop. if ANY progress is to be made you wont' do it lobbin out hail marys that are gonna get "shot down" before they have a chance. you won't win that, don't put it on the table. let's go for compromises that have a chance, shall we?

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