So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

If others around him were armed he would be far less likely to use it. So yes in a sense other armed people would have kept him in check. It's easy to decide you're the badass when you're holding the only weapon. On equal footing it gets a lot trickier.

You have the story half right. The teacher with a handgun isn't on equal footing with a gunman with an AR-15. The teacher is also worried about missing and hitting a child, where the gunman isn't.
The teacher is also worried about missing and hitting a child, where the gunman isn't.
bullshit argument.. When a teach is hunkered down in their classroom the teacher is in front the kids are behind him/her/it. When the door is opened without proper clearance the teacher has every right to empty the gun. AR-15 vs Pistol, pistol will win, because the AR-15 is clumsy when entering a room...
Just shows how much of a dumbass a liberal is when they TRY to make their point.
Can anyone help the OP? He can't seem to back up his claim that the shooter could have been stopped, under the law, from doing the crime.
The right is running scared because they know they’ve lost the youth vote in elections as far as the eye can see.
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
Still waiting for you to tell us what an Assault weapon is? Please, don't hesitate to show US your expertise...
An assault weapon is what was defined in the assault weapons ban. With any new weapons from the interim added
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
The NYC have the best police force in the country. Being such a dope you missed the main point. If trained police only have a 18% accuracy rate, just think how low it would be for a teacher?
If the teacher is missing a gunman, they are probably shooting more students you dumb piece of shit.
Just because your worthless president comes out with a NRA inspired idea, you feel the need to support it.
The teacher is also worried about missing and hitting a child, where the gunman isn't.

bullshit argument.. When a teach is hunkered down in their classroom the teacher is in front the kids are behind him/her/it. When the door is opened without proper clearance the teacher has every right to empty the gun. AR-15 vs Pistol, pistol will win, because the AR-15 is clumsy when entering a room...
Just shows how much of a dumbass a liberal is when they TRY to make their point.

Bingo. The gunman isn't stupid. He'll do what you've seen a thousand times on TV and the movies, where he takes kids hostage to use as a shield knowing people are gunning for him.

He'll tell the kids to open the door, and then watch if the teacher starts blasting them. If the teacher hesitates, he blows the teacher away. Now on to the next classroom
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
“Liberal perp”
Dipshit thinks conservatives don’t commit crimes....which proves that deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
Can anyone help the OP? He can't seem to back up his claim that the shooter could have been stopped, under the law, from doing the crime.
The right is running scared because they know they’ve lost the youth vote in elections as far as the eye can see.

And now corporations are bailing on the NRA; that's something all the market forces geniuses on the Right should be able to understand.
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
The NYC have the best police force in the country. Being such a dope you missed the main point. If trained police only have a 18% accuracy rate, just think how low it would be for a teacher?
If the teacher is missing a gunman, they are probably shooting more students you dumb piece of shit.
Just because your worthless president comes out with a NRA inspired idea, you feel the need to support it.
My daughter at 21 feet, about 3 times the distance from the middle of the classroom to the door, can put a bullet on target without a miss. Something wrong with Mayor Deblasio's men in blue if they can only hit the target 18% of the time. Maybe they should hire my daughter to teach them to shoot.. She is going to be a teacher next year, armed and concealed carry. Beware bad guys of pissed off US women, who fight to the death to protect children.

This is NOT my daughter but a very confident women in her own skin..

View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
“Liberal perp”
Dipshit thinks conservatives don’t commit crimes....which proves that deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
Liberal Republicans commit crimes as much as the liberal on the left do.

Conservative - Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Don't see "Rules for Radicals" anywhere in that, do you?
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
She throws the gun down. Hopefully next to the dead body of the criminal she took down while swat was driving to the scene. Or I suppose she could just take the school shooters bullet to the head with a sigh of relief at least she wasn’t holding a gun when swat showed up.
My daughter at 21 feet, about 3 times the distance from the middle of the classroom to the door, can put a bullet on target without a miss. Something wrong with Mayor Deblasio's men in blue if they can only hit the target 18% of the time.

It's a lot like deer huntin'. It's a lot easier hitting the target if it ain't shootin' back.
What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
She throws the gun down. Hopefully next to the dead body of the criminal she took down while swat was driving to the scene. Or I suppose she could just take the school shooters bullet to the head with a sigh of relief at least she wasn’t holding a gun when swat showed up.

At Colombine there as more than one shooter.
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
Yes, they do.
A. Everyone trained in gun handling knows to drop their weapon when the cops show up.
B. Despite leftist bullshit propaganda, police do not just start shooting everyone without warning.

Do we get to raise your taxes to pay for all this hiring, training, and employment of this massive school guard force?

Or is that someone else's obligation?
Just join the NRA. They are willing to do the training.
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
“Liberal perp”
Dipshit thinks conservatives don’t commit crimes....which proves that deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
Liberal Republicans commit crimes as much as the liberal on the left do.

Conservative - Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Don't see "Rules for Radicals" anywhere in that, do you?

I don't see liberals in MAGA caps shooting up schools.
What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
She throws the gun down. Hopefully next to the dead body of the criminal she took down while swat was driving to the scene. Or I suppose she could just take the school shooters bullet to the head with a sigh of relief at least she wasn’t holding a gun when swat showed up.

At Colombine there as more than one shooter.
So probably should have an extra mag on you.
View attachment 178547 Of course this worthless president does the bidding for the NRA. Advocating arming teachers is a reprehensible idea on so many levels.
And then you wonder why I wont go to NYC? If I cant carry, I don't go. I wont rely on some government puke who will run at first instance of danger, while if I am armed will not hesitate to bring the liberal perp down.
“Liberal perp”
Dipshit thinks conservatives don’t commit crimes....which proves that deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
Liberal Republicans commit crimes as much as the liberal on the left do.

Conservative - Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Don't see "Rules for Radicals" anywhere in that, do you?

I don't see liberals in MAGA caps shooting up schools.
Almost all murderers are Obama or Bernie lovers.
Hillary lovers are too stupid and look down the barrel of the gun most of the time.
What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
She throws the gun down. Hopefully next to the dead body of the criminal she took down while swat was driving to the scene. Or I suppose she could just take the school shooters bullet to the head with a sigh of relief at least she wasn’t holding a gun when swat showed up.

At Colombine there as more than one shooter.
Yes, two atheists did Columbine.

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