So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.
How many times have police used the excuse, that they killed the unarmed man because they thought he was pulling a gun and his own life was in danger?

And the argument for the shooting and killing was that they may be paid peace officers, but they are not required to give up their own lives....

I think it's a made up movie script where there is always a hero, that is getting in the way of your common sense on this one....

That police officer, was as good as dead if he entered that building with his gun against the kid's AR15....

I would have hoped for some Rambo type action with some imaginary Rambo type arsenal for him to save the kids,

but in reality and at the same time... I would be grateful he did not go on this suicide mission if I were his wife, or daughter....

it's a hard call for that cop, all the way around
Doing your job is not a hard call. He had everything he needed to confront the kid and didn't do it. I do see your quandary though. Cops kill people all the time but their the only ones that can shoot back if they choose to intervene at all is a hard circle to square huh?
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.

He is right, they are a suggestion.

In fact, in Tennessee, they recently implemented a law that if you have a 'No Guns Allowed' sign on your business, and someone is injured or killed in a shooting, the business is liable for all cost to the infringed party.

Personally, I disregard those signs

Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.
Well shit. Was Cruz authorized then? I mean, the sign, it's right there. Maybe that's what the cop was waiting for. Cruz to see one of those signs and realize he wasn't authorized to have a gun at the school.

Compared to your desire that he ought to be able to roam the school unmolested in any way, while he's toting an AR 15...
That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.
Well shit. Was Cruz authorized then? I mean, the sign, it's right there. Maybe that's what the cop was waiting for. Cruz to see one of those signs and realize he wasn't authorized to have a gun at the school.

Compared to your desire that he ought to be able to roam the school unmolested in any way, while he's toting an AR 15...
If others around him were armed he would be far less likely to use it. So yes in a sense other armed people would have kept him in check. It's easy to decide you're the badass when you're holding the only weapon. On equal footing it gets a lot trickier.
Anyone else catch the weirdness here of the gun nuts now arguing AGAINST armed guards in school?
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.
How many times have police used the excuse, that they killed the unarmed man because they thought he was pulling a gun and his own life was in danger?

And the argument for the shooting and killing was that they may be paid peace officers, but they are not required to give up their own lives....

I think it's a made up movie script where there is always a hero, that is getting in the way of your common sense on this one....

That police officer, was as good as dead if he entered that building with his gun against the kid's AR15....

I would have hoped for some Rambo type action with some imaginary Rambo type arsenal for him to save the kids,

but in reality and at the same time... I would be grateful he did not go on this suicide mission if I were his wife, or daughter....

it's a hard call for that cop, all the way around
Doing your job is not a hard call. He had everything he needed to confront the kid and didn't do it. I do see your quandary though. Cops kill people all the time but their the only ones that can shoot back if they choose to intervene at all is a hard circle to square huh?
I have nothing but sympathy for that deputy. He will have to live with it the rest of his life. We train, we prepare, but none of us know how we will act until actually confronted by a crisis. I've had a few in my life that I thank God I acted correctly in, but I sure felt that overwhelming instinct to flee the situation. Your mind keeps telling you this is not happening over and over and you can freeze so easily.
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.

...but apparently a sense of humor isn't . :cool:

Anyways back on Earth certain elements of the population continue the never ending quest to eradicate their own natural rights.
If others around him were armed he would be far less likely to use it. So yes in a sense other armed people would have kept him in check. It's easy to decide you're the badass when you're holding the only weapon. On equal footing it gets a lot trickier.

You have the story half right. The teacher with a handgun isn't on equal footing with a gunman with an AR-15. The teacher is also worried about missing and hitting a child, where the gunman isn't.
I have nothing but sympathy for that deputy. He will have to live with it the rest of his life. We train, we prepare, but none of us know how we will act until actually confronted by a crisis. .

The guy was a long term police officer. As opposed to a teacher whose job is to teach, not to confront criminals. I think this is the same as cowardliness in the face of the enemy. If he was in the army, they would put him in front of a firing squad.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, .
There's no "constitutional right" to own an automobile either yet.....

COTUS Amendment IX: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

... automobiles were involved in over 40,000 deaths last year.

FYI: There is no such thing as a "constitutional right" , there are Constitutionally Protected Rights, our individual rights don't come from the Constitution.
there is no constitutional right to own a weapon of war......that's the ruling, that's what we live by.... it was challenged around when the Assault weapons were banned I believe, and the Supreme court's judgement was that it did not break the constitution to ban weapons of war, weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass killing.....
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.
How many times have police used the excuse, that they killed the unarmed man because they thought he was pulling a gun and his own life was in danger?

And the argument for the shooting and killing was that they may be paid peace officers, but they are not required to give up their own lives....

I think it's a made up movie script where there is always a hero, that is getting in the way of your common sense on this one....

That police officer, was as good as dead if he entered that building with his gun against the kid's AR15....

I would have hoped for some Rambo type action with some imaginary Rambo type arsenal for him to save the kids,

but in reality and at the same time... I would be grateful he did not go on this suicide mission if I were his wife, or daughter....

it's a hard call for that cop, all the way around
Doing your job is not a hard call. He had everything he needed to confront the kid and didn't do it. I do see your quandary though. Cops kill people all the time but their the only ones that can shoot back if they choose to intervene at all is a hard circle to square huh?
I have nothing but sympathy for that deputy. He will have to live with it the rest of his life. We train, we prepare, but none of us know how we will act until actually confronted by a crisis. I've had a few in my life that I thank God I acted correctly in, but I sure felt that overwhelming instinct to flee the situation. Your mind keeps telling you this is not happening over and over and you can freeze so easily.
That’s all true. But if that’s the job you want you better do it. 17 people were counting on that government supplied person for their safety. Not a good time to decide you aren’t up for it.
It makes one wonder if they don't want to stop mass shootings...what better way to grow government?
That’s why they want to raise the age to 21. Three more years of relying strictly on the government for your safety. The longer they can keep these kids dependent on government the better.

And it seems that Trump is a willing participant in this move.

He is backing away from that now


Which is not a surprise, he changes his stance more than most people change their underwear

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Reminds me of Obama on gay marriage


Yes and no. While I have no doubt Obama was just being political, I know lots and lots of people that were against gay marriage before they were for it, myself included.

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If others around him were armed he would be far less likely to use it. So yes in a sense other armed people would have kept him in check. It's easy to decide you're the badass when you're holding the only weapon. On equal footing it gets a lot trickier.

You have the story half right. The teacher with a handgun isn't on equal footing with a gunman with an AR-15. The teacher is also worried about missing and hitting a child, where the gunman isn't.
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.
While not equal at least you have some footing. It’s better than hiding under a desk with nothing.

What happens to the gun wielding teacher when the SWAT team shows up? They see somebody waiving a handgun around, do they ask questions first?
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, .
There's no "constitutional right" to own an automobile either yet.....

COTUS Amendment IX: "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

... automobiles were involved in over 40,000 deaths last year.

FYI: There is no such thing as a "constitutional right" , there are Constitutionally Protected Rights, our individual rights don't come from the Constitution.
there is no constitutional right to own a weapon of war......that's the ruling, that's what we live by.... it was challenged around when the Assault weapons were banned I believe, and the Supreme court's judgement was that it did not break the constitution to ban weapons of war, weapons of mass destruction, weapons of mass killing.....


Do yourself a favor and stop abusing your right to be a mindless parrot; use your brain for something other than a FIFO queue for partisan talking points and stop and actually think about what's written before responding to it.

K, thanks.:)
Anyone else catch the weirdness here of the gun nuts now arguing AGAINST armed guards in school?
Anyone notice that New Porker here is just as stupid as always with his silly straw men?

You're the one who started the thread trashing the armed guard. Missouri Mike said we don't need government in this business.

BTW, when are you going to tell us what laws the authorities, including the FBI, could have used to stop this shooting?
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.
No we should continue with our same lackadaisical don't give a fuck 'tude from law enforcement while we pay for their retirement from hailing them as hero's when the majority are zero's.....That is called conservatism.....Dotards Inc...
Anyone else catch the weirdness here of the gun nuts now arguing AGAINST armed guards in school?
Anyone notice that New Porker here is just as stupid as always with his silly straw men?

You're the one who started the thread trashing the armed guard. Missouri Mike said we don't need government in this business.

BTW, when are you going to tell us what laws the authorities, including the FBI, could have used to stop this shooting?
Thought crimes......Or Tide Pods per the OP...
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.

He is right, they are a suggestion.

In fact, in Tennessee, they recently implemented a law that if you have a 'No Guns Allowed' sign on your business, and someone is injured or killed in a shooting, the business is liable for all cost to the infringed party.

Personally, I disregard those signs


LOL, TN schools are exempted from that rule.

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