So 4 Times the Government Had the Opportunity to Stop the Parkland Shooter

Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.
It makes one wonder if they don't want to stop mass shootings...what better way to grow government?
That’s why they want to raise the age to 21. Three more years of relying strictly on the government for your safety. The longer they can keep these kids dependent on government the better.

And it seems that Trump is a willing participant in this move.

He is backing away from that now


Which is not a surprise, he changes his stance more than most people change their underwear

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Reminds me of Obama on gay marriage

I guess this gives the righteous right, the empowerment to reorganize the FBI unto the image and likeness of God almighty.....or something like that, more or less.

They only brought the FBI into this because of Dear Leader's unrelated feud with the bureau, or whatever you want to call it.

Like good sheep...
He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.

So the armed guard idea isn't as great as we've been led to believe?
That's why we have a second amendment. So we don't have to rely on the government. This guy could have been the one sent to your house during a break in. And sat outside listening to your family being murdered. This is also the guy you think should be the only one, other than the criminals of course, that should have a gun. This is what you get when you put all of your trust in government and create a no gun zone.

So you want students to have the right to carry guns in schools. Or visitors.
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

Maybe they're working 99.9% of the time.
Well if that were true then school shootings are no big deal right?
Oh please. The Republicans don't want the government to "intrude" on anyone's lives. Only when someone dies. Then the Republicans blame the government they do everything they can to leave hamstrung.
The GOP is the party of hypocrites. They fuk everything up and then, like Trump, blame all their fuk ups on someone else.
I guess this gives the righteous right, the empowerment to reorganize the FBI unto the image and likeness of God almighty.....or something like that, more or less.

Why not. That’s whit is started with. God, country, apple pie, just not communist.
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.
It makes one wonder if they don't want to stop mass shootings...what better way to grow government?
That’s why they want to raise the age to 21. Three more years of relying strictly on the government for your safety. The longer they can keep these kids dependent on government the better.

And it seems that Trump is a willing participant in this move.

He is backing away from that now


Which is not a surprise, he changes his stance more than most people change their underwear

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Reminds me of Obama on gay marriage


Obama's change was progress. That's how progressive ideas win.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
CNN should be banned there's no constitutional right to anything other than a printing press. The 1A mentions "press" not cable
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

How could they have stopped him? Under what law(s)?

So did I waste my time asking the above? Or did I prove my implied point?
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.
He could have done the same amount of damage with pistols. Or a machete for that matter. When your one armed guy pusses out you're kinda screwed. He didn't do his job. Period. No new laws are going to make him braver.
How many times have police used the excuse, that they killed the unarmed man because they thought he was pulling a gun and his own life was in danger?

And the argument for the shooting and killing was that they may be paid peace officers, but they are not required to give up their own lives....

I think it's a made up movie script where there is always a hero, that is getting in the way of your common sense on this one....

That police officer, was as good as dead if he entered that building with his gun against the kid's AR15....

I would have hoped for some Rambo type action with some imaginary Rambo type arsenal for him to save the kids,

but in reality and at the same time... I would be grateful he did not go on this suicide mission if I were his wife, or daughter....

it's a hard call for that cop, all the way around
Three FBI tips ignored and a deputy who froze.
And yet the left's response is we need to listen to the Tide Pod eating, bathroom confused generation to establish new firearm policy to disarm law abiding citizens so only the government which failed can have weapons. The same government the left is accusing of going around shooting innocent people just because of their skin color.

These truly are The Insane Years.

How could they have stopped him? Under what law(s)?

So did I waste my time asking the above? Or did I prove my implied point?
Hey shitforbrains:
Student charged with making terrorist threats - The Boston Globe
Why not? The gun free zone signs aren't working.

That's because the design of the signs is flawed....

Currently they read:
"This is a gun free zone, guns are not permitted on these premises"

When actually they should read:
"This is a gun free zone, if you attempt to bring a gun on these premises YOU WILL BE SHOT!"

Guns are permitted in a gun free zone, dumbass.
So the signs are just a suggestion? Alright then. Glad we got that cleared up.

No, the signs tell you that unless you are explicitly authorized to have a gun on the premises, you can't.
Well shit. Was Cruz authorized then? I mean, the sign, it's right there. Maybe that's what the cop was waiting for. Cruz to see one of those signs and realize he wasn't authorized to have a gun at the school.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

Almost a verbatim quote from TV News there. Then about the cops confronting the shooter. I agree. I’m sure you remember ahem this happened,

Sid the cops just stand aside and give up ? No. Those same cops who at the time were openly called scum up to and a week after that day, drew a puney 9mm and or a shotgun and had at them, many were wounded and in the end, it was weapons, AR15’s provided by a civilian dealer to the cops that ended that event.

Then you have Steve Scaliese. Those cops took down a berni Guy with an AK, again armed only with handguns.

There are many mor instances like this so the cop because scared or refusing to cexicute the functions of their job is unexceptable. He gets what he has coming.

Then you have the Texas church shooting. It was a civilian AR15 that stopped that shooting, not a cops.

Y’all got your emotional moment. Had it for a week. Now, it’s time to be a grown up and be honest about this instead of trying to be popular on social media.

He gets what he has coming.
Assault weapons should be banned....there is no constitutional right to own them, this has already been settled by a Supreme Court decision. The 2nd amendment is still in tact.

the police officer outside did not want to die, he didn't stand a prayer of living with a mere handgun against an AR15....same with teachers if they were carrying a gun.....

There is no match up that could come out in their favor against someone with an AR15 or AK47 etc....

Banning assault weapons will not stop these crazies, but it will limit the number of innocent children and adults they kill, and will give an officer of the law, a fighting chance when confronting them imo.

Almost a verbatim quote from TV News there. Then about the cops confronting the shooter. I agree. I’m sure you remember ahem this happened,

Sid the cops just stand aside and give up ? No. Those same cops who at the time were openly called scum up to and a week after that day, drew a puney 9mm and or a shotgun and had at them, many were wounded and in the end, it was weapons, AR15’s provided by a civilian dealer to the cops that ended that event.

Then you have Steve Scaliese. Those cops took down a berni Guy with an AK, again armed only with handguns.

There are many mor instances like this so the cop because scared or refusing to cexicute the functions of their job is unexceptable. He gets what he has coming.

Then you have the Texas church shooting. It was a civilian AR15 that stopped that shooting, not a cops.

Y’all got your emotional moment. Had it for a week. Now, it’s time to be a grown up and be honest about this instead of trying to be popular on social media.

He gets what he has coming.

I guess. I mean he quit diddnt he?

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