So a bunch of Queers are the First from Caravan to Arrive

Seems someone coughed up some cash to put them at head of the line.


Feds "Harden" San Diego - Tijuana Border As LGBT Caravan Migrants First To Arrive

In anticipation of the approaching Central American migrant caravan, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that work began on Tuesday to "harden" the border crossing between Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego.

The work comes as the first wave of migrants arrived in Tijuana Monday; approximately 80 gay, lesbian and transgender asylum seekers who were bussed ahead by an anonymous organization after they say intolerant fellow asylum seekers were harassing them.

lgbt%20asylum.png asylum.png?itok=cwIbQQR4
The idiots who don't believe we landed on the moon?
Say no more

NBC local, dumbass. Say no more, faggot. ZeroHedge is just fine, your claims are suspect, however.

First Contingent of Migrant Caravan Arrives in Tijuana
The Washington Post is simply a mouthpiece of the CFR so I don't put much stock in it. As far as the possibility of that? Middle class numbers have been dropping since it reached it's apex in 1970 shortly after the formation of the Club of Rome ( an offshoot of the U.N, basically) and it's "Limit To Growth" program that led to the shipping off of blue collar jobs that paid well. The average middle class male that is 55 and over has worked ten years for free when you take into account the unconstitutional income tax and all the other taxes and fees put upon them by USA.INC and all their subsidiaries.

Oh, Crazy Dale, taxes are what it costs to live in a civilized society. It's how we get roads and clean water and infrastructure and police and fire prevention....

Seriously, what we need to do is fence off one of the square states, put all the LIbertarian and other assholes in it.. no government, no taxes, no laws, no subsidies for their agriculture....

and then watch how long it takes them to resort to cannibalism.
A cavaran of queers is crossing the border and heading right towards your asshole! Everyone panic!
We should remain calm until we know for certain that the particular strain of HIV they’re carrying is a new & more virulent one.
A cavaran of queers is crossing the border and heading right towards your asshole! Everyone panic!
We should remain calm until we know for certain that the particular strain of HIV they’re carrying is a new & more virulent one.

Thank goodness the gay community has people such as yourself looking out for our best interests. :lol:
A cavaran of queers is crossing the border and heading right towards your asshole! Everyone panic!
We should remain calm until we know for certain that the particular strain of HIV they’re carrying is a new & more virulent one.

Thank goodness the gay community has people such as yourself looking out for our best interests. :lol:
I’m looking out in this case in the interest of the CDC’s protection of the entire US population.
The Washington Post is simply a mouthpiece of the CFR so I don't put much stock in it. As far as the possibility of that? Middle class numbers have been dropping since it reached it's apex in 1970 shortly after the formation of the Club of Rome ( an offshoot of the U.N, basically) and it's "Limit To Growth" program that led to the shipping off of blue collar jobs that paid well. The average middle class male that is 55 and over has worked ten years for free when you take into account the unconstitutional income tax and all the other taxes and fees put upon them by USA.INC and all their subsidiaries.

Oh, Crazy Dale, taxes are what it costs to live in a civilized society. It's how we get roads and clean water and infrastructure and police and fire prevention....

Seriously, what we need to do is fence off one of the square states, put all the LIbertarian and other assholes in it.. no government, no taxes, no laws, no subsidies for their agriculture....

and then watch how long it takes them to resort to cannibalism.

Income taxes do not go to fund anything as it pertains to this corporate entity we call "gubermint" and we found this out with the Grace Committee findings. It goes to pay interest to a foreign owned central bank that extends credit from an empty checkbook. What cracks me up about ignorant commies (such as yourself) is that you believe in "gubermint god" and that this corporate entity actually gives a fuck about your well-being because it doesn't. Keep worshiping your "god", lil Joe and let me know how that works out for ya.
Income taxes do not go to fund anything as it pertains to this corporate entity we call "gubermint" and we found this out with the Grace Committee findings.

Right. They are funding the vast secret lizard man base under Area 51 where the Chem Trail Planes are launched from.

Now go take your medications like the nice doctor says to.
Income taxes do not go to fund anything as it pertains to this corporate entity we call "gubermint" and we found this out with the Grace Committee findings.

Right. They are funding the vast secret lizard man base under Area 51 where the Chem Trail Planes are launched from.

Now go take your medications like the nice doctor says to.

I know more than you, commie Joe. I am "dead on point" while you wander around in the dark like all leftards do.

Hope this helps!
I know more than you, commie Joe. I am "dead on point" while you wander around in the dark like all leftards do.

Hope this helps!

again, buddy, you are a crazy person who thinks the CIA is giving him orders through a lamp post. I'm not even sure how you function from day to day.
I know more than you, commie Joe. I am "dead on point" while you wander around in the dark like all leftards do.

Hope this helps!

again, buddy, you are a crazy person who thinks the CIA is giving him orders through a lamp post. I'm not even sure how you function from day to day.

Again, commie Joe, I am right and you are wrong and it galls you. Fuck you and your beloved a"gubermint", ya lil commie fuck.

Again, commie Joe, I am right and you are wrong and it galls you. Fuck you and your beloved a"gubermint", ya lil commie fuck.

No, guy, what annoys me is that the internet gives you the ability to interact with other crazies and you all feed off of each other, rather than in the pre-internet world, where you guys would have probably gotten noticed and medicated.

Seriously, do you have no interaction with people in the real world, who tell you that you are nuts when you say shit like :"Sandy Hook was a staged event"?

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