So....a Muslim ban won't work; But a gun ban will??? Explain.

Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

Given the likelihood you never shot a gun in your life, can you explain the difference between a semi-automatic handgun and an assault weapon? specific and tell us how banning assault weapons would help.
Neither will prevent any and all attacks but consider this.

If we continue to let Muslims in but don't allow them to buy guns that can kill 100 people we'll be safer

Paris tried that. Let Muslims in. Didn't allow them to buy guns.

Somehow....they slaughter Parisians....twice...with AK47s. Which they weren't allowed to buy.
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.

That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

Given the likelihood you never shot a gun in your life, can you explain the difference between a semi-automatic handgun and an assault weapon? specific and tell us how banning assault weapons would help.
Instead of 50-100 it'd be ten or 20
If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.

I'm not against any of that. I also want mentally ill people housed in institutions....not drugged and released on society.

These shootings happen more now because our crazies are roaming the streets instead of being in an institution....not because guns are available.

Lock up the crazies and watch mass shootings slow down. At least the non Muslim ones.

He's proposing gun registration. You should be opposed to what he posted.

Well man...I'm always honest and I admit...I'm pretty much neutral on gun registration. I say that because having been a cop...I'm not concerned AT ALL about the police en mass coming for our guns. They'd never do it. Could the military?? I highly doubt it. For all I care I'll take photos of my guns and let the government have them if they want.

I respect those who are against gun registration and I won't openly advocate for registration. But I'm just indifferent. If it was part of a great compromise and we got something great in return...I wouldn't oppose it.

Because as I said....they won't come take em. They know it. I knew it when I was a cop. Deep down we all know it.

One of my best friends is Sheriff of my county (and a great guy). We have talked at length about this very thing. Like me, he agrees that registration is bad on several fronts. One - it allows your identity to be known to local, state, federal databases. Do you REALLY want your information out there in this day and age? Second - if flies directly in the face of the second amendment and "Shall not be infringed". When you register a firearm, you are basically asking permission to exercise your rights. Lastly - IF an order were issued for confiscation, which officer wants to be the first one through the door of a law-abiding house to confiscate? Which one wants to be the "guy" who enforces an unlawful and unconstitutional order?

How the Nazis Used Gun Control
We won't take what you have just stop manufacturing and selling new ones. Or heavily vet anyone buying one. And you're responsible for your crazy fucked up kids

And you think that doesn't violate the 2nd Amendment?
Paris tried that. Let Muslims in. Didn't allow them to buy guns.

Somehow....they slaughter Parisians....twice...with AK47s. Which they weren't allowed to buy.
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.

That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
How about a 5 year wait.

Sound great. How about a five year wait on buying a car, a home, a stock in the stock market.
Honestly I'd rather not have to regulate guns and instead deal with why so many Americans are so angry but you'll argue with me on that too I'm sure. The abortion shooting, the black church shooting, San Bernardino, sandy hook, Columbine etc.

We must be doing something wrong
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.

That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?
They say a ban on Muslims coming won't help. Muslims are already here.
They say a gun ban will work. Even though millions of guns are already here.

A human without a gun can still kill. A gun without a human cannot kill.

Explain to me how they think a ban on new Muslims won't work. But a ban on new guns....will work???
Neither will prevent any and all attacks but consider this.

If we continue to let Muslims in but don't allow them to buy guns that can kill 100 people we'll be safer

Paris tried that. Let Muslims in. Didn't allow them to buy guns.

Somehow....they slaughter Parisians....twice...with AK47s. Which they weren't allowed to buy.
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.
List assault weapons Americans own at large
That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?
The same reason you can slaughter full term babies and call it birth control ; women's rights.
Paris tried that. Let Muslims in. Didn't allow them to buy guns.

Somehow....they slaughter Parisians....twice...with AK47s. Which they weren't allowed to buy.
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.

That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

But our rights have not.
That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?

The Founding Fathers would say you can. How many people could afford to spend $15 million on a tank?
I'm not against any of that. I also want mentally ill people housed in institutions....not drugged and released on society.

These shootings happen more now because our crazies are roaming the streets instead of being in an institution....not because guns are available.

Lock up the crazies and watch mass shootings slow down. At least the non Muslim ones.

Actually that's what we used to do years ago. If a family member, a police officer, or just a citizen seen somebody that was not able to care for themselves, they had the person committed.

Then in the 70's liberalism started to spread like cancer. They claimed that locking up such people was unconstitutional, and also called it crime-less incarceration. The liberal courts agreed, so they had to unlock those cell doors and let these people roam free.

So they still roam free today and unlike the 70's or earlier, you seldom hear of the word "committed." We just don't do it any longer thanks to liberalism.

So now that these very same mentally deranged people are getting access to guns, ban the guns.

I say to properly solve the problem, keep the guns, and just ban liberals.
So let's make it easy for anyone to own an assault weapon.

That's what the right to bear arms means: any citizen can walk into a store and buy any gun he wants without a lot of government red tape.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

But our rights have not.
Leftists rights to kill unborn children. target and slaughter cops, threaten and beat up conservatives, force people with religious convictions to do exactly as they say = Good.

Constitutional right to keep and bear arms = Bad.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

Given the likelihood you never shot a gun in your life, can you explain the difference between a semi-automatic handgun and an assault weapon? specific and tell us how banning assault weapons would help.
Instead of 50-100 it'd be ten or 20

You sure??? VA Tech killer killed 33 with pistol....and chose to kill himself with dozens of lives still there to be taken.

There's no difference between a .45 cal Glock w a 30 round mag at 5 feet away vs a .223 AR15 at 5 feet away.....other than the .45 being a MUCH bigger and more powerful bullet.
If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.

I'm not against any of that. I also want mentally ill people housed in institutions....not drugged and released on society.

These shootings happen more now because our crazies are roaming the streets instead of being in an institution....not because guns are available.

Lock up the crazies and watch mass shootings slow down. At least the non Muslim ones.

He's proposing gun registration. You should be opposed to what he posted.

Well man...I'm always honest and I admit...I'm pretty much neutral on gun registration. I say that because having been a cop...I'm not concerned AT ALL about the police en mass coming for our guns. They'd never do it. Could the military?? I highly doubt it. For all I care I'll take photos of my guns and let the government have them if they want.

I respect those who are against gun registration and I won't openly advocate for registration. But I'm just indifferent. If it was part of a great compromise and we got something great in return...I wouldn't oppose it.

Because as I said....they won't come take em. They know it. I knew it when I was a cop. Deep down we all know it.

One of my best friends is Sheriff of my county (and a great guy). We have talked at length about this very thing. Like me, he agrees that registration is bad on several fronts. One - it allows your identity to be known to local, state, federal databases. Do you REALLY want your information out there in this day and age? Second - if flies directly in the face of the second amendment and "Shall not be infringed". When you register a firearm, you are basically asking permission to exercise your rights. Lastly - IF an order were issued for confiscation, which officer wants to be the first one through the door of a law-abiding house to confiscate? Which one wants to be the "guy" who enforces an unlawful and unconstitutional order?

How the Nazis Used Gun Control
We won't take what you have just stop manufacturing and selling new ones. Or heavily vet anyone buying one. And you're responsible for your crazy fucked up kids

How many times do you have to be told that is violation of the 2nd Amendment.
Not true. We can outlaw the future manufacturing and selling these kinds of guns. You can't have a military assault weapon sorry. Keep what you have but no more.

You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?

The Founding Fathers would say you can. How many people could afford to spend $15 million on a tank?
I'll make my own.
Honestly I'd rather not have to regulate guns and instead deal with why so many Americans are so angry but you'll argue with me on that too I'm sure. The abortion shooting, the black church shooting, San Bernardino, sandy hook, Columbine etc.

We must be doing something wrong

You are correct, we are: we have gun restricted zones. These are the areas kooks like this guy like to target.

The solution? Like Donald Trump said, get rid of gun free zones.
Instead of 50-100 it'd be ten or 20

As liberals usually are, you are wrong.

An assault weapon fires no faster than a semi-automatic hand gun. In reality, an AR is nothing more than a semi-automatic handgun with a longer barrel and shoulder stock.

In other words, it's the appearance and category of the weapon that scares you and not the actual ability.

If I was a nut and wanted to commit a mass murder, I can do just as much damage with a 9mm semi-automatic hand gun as I could with an AR-15. The only difference is the accuracy is less with a handgun and I may have to pop in magazines more frequently, but that wouldn't save one life.
You do know that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to THE military assault rifle of that time...right? In the 1700s...infantry used muskets. The 2nd allowed citizens to own muskets.

So you're wrong. It literally guaranteed a citizen in 1795 could own the same military assault rifle the Army used.
Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?

The Founding Fathers would say you can. How many people could afford to spend $15 million on a tank?
I'll make my own.
Yeah, I'll bet that would be a great tank.
Instead of 50-100 it'd be ten or 20

As liberals usually are, you are wrong.

An assault weapon fires no faster than a semi-automatic hand gun. In reality, an AR is nothing more than a semi-automatic handgun with a longer barrel and shoulder stock.

In other words, it's the appearance and category of the weapon that scares you and not the actual ability.

If I was a nut and wanted to commit a mass murder, I can do just as much damage with a 9mm semi-automatic hand gun as I could with an AR-15. The only difference is the accuracy is less with a handgun and I may have to pop in magazines more frequently, but that wouldn't save one life.
Yes it would. You just admitted you'd have the inconvenience of having to change clips. That'll slow you down. And you'd be less accurate. You admitted that too.

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