So....a Muslim ban won't work; But a gun ban will??? Explain.

Times have changed

So you think the meaning of the 2nd Amendment has changed?
Why can't you own a fully armed tank?

The Founding Fathers would say you can. How many people could afford to spend $15 million on a tank?
I'll make my own.
Yeah, I'll bet that would be a great tank.

His builders

Jump back a few conclusions. No one is out to ban all guns . Most people don't care about the legal gun owner with his pistol. It's the freaks that are of concern . Keeping that shit out of the hands of psychos .

But no . You'd rather have guns available out of vending machines .
You do realize there are background checks all ready? Obama's fbi cleared this terrorist
If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.
So with my license I can then carry concealed in all 50 states?

Sure, lets do this then!
You can carry concealed in every state in the long as you don't speed or drive drunk, or make a big deal out of what you are doing. Concealed means concealed.
Yes it would. You just admitted you'd have the inconvenience of having to change clips. That'll slow you down. And you'd be less accurate. You admitted that too.

That may be true if I were attacking people at a distance of 100 feet away, but in a situation like this bar murder, the church murder, the school murders, there is no advantage to having an assault weapon over a semi-automatic handgun. Your subjects are very close and you have no specific target. A dead body is a dead body as far as they are concerned.

Changing a magazine? It takes less than two seconds if planned properly. You simply push a button and the magazine drops to the floor, and you push in another one and it locks in.
They say a ban on Muslims coming won't help. Muslims are already here.
They say a gun ban will work. Even though millions of guns are already here.

A human without a gun can still kill. A gun without a human cannot kill.

Explain to me how they think a ban on new Muslims won't work. But a ban on new guns....will work???

The Muslim ban is ridiculous. All of these home grown terrorists were born and raised in the United States, so obviously it has nothing to do with Syrian Refugees. If we were to blame an administration for this Terrorist attack it would be Ronald Reagan because this terrorist was born during the Reagan administration. Maybe we can blame the administration who was in charge when his parents immigrated to this country?

Banning assault weapons? A terrorist is always going to figure out a way to kill lots of people, and we would probably have to shut down Home Depot stores at the same time. But I imagine an assault weapons ban is coming.

I think we have to do a two front assault. 1st. Anyone that is currently on an FBI terrorist watch list, their names should be flagged to all weapons stores, and Home Depot stores and others for buying crap that looks dangerous to innocents. Personally I would like to round them all up, put them on a plane and fly them to Syria and drop them off at 30K feet without a parachute. That would cure this problem.

2nd--we have to go after their ideology. Spend money on adds, make fun and jokes, whatever to get them to pay attention to the message.
I just can't figure this out.

A gun without a radical.... can't kill.

A radical without a gun...can still kill.

If we were to focus on banning one.....

Guns don't have rights.

Radical muslims do.

How are we going to ferret out these second generation radical muslims?

It appears the FBI can't find their own asses with both hands.

It's almost like they are profiling these obvious muslim nut cases and sitting back out of the way laughing as they act on their threats. Oh the poor Feds.. needles in haystacks.. Ya right.
You give everyone a gun. Then they pop the heads of the radicals when they go wacko. Ban Muslims.

How many people are going to want to risk aggravated murder charges because they "think" they have killed a potential terrorist?
the fools who cry out the most for gun control do not have life experiences typical of everyone, yet they think their ideals are somehow universal. after all these years i still can't figure out why that is, but i think it should be common knowledge by now that anyone who shoots up a school or a college or a movie theater or an abortuary or a church or a gay nightclub or whatever, regardless of the ideology or motives, the killer is merely a useful idiot of the democratic party and their gun control jihad against america. so when do we get an official recognition of that? when will the democrats simply come out and admit that the terrorists really do work for them in their effort to mind-fuck the voters?
They say a ban on Muslims coming won't help. Muslims are already here.
They say a gun ban will work. Even though millions of guns are already here.

A human without a gun can still kill. A gun without a human cannot kill.

Explain to me how they think a ban on new Muslims won't work. But a ban on new guns....will work???
Not to mention it's not even a "Muslim ban", just a ban on immigrants from Islamic countries which doesn't target any specific "religion".
I just can't figure this out.

A gun without a radical.... can't kill.

A radical without a gun...can still kill.

If we were to focus on banning one.....

Guns don't have rights.

Radical muslims do.

How are we going to ferret out these second generation radical muslims?

It appears the FBI can't find their own asses with both hands.

It's almost like they are profiling these obvious muslim nut cases and sitting back out of the way laughing as they act on their threats. Oh the poor Feds.. needles in haystacks.. Ya right.
You give everyone a gun. Then they pop the heads of the radicals when they go wacko. Ban Muslims.

How many people are going to want to risk aggravated murder charges because they "think" they have killed a potential terrorist?

Yes the far left has given more rights to the terrorist than to the US citizen.
It didn't stop Columbine. Or Oklahoma City. Or 9/11. Or the Atlanta bombing. And an AR ban wouldn't have stopped VA Tech...or Fort didn't stop Paris...or Belgium. Or Paris Part 2.

But maybe we can compromise.

We'll agree to ban AR-15's and AK47s. Done. No more made or imported. If you own one...turn it in for a full value tax credit.

In return....a 10 year ban on anyone trying to enter the US who originated from an Arab nation.


If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.

I'm not against any of that. I also want mentally ill people housed in institutions....not drugged and released on society.

These shootings happen more now because our crazies are roaming the streets instead of being in an institution....not because guns are available.

Lock up the crazies and watch mass shootings slow down. At least the non Muslim ones.

He's proposing gun registration. You should be opposed to what he posted.

Why ? Cause you have your tin foil hat reaction that people are coming to get you!!!!

Because registration is the first step on the way to confiscation. Douche bags like you know that. They required people in Australia to register their guns before they took them away.

Never trust a gun grabber . . . ever.

People already have gun licenses . So they are registered already . Your gun gran scenario is crazy talk .
I think the current fad is that if we ban homosexuals and work, and continue to import muslim whack jobs from cess pools, we will eliminate muslim extremism in America.

At least that's what I'm picking up on the street, from gaybiker and coyote et al.

Banning homosexuals should make you very happy, based on your posting history. Is that what you're calling for then?
Well the last AR ban worked out ok. We didn't have the same mass shootings every other month .

At least it makes tHE ARS more pricey for potential mass killers .

Oh, most mass killings aren't done by Muslim kooks.
Sigh...The murder rate went up under the idiotic Clinton rules.
If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.
So with my license I can then carry concealed in all 50 states?

Sure, lets do this then!

Hell no. You have all those loser states that hand out guns in vending machines.

But licenses have to be recognized by the Constitution in all states. Hence 'license' vrs 'permit'. I have a Concealed Carry PERMIT, but you want to make it a LICENSE, hell yeah!
If that was feasible ? I think Id go for it !

Here's my plan. Background checks, "titles" for guns so we could follow them like cars when bought n sold . You want to carry ? Fine , but license go thru local police dept as they would better know who the crazies are. And a good appeal process for those who are denied.
So with my license I can then carry concealed in all 50 states?

Sure, lets do this then!

Hell no. You have all those loser states that hand out guns in vending machines.

Could you tell me what states have the vending machines? I'm looking for a new .45...........please hurry....
You really have to aske that question? TEXAS of course, where the women are all beautiful and the men will buy your beers for free.


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