So, according to what I am reading, hillary won California by around 3.5 million. lol at the left.

That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
More flawed logic.
A State doesn't elect anyone. It's up to each candidate to garner the support of the populace through the strength of their ideas. If your candidate cannot compete in Cali, that's their problem. Try some new ideas that the voters support.

BS, each state is voting for it EC representative. And the whole country does not appeal to the same ideals as does California. Trump won the popular vote in 49 states and the DoC overall.

The system worked, my vote wasn't disenfranchised because of a load of illegals in California who are not smart enough to see the democrats for who they really are.

You simply cannot remove a State from the count and declare victory.
Trump lost the popular vote, period.

You cry about disenfranchised votes while disenfranchising California.
Truly retarded.
Moron, I was illustrating the beauty of the COTUS mandate for the vote. It keeps the twinkles in California from being the only ones to elect the president. It gives folks like myself and I am guessing YOU a voice that if just the popular vote total we would not have. Besides, there were 51 popular vote contests that night, Trump won the most and won the states he had to to fill the mandate of the COTUS. YOU on the other hand want to change the COTUS because your bitch lost. Which is really a fascist thing to do.

The reason that Hillary the popular vote was because of fraud conducted in the absentee ballots, early voting, Internet voting and the dead rising. That is the one big reason you will not see Hillary asking for a recount. Ain't gonna happen.
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The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
More flawed logic.
A State doesn't elect anyone. It's up to each candidate to garner the support of the populace through the strength of their ideas. If your candidate cannot compete in Cali, that's their problem. Try some new ideas that the voters support.

BS, each state is voting for it EC representative. And the whole country does not appeal to the same ideals as does California. Trump won the popular vote in 49 states and the DoC overall.

The system worked, my vote wasn't disenfranchised because of a load of illegals in California who are not smart enough to see the democrats for who they really are.

You simply cannot remove a State from the count and declare victory.
Trump lost the popular vote, period.

You cry about disenfranchised votes while disenfranchising California.
Truly retarded.
Moron, I was illustrating the beauty of the COTUS mandate for the vote. It keeps the twinkles in California from being the only ones to elect the president. It gives folks like myself and I am guessing YOU a voice that if just the popular vote total we would not have. Besides, there were 51 popular vote contests that night, Trump won the most and won the states he had to to fill the mandate of the COTUS. YOU on the other hand want to change the COTUS because your bitch lost. Which is really a fascist thing to do.

The reason that Hillary the popular vote was because of fraud conducted in the absentee ballots, early voting, Internet voting and the dead rising. That is the one big reason you will not see Hillary asking for a recount. Ain't gonna happen.
why does the left keeping adding to the totals? first hillary wins by 42,,then 500,000, then 1.2 Million, then 2,,then 3,,,,when does it stop? are they still counting votes in California where anyone can vote? no ID required?
That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
More flawed logic.
A State doesn't elect anyone. It's up to each candidate to garner the support of the populace through the strength of their ideas. If your candidate cannot compete in Cali, that's their problem. Try some new ideas that the voters support.

BS, each state is voting for it EC representative. And the whole country does not appeal to the same ideals as does California. Trump won the popular vote in 49 states and the DoC overall.

The system worked, my vote wasn't disenfranchised because of a load of illegals in California who are not smart enough to see the democrats for who they really are.

You simply cannot remove a State from the count and declare victory.
Trump lost the popular vote, period.

You cry about disenfranchised votes while disenfranchising California.
Truly retarded.
Moron, I was illustrating the beauty of the COTUS mandate for the vote. It keeps the twinkles in California from being the only ones to elect the president. It gives folks like myself and I am guessing YOU a voice that if just the popular vote total we would not have. Besides, there were 51 popular vote contests that night, Trump won the most and won the states he had to to fill the mandate of the COTUS. YOU on the other hand want to change the COTUS because your bitch lost. Which is really a fascist thing to do.

The reason that Hillary the popular vote was because of fraud conducted in the absentee ballots, early voting, Internet voting and the dead rising. That is the one big reason you will not see Hillary asking for a recount. Ain't gonna happen.
why does the left keeping adding to the totals? first hillary wins by 42,,then 500,000, then 1.2 Million, then 2,,then 3,,,,when does it stop? are they still counting votes in California where anyone can vote? no ID required?
They are trying to de-validate the vote. They thought they had the fix in so when they couldn't cheat they now lie to either try and do the impossible and flip the election, or they are just trying to sooth their pain.
Man can you not understand how liberals achieve their super intelligent ideas, I guess it is just because we are just not able to rise to their single plane of thought. You see they know so much, like if a black thug murders ten white people while saying I hate white people gonna kill some!!! after having been in prison twice before for felony assault, it is the white peoples fault man and that is not a racial HATE crime, BUT if a white cop who stops a black thug who just stole something from a store, and the thug tries to beat the shit out of the cop, and take his gun and shoot the cop after he beats the cop up, and the cop shoots him to keep from being killed and letting a thug get his gun, THAT IS A RACIST COP who shot the thug just because he was black, and he must be punished severely because that was a racial hate crime. Same thing with every thing liberals think and do. Man you just have to know that the only way that whitey can atone for his crimes against the rest of the world is to give everything he owns to the liberals and let them give it to their pets. Since they are always right, and know all about history and what every person in the world thinks and how stupid everyone else is, it is easy to see why they should be our rulers you can see that can't you!! The main thing is that since they are so great, so intellectually superior, and so godlike, we must always bow to their wishes and while they can keep what they have because they are completely blameless for everything, and so honest and patriotic we must lie all of our labors fruits at their feet and bow to them. That is if you are like them shallow enough to be a monoplanic thinker, and incapable of multiplanic thought and logical possible and probable linear progression. BZZZZZZZ .
the founders did not want congress critters to vote for President because it felt they would do so, to support their own political party, so instead of all of our congressmen and senators having a vote for President, they replaced them with Electors picking our candidate nominees and our President and our vice president, separately.

the reason they gave the states 1 elector for every US Congressional voting district, was for the population to be represented, and the reason they gave each state 2 extral electors, each state the same whether large or small, was to represent our State senators, where a senator from the smallest state, has the same exact power as the senator from the largest state.....THIS is how both houses of congress operates, and when combined together, this gives smaller states more clout than they would have if it were simply their low population.

the Electoral College has changed over the years and the two major parties have rigged the system, so that no third party candidate could ever win and rarely even get an electoral vote or two, because they changed it to a "winner takes all" on their State electoral vote, instead of giving each candidate the electoral votes they won by congressional district, and then giving the two senatorial elector votes to the winner of the popular our founders had originally set it up.
Trump could of been ahead by about 1 million votes,and already won, then California would of called in the votes, lets say giving Hillary a ten million vote wipe-out, so then it would of been Hillary with 9 million more votes than Donald, but Donald still has about 315 electoral votes, but nooooo! Hillary won the popular vote by 9 Million!!!,,,,,,therefore she should be President?
Did these people not realize?

Trump won.

End of story. Now get a job...
The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
More flawed logic.
A State doesn't elect anyone. It's up to each candidate to garner the support of the populace through the strength of their ideas. If your candidate cannot compete in Cali, that's their problem. Try some new ideas that the voters support.

BS, each state is voting for it EC representative. And the whole country does not appeal to the same ideals as does California. Trump won the popular vote in 49 states and the DoC overall.

The system worked, my vote wasn't disenfranchised because of a load of illegals in California who are not smart enough to see the democrats for who they really are.

You simply cannot remove a State from the count and declare victory.
Trump lost the popular vote, period.

You cry about disenfranchised votes while disenfranchising California.
Truly retarded.
Moron, I was illustrating the beauty of the COTUS mandate for the vote. It keeps the twinkles in California from being the only ones to elect the president. It gives folks like myself and I am guessing YOU a voice that if just the popular vote total we would not have. Besides, there were 51 popular vote contests that night, Trump won the most and won the states he had to to fill the mandate of the COTUS. YOU on the other hand want to change the COTUS because your bitch lost. Which is really a fascist thing to do.

The reason that Hillary the popular vote was because of fraud conducted in the absentee ballots, early voting, Internet voting and the dead rising. That is the one big reason you will not see Hillary asking for a recount. Ain't gonna happen.
You were illustrating your mental inadequacy.
That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
More flawed logic.
A State doesn't elect anyone. It's up to each candidate to garner the support of the populace through the strength of their ideas. If your candidate cannot compete in Cali, that's their problem. Try some new ideas that the voters support.

BS, each state is voting for it EC representative. And the whole country does not appeal to the same ideals as does California. Trump won the popular vote in 49 states and the DoC overall.

The system worked, my vote wasn't disenfranchised because of a load of illegals in California who are not smart enough to see the democrats for who they really are.

You simply cannot remove a State from the count and declare victory.
Trump lost the popular vote, period.

You cry about disenfranchised votes while disenfranchising California.
Truly retarded.
Moron, I was illustrating the beauty of the COTUS mandate for the vote. It keeps the twinkles in California from being the only ones to elect the president. It gives folks like myself and I am guessing YOU a voice that if just the popular vote total we would not have. Besides, there were 51 popular vote contests that night, Trump won the most and won the states he had to to fill the mandate of the COTUS. YOU on the other hand want to change the COTUS because your bitch lost. Which is really a fascist thing to do.

The reason that Hillary the popular vote was because of fraud conducted in the absentee ballots, early voting, Internet voting and the dead rising. That is the one big reason you will not see Hillary asking for a recount. Ain't gonna happen.
why does the left keeping adding to the totals? first hillary wins by 42,,then 500,000, then 1.2 Million, then 2,,then 3,,,,when does it stop? are they still counting votes in California where anyone can vote? no ID required?

Because the vote is still being counted, professor

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