So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?

Are Republicans/Self-Professed Conservatives now Pro-Tariffs?

  • I'm a conservative, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a conservative, and I say no

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent, and I say no

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.
As China says they will NEVER give in to trump if he raises tariffs I take them at their word Trump is a proven liar

Why do you "take Red China at their word"? This isn't an issue based on "principle" but is about money.
Why?? because if Trump doesn't deal with them he's gone in 2020 China would like that as well as most Americans And even Putin won't be able to dig his pal out
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.
/----/ Yes it makes perfect sense. If Trump liked tariffs - he wouldn't impose them on other countries. He'd be like Obozo and let those other countries tariff our exports while they flood the US market with their crap with no penalty.
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.
As China says they will NEVER give in to trump if he raises tariffs I take them at their word Trump is a proven liar
/----/ Only a libtard would take the word of a bloodthirsty cutthroat Communist dictatorship.
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by

How do you know that Mexico won't just cooperate with America? Their nation will go through a lot of pain if we have to shut down the border.

You don;t get it. You never will.

Mexico would help us without threatening them & calling the, names.
If we had a President that could negotiate, we could do this as friends.

If I needed help, I would ask my neighbor.

Trump would pound on his neighbor's door & yell & cakll him nsmes & tell hiom to help thenm opr he is steal their children.

The idea you assfucks can't get that is beyond me.

Mexico has been working with us for years.

The current mess at the border is Trump's doing. He changed ;policies, & it fucked it up & now he wants to force Mexico to solve it for him.

I can't believe you people are this fucking stupid.
/——/ So you’re saying Obozo couldn’t negotiate? Obozo didn’t want to be friends with Mexico? WOWZA
Fuck you. This has to do with Trump.

Obama mt several times with the President of Mexico & they worked in reducing the need for people to flee into the US. These leaders knew how to address the problem. Not pout, stomp their feet & demand Mexico fix it.
/----/ " they worked in reducing the need for people to flee into the US. "
Any yet they kept coming.
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.

And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
I figure if you're against it then I'm for it.
Personally I think we should cut off Mexico completely until they stop the flow of illegals. Not reduce it.....stop it.
And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
/——-/ Libtards still haven’t given their solution, maybe because they are OK with America being raped by China.
And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
/——-/ Libtards still haven’t given their solution, maybe because they are OK with America being raped by China.

Probably. But this isn't the only issue where Trumpsters favor big government. They've pretty much given up on conservative inconveniences like limited government or free markets. It's all about nationalism with these goons.
And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
/——-/ Libtards still haven’t given their solution, maybe because they are OK with America being raped by China.

Probably. But this isn't the only issue where Trumpsters favor big government. They've pretty much given up on conservative inconveniences like limited government or free markets. It's all about nationalism with these goons.
/——/ We haven’t given up on anything. That’s just you lashing out.
And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
/——-/ Libtards still haven’t given their solution, maybe because they are OK with America being raped by China.

Probably. But this isn't the only issue where Trumpsters favor big government. They've pretty much given up on conservative inconveniences like limited government or free markets. It's all about nationalism with these goons.
/——/ We haven’t given up on anything. That’s just you lashing out.

Lashing? Does 'lashing' mean pointing out blatant hypocrisy?
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
Come talk to us when you come out against The Importation of Brown Slaves from Latin America to Work in Your DemNazi Slave Plantations.
I'm definitely against tariffs and hope that Mexico is against them too.

All they have to do is cooperate in securing the border with America, and there will be no tariffs.

The Threat of Tariffs is just one of the tools in President Trump's tool chest.

He made a pledge in 2016 to deal with the border. The libs have given him no help, neither have the courts, so this is what he is doing instead to deal with the crisis.

Do you have a better idea?

its the libs fault Senate Republicans voted against his wall and he had to veto them ??????????????

daaaaaaaaaaamn, youre dumb as hell.
Why do you support The Importation of Brown Slaves to Work On Your DemNazi Slave Plantations?

This is why you Radicals, and why The Party of Slavery is against The Wall.

They don't want to be cut off from an endless Slave Supply of Brown People from Latin America to work in their Leftist Brothels, Clean Their Leftist Houses, Mow Their Leftist Lawns, Wash Their Leftist Cars, Baby sit their Leftist Kids, Cook their Tofu Steaks, and Pick Their Leftist Cotton to make their Lefitst Clothing in their Leftist owned Sweat Shops.
I'm definitely against tariffs and hope that Mexico is against them too.

All they have to do is cooperate in securing the border with America, and there will be no tariffs.

The Threat of Tariffs is just one of the tools in President Trump's tool chest.

He made a pledge in 2016 to deal with the border. The libs have given him no help, neither have the courts, so this is what he is doing instead to deal with the crisis.

Do you have a better idea?

its the libs fault Senate Republicans voted against his wall and he had to veto them..

daaaaaaaaaaamn, youre dumb as hell.

This isn't really about assigning blame, its about accomplishing the goal of securing the border. Of course, you are right , there are Republicans who have a share of the blame too.

But the idea is to resolve the issue. We have countless millions of Illegals here already, and more are pouring across the border every day saying they want 'asylum'.

look Gomer, I live in Texas

never at any time has a illegal alien interfered with my daily routine- so dont feed me bullshit.

K ?

Don't look now dummy but they're picking your pocket every damn day. You're just too friggin oblivious to know it.
And you depend on farmers for food stamps, why do you bite the hand that feeds you? Just like big oil, those subsidies also pay for poor people's heat

Yep. Corporatist welfare. Have Republicans given up on all their values in their quest to appease Mad King Donald - or have they just forgotten?
/——-/ Libtards still haven’t given their solution, maybe because they are OK with America being raped by China.

Probably. But this isn't the only issue where Trumpsters favor big government. They've pretty much given up on conservative inconveniences like limited government or free markets. It's all about nationalism with these goons.
/——/ We haven’t given up on anything. That’s just you lashing out.

Lashing? Does 'lashing' mean pointing out blatant hypocrisy?
/——/ What hypocrisy?
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
Come talk to us when you come out against The Importation of Brown Slaves from Latin America to Work in Your DemNazi Slave Plantations.
/——/ And don’t forget the DemNazi sex slave trade of minors.
You don;t get it. You never will.

Mexico would help us without threatening them & calling the, names.
If we had a President that could negotiate, we could do this as friends.

If I needed help, I would ask my neighbor.

Trump would pound on his neighbor's door & yell & cakll him nsmes & tell hiom to help thenm opr he is steal their children.

The idea you assfucks can't get that is beyond me.

Mexico has been working with us for years.

The current mess at the border is Trump's doing. He changed ;policies, & it fucked it up & now he wants to force Mexico to solve it for him.

I can't believe you people are this fucking stupid.
They don't WANT to get it. Period.
You don;t get it. You never will.

Mexico would help us without threatening them & calling the, names.
If we had a President that could negotiate, we could do this as friends.

If I needed help, I would ask my neighbor.

Trump would pound on his neighbor's door & yell & cakll him nsmes & tell hiom to help thenm opr he is steal their children.

The idea you assfucks can't get that is beyond me.

Mexico has been working with us for years.

The current mess at the border is Trump's doing. He changed ;policies, & it fucked it up & now he wants to force Mexico to solve it for him.

I can't believe you people are this fucking stupid.
They don't WANT to get it. Period.
/—-/ Then Obozo didn’t get it either.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs aredefacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

Unless you're completely brain dead you must realize that it takes fire to fight fire. If you can't figure that out well you're probably too damn stupid to ever understand this or anything relating to economics or global politics.
No, that would be Trump.

Otherwise, your failed attempt to deflect confirms the right's hypocrisy concerning tariffs.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs aredefacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

Unless you're completely brain dead you must realize that it takes fire to fight fire. If you can't figure that out well you're probably too damn stupid to ever understand this or anything relating to economics or global politics.
No, that would be Trump.

Otherwise, your failed attempt to deflect confirms the right's hypocrisy concerning tariffs.
/—-/ You don’t have the mental capacity to understand Trumps actions, that’s for sure.

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