So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?

Are Republicans/Self-Professed Conservatives now Pro-Tariffs?

  • I'm a conservative, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a conservative, and I say no

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent, and I say no

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
dude, what the fk are you talking about? I worship no human being. I am me and I follow me.
Hmm... then it would seem we're on the same page. Other than the fact that I don't support Trump. Not sure what all the nastiness is about. Is that just your 'schtick'?
I'm a mellow mthr fkr. I do hate anti americans, they can find a new country to fk up.
dude, what the fk are you talking about? I worship no human being. I am me and I follow me.
Hmm... then it would seem we're on the same page. Other than the fact that I don't support Trump. Not sure what all the nastiness is about. Is that just your 'schtick'?
I'm a mellow mthr fkr. I do hate anti americans, they can find a new country to fk up.

Well, fk me! You're pretty fixated on this "anti-american" thing. Where are you seeing it? Are you sure you're not just confusing anti-Trump with anti-America? They're not the same thing.
dude, what the fk are you talking about? I worship no human being. I am me and I follow me.
Hmm... then it would seem we're on the same page. Other than the fact that I don't support Trump. Not sure what all the nastiness is about. Is that just your 'schtick'?
I'm a mellow mthr fkr. I do hate anti americans, they can find a new country to fk up.

Well, fk me! You're pretty fixated on this "anti-american" thing. Where are you seeing it? Are you sure you're not just confusing anti-Trump with anti-America? They're not the same thing.
well fk you is correct. Well said.

So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.

Using trade as a weapon has been done many times before, Dave. You need to keep up. Nowadays, some libs want to boycott the Israelite people to try and persuade them to change their policies in regards to Terror.

30 years ago, there were activists who boycotted the Union of South Africa and their Krugerrands, to protest the nation's liberal Apartheid code and to try and convince them to change.

Trade has been used before.

The diff here is that you are in favor of allowing Illegal Aliens in America.

There is a difference between people boycotting & Trump spraying tasriffs all over the place.

And fuck you & your lie starting people want illegal immigrants.

What we want is NOT to waste money on a stupid 40'concrete wall & for our rPrsident to grow the fuck up & quit threatening everyone.

If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.

Using trade as a weapon has been done many times before, Dave. You need to keep up. Nowadays, some libs want to boycott the Israelite people to try and persuade them to change their policies in regards to Terror.

30 years ago, there were activists who boycotted the Union of South Africa and their Krugerrands, to protest the nation's liberal Apartheid code and to try and convince them to change.

Trade has been used before.

The diff here is that you are in favor of allowing Illegal Aliens in America.

There is a difference between people boycotting & Trump spraying tasriffs all over the place.

And fuck you & your lie starting people want illegal immigrants.

What we want is NOT to waste money on a stupid 40'concrete wall & for our rPrsident to grow the fuck up & quit threatening everyone.

If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?

They get deported when caught. We make sure companies are not purposefully employing them.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

The policy of "Free Trade" has not delivered what it promised.

So those that champion it, have lost status and power inside of the GOP and now the Government.

What part of this does not make sense to you?
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.
/----/ Yes it makes perfect sense. If Trump liked tariffs - he wouldn't impose them on other countries. He'd be like Obozo and let those other countries tariff our exports while they flood the US market with their crap with no penalty.

Lying again about our trade with China. When will you assfucks quit believing the shit Trump says?
We hold a trade surplus with China on agricultural goods. We exported a lot of farm products.

Now, pull your head of out of Trump's fat ass & think. How would we be doing this if China had high tariffs on our agricultural products?

Trump ran around putting tariffs on other country's goods without even thinking that they would retaliate.

Trump knows nothing about international trade.
Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.

Using trade as a weapon has been done many times before, Dave. You need to keep up. Nowadays, some libs want to boycott the Israelite people to try and persuade them to change their policies in regards to Terror.

30 years ago, there were activists who boycotted the Union of South Africa and their Krugerrands, to protest the nation's liberal Apartheid code and to try and convince them to change.

Trade has been used before.

The diff here is that you are in favor of allowing Illegal Aliens in America.

There is a difference between people boycotting & Trump spraying tasriffs all over the place.

And fuck you & your lie starting people want illegal immigrants.

What we want is NOT to waste money on a stupid 40'concrete wall & for our rPrsident to grow the fuck up & quit threatening everyone.

If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?

They get deported when caught. We make sure companies are not purposefully employing them.

That doesn't happen in Sanctuary Cities.

Former Mayor Louis Barletta of the Great City of Hazleton PA, pushed through a law to penalize employers who hire and landlords who rent to Illegals. Any landlord is definitely complicit in the hiring of illegals too. They know that the illegals are working and where they are working before they since a lease. Libs had a conniption against Mr. Barletta
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.
/----/ Yes it makes perfect sense. If Trump liked tariffs - he wouldn't impose them on other countries. He'd be like Obozo and let those other countries tariff our exports while they flood the US market with their crap with no penalty.

Lying again about our trade with China. When will you assfucks quit believing the shit Trump says?
We hold a trade surplus with China on agricultural goods. We exported a lot of farm products.

Now, pull your head of out of Trump's fat ass & think. How would we be doing this if China had high tariffs on our agricultural products?

Trump ran around putting tariffs on other country's goods without even thinking that they would retaliate.

Trump knows nothing about international trade.

Trump's life is international trade, Dave. The sun never sets on the Trump Organization.

Tariffs were not the President's first choice or even his second to deal with this problem. But the failure of Chuck and Nancy to get the wall built, or to change immigration law or really do anything to address the problem, left the President with limited options in regards to illegal aliens
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.

Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.

You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.

Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.

You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.

So, why are our trade partners so upset that Trump wants to reduce those trade imbalances? Are they less smart than you? Less informed?
Republicans in the Senate are against tariffs but they are asfraid to do anything about it. Toomey has spoken out against it but in a whisper.

If Trump goes ahead with the tariffs on Mexico he will:
1) Cost Americabns400,000 jobs
2) Trash the trade deal he just signed that isn't even approved
yet. So much for Truimp's word.
3) Put every Republican Senator to blame as they sit idly by
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.
/----/ Yes it makes perfect sense. If Trump liked tariffs - he wouldn't impose them on other countries. He'd be like Obozo and let those other countries tariff our exports while they flood the US market with their crap with no penalty.

Lying again about our trade with China. When will you assfucks quit believing the shit Trump says?
We hold a trade surplus with China on agricultural goods. We exported a lot of farm products.

Now, pull your head of out of Trump's fat ass & think. How would we be doing this if China had high tariffs on our agricultural products?

Trump ran around putting tariffs on other country's goods without even thinking that they would retaliate.

Trump knows nothing about international trade.

Trump's life is international trade, Dave. The sun never sets on the Trump Organization.

Tariffs were not the President's first choice or even his second to deal with this problem. But the failure of Chuck and Nancy to get the wall built, or to change immigration law or really do anything to address the problem, left the President with limited options in regards to illegal aliens
What product does Trump manufacture? Trump invests in real estate. That is nit trade.
The wall did not get built because both Democrats & Republicans know it is stupid. The Democrats passed funding for the border & your buddy vetoed it. So really, STFU.
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.

Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.
You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.

So, why are our trade partners so upset that Trump wants to reduce those trade imbalances? Are they less smart than you? Less informed?

They don't like the tariffs.

Trade imbalances propose various issues but they not not indicate losing money like you & trump think.
The ignorance of what tariffs were used for and how they were used to protect American workers from having to compete with slave labor and how Woodrow Wilson killed that system and signed the 16th amendment to compensate for lost tax revenue utterly astounds me. This trade imbalance and all these unfair "Free Trade" agreements have been put in by the very same oligarchs that run all central banks.

NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, et al have been used to crush the middle class. Leftards want a two class system just like the old days of serfdom...the elites and the underclass with nothing in the middle while preaching "socialism" and communism. Leftards have earned the reputation of being totally ignorant about how this debt slavery system of control actually works. I just have to shake my head at their utter ignorance and stupidity that they seem proud of.

Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.

Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.
You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.

So, why are our trade partners so upset that Trump wants to reduce those trade imbalances? Are they less smart than you? Less informed?

They don't like the tariffs.

Trade imbalances propose various issues but they not not indicate losing money like you & trump think.

If they don't want the tariffs, then re balance the trade some other way. After all, it doesn't matter which way they money flows, as long as it flows.

But, they don't. Why do you think that is? Cause it looks like they really want to keep the money flowing to THEIR people, instead of ours.

Can you splain that to me, using small words?
Using trade as a weapon has been done many times before, Dave. You need to keep up. Nowadays, some libs want to boycott the Israelite people to try and persuade them to change their policies in regards to Terror.

30 years ago, there were activists who boycotted the Union of South Africa and their Krugerrands, to protest the nation's liberal Apartheid code and to try and convince them to change.

Trade has been used before.

The diff here is that you are in favor of allowing Illegal Aliens in America.

There is a difference between people boycotting & Trump spraying tasriffs all over the place.

And fuck you & your lie starting people want illegal immigrants.

What we want is NOT to waste money on a stupid 40'concrete wall & for our rPrsident to grow the fuck up & quit threatening everyone.

If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?

They get deported when caught. We make sure companies are not purposefully employing them.

That doesn't happen in Sanctuary Cities.

Former Mayor Louis Barletta of the Great City of Hazleton PA, pushed through a law to penalize employers who hire and landlords who rent to Illegals. Any landlord is definitely complicit in the hiring of illegals too. They know that the illegals are working and where they are working before they since a lease. Libs had a conniption against Mr. Barletta

Local law enforcement have no jurisdiction for illegal immigration enforcement.
Quit blaming NAFTA for shit it never did.

Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.
You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.

So, why are our trade partners so upset that Trump wants to reduce those trade imbalances? Are they less smart than you? Less informed?

They don't like the tariffs.

Trade imbalances propose various issues but they not not indicate losing money like you & trump think.

If they don't want the tariffs, then re balance the trade some other way. After all, it doesn't matter which way they money flows, as long as it flows.

But, they don't. Why do you think that is? Cause it looks like they really want to keep the money flowing to THEIR people, instead of ours.

Can you splain that to me, using small words?

I have $100. You have a product. I buy $50 worth of your product.

I now have $50 & $50 worth of product.

Where did I lose money?
Now I have
/——/ Trump is against tariffs, that’s why he imposed them. You moron.

Wow, that made sense.

Using trasde as a weapon. Something Republicans used to hate.

Republicans depend on fasrmers for votes. Now these Republicans remain silent as Trump takes their fasrms from them.
/----/ Yes it makes perfect sense. If Trump liked tariffs - he wouldn't impose them on other countries. He'd be like Obozo and let those other countries tariff our exports while they flood the US market with their crap with no penalty.

Lying again about our trade with China. When will you assfucks quit believing the shit Trump says?
We hold a trade surplus with China on agricultural goods. We exported a lot of farm products.

Now, pull your head of out of Trump's fat ass & think. How would we be doing this if China had high tariffs on our agricultural products?

Trump ran around putting tariffs on other country's goods without even thinking that they would retaliate.

Trump knows nothing about international trade.

Trump's life is international trade, Dave. The sun never sets on the Trump Organization.

Tariffs were not the President's first choice or even his second to deal with this problem. But the failure of Chuck and Nancy to get the wall built, or to change immigration law or really do anything to address the problem, left the President with limited options in regards to illegal aliens
What product does Trump manufacture? Trump invests in real estate. That is nit trade.
The wall did not get built because both Democrats & Republicans know it is stupid. The Democrats passed funding for the border & your buddy vetoed it. So really, STFU.
/——/ “That is nit trade.”
Real estate for golf courses, residential and commercial uses are absolutely trade.
  • n.
    The business of buying and selling commodities, products, or services; commerce. synonym: business.
  • n.
    A branch or kind of business.
Eat shit and die, you ignorant fuck. I know EXACTLY what it is I am talking about. You are utterly clueless as well as stupid and will remain that way. I simply can't muster up any feelings of pity for the terminally stupid....such as yourself.
You don't know shit.

You, like your orange hero, thinks trade imbalances are loses. They are not.

So, why are our trade partners so upset that Trump wants to reduce those trade imbalances? Are they less smart than you? Less informed?

They don't like the tariffs.

Trade imbalances propose various issues but they not not indicate losing money like you & trump think.

If they don't want the tariffs, then re balance the trade some other way. After all, it doesn't matter which way they money flows, as long as it flows.

But, they don't. Why do you think that is? Cause it looks like they really want to keep the money flowing to THEIR people, instead of ours.

Can you splain that to me, using small words?

I have $100. You have a product. I buy $50 worth of your product.

I now have $50 & $50 worth of product.

Where did I lose money?
Now I have

So, why are our trading partners so upset then? That was my question. Funny you missed that. I was pretty clear.
There is a difference between people boycotting & Trump spraying tasriffs all over the place.

And fuck you & your lie starting people want illegal immigrants.

What we want is NOT to waste money on a stupid 40'concrete wall & for our rPrsident to grow the fuck up & quit threatening everyone.

If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?

They get deported when caught. We make sure companies are not purposefully employing them.

That doesn't happen in Sanctuary Cities.

Former Mayor Louis Barletta of the Great City of Hazleton PA, pushed through a law to penalize employers who hire and landlords who rent to Illegals. Any landlord is definitely complicit in the hiring of illegals too. They know that the illegals are working and where they are working before they since a lease. Libs had a conniption against Mr. Barletta

Local law enforcement have no jurisdiction for illegal immigration enforcement.

Without the help of all Americans and American law enforcement agencies, there is really no way to stop the plague of illegal aliens.

Unless you want to increase the size of the ICE staff to 3 million?
If you are against Illegal Aliens, what's your plan to eliminate this scourge and remove these law breakers from our land?

They get deported when caught. We make sure companies are not purposefully employing them.

That doesn't happen in Sanctuary Cities.

Former Mayor Louis Barletta of the Great City of Hazleton PA, pushed through a law to penalize employers who hire and landlords who rent to Illegals. Any landlord is definitely complicit in the hiring of illegals too. They know that the illegals are working and where they are working before they since a lease. Libs had a conniption against Mr. Barletta

Local law enforcement have no jurisdiction for illegal immigration enforcement.

Without the help of all Americans and American law enforcement agencies, there is really no way to stop the plague of illegal aliens.

Unless you want to increase the size of the ICE staff to 3 million?

You people don't understand the benefits of sanctuary cities.

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