So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?

Are Republicans/Self-Professed Conservatives now Pro-Tariffs?

  • I'm a conservative, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a conservative, and I say no

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent, and I say no

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
well the tariff on mexico is different than china, but they both have the same conclusion, stop fking americans. So mexico has the opportunity to step up and do what is actually right and enforce their own immigration laws. that would solve the caravan thing. now, how to make them enforce them. I have no problem with a 5% tariff on product coming in. that will only hurt the average joe by 5% of a total price on a product. fk dude, the left in illinois just doubled the gas tax here in illinois 19 cents a gallon to 38 cents a gallon. what's the difference, it's still a tax? drop all the taxes because everyone gets hurt then. how's that. Had obammy done it and stopped illegals, I would have said genius.

I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?
well the tariff on mexico is different than china, but they both have the same conclusion, stop fking americans. So mexico has the opportunity to step up and do what is actually right and enforce their own immigration laws. that would solve the caravan thing. now, how to make them enforce them. I have no problem with a 5% tariff on product coming in. that will only hurt the average joe by 5% of a total price on a product. fk dude, the left in illinois just doubled the gas tax here in illinois 19 cents a gallon to 38 cents a gallon. what's the difference, it's still a tax? drop all the taxes because everyone gets hurt then. how's that. Had obammy done it and stopped illegals, I would have said genius.

I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.
It appears since Trump is for tariffs the left is against them now, weird since the liberal pro slavery, against women the right to vote founding fathers used tariffs to build this country.

Are you going to answer the OP, or are you going to continue to deflect?

I'm an independent, and I say no

I believe true conservatives are still against tariffs. It's those that practice partisan politics who blindly adjust to their leader's convictions that I don't hold much respect for.

I would have picked Republicans: yes, Conservatives: no.
How can they have credibility on this matter going forward considering what they're currently supporting under this President?

What do you think will be their excuse?

In these situations we've heard both Democrats or Republicans rationalize things saying it was based, "on the current conditions" (or circumstances).

Sort of like the "but" I've come to notice politicians use. I recall when Bill Clinton was running for office and his critics were on his case for protesting the Vietnam War while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. I found it humorous as these critics stood up for the right to protest, BUT not while on foreign soil.
I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.

No, you can not!

You lied about it being five cents on the dollar at it maxed when it is twenty-five cents on a dollar and in that other thread you then attempted to use the Military to call anyone against Trump as fucking cowards, punk!
I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.
Will a tax increase hurt your average joe??? That's what these tariffs will get you
It means when nothing else has worked you try this unless you are fine with status quo which you seem to be.
But your ilk have been telling us that tariffs, are WRONG!

How do you reconcile that?
well the tariff on mexico is different than china, but they both have the same conclusion, stop fking americans. So mexico has the opportunity to step up and do what is actually right and enforce their own immigration laws. that would solve the caravan thing. now, how to make them enforce them. I have no problem with a 5% tariff on product coming in. that will only hurt the average joe by 5% of a total price on a product. fk dude, the left in illinois just doubled the gas tax here in illinois 19 cents a gallon to 38 cents a gallon. what's the difference, it's still a tax? drop all the taxes because everyone gets hurt then. how's that. Had obammy done it and stopped illegals, I would have said genius.

I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

You are kidding me right?

We import Tomatoes at over 80% from Mexico along with other agricultural products from Mexico.

So at this poin I can buy roma Tomatoes at $0.88 per pound but let say Trump hit his peak at twenty-five percent the price goes up to a $1.09 per pound...

Now you see that as no big deal but that is a $0.21 rise just in buying fresh Tomatoes but also it will raise the cost in canned food that are tomato based.

Not only that the rise in cost for auto parts or the rise of the cost of a new car will also be affected and now we get into the bigger dollars...

Oh, like I wrote they sell us oil but hey who care we don't need their filthy oil because Trump tariffs are more important.

You asked for math but what you want is to say you do not care about the American Consumer because Trump is the only one you will listen to...

Oh, and If you drink Beer even Budweiser, well that will go up too...

Enjoy losing money from your pocket book and Biden victory speech in 2021...

Trump ran away from closing the border down and will run from his tariff remark once he realizes it will kill him in the polls soon...
So at this poin I can buy roma Tomatoes at $0.88 per pound but let say Trump hit his peak at twenty-five percent the price goes up to a $1.09 per pound...

well done, well actually it is 1.08328 cents a pound. you'd stop buying them or would someone with the same roma tomatoes be still at $0.88 per pound and buy those?
It means when nothing else has worked you try this unless you are fine with status quo which you seem to be.
Obama and the Democrats used this argument about the status quo for the Healthcare Act, yet you Republicans fought him tooth and nail, and are still fighting it.

Now you're using the same type of argument.

I know you are lying because had Obama done it you would have been against it.

Yet we are not talking about five percent only but twenty-five percent if Mexico does not comply in a certain amount of time.

Funny how Trump voters forget that part and say " but Illinois did this, so Trump Tariffs are great! "...

In the end the tariff hurt the consumer and Mexico can hurt us far more than China but hey those like you still believe all we import from Mexico is Avocados and a Victory Garden will win this war with Mexico...

There are other ways but he bring the tariffs on and enjoy President Biden in 2021...
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.

yet you keep proving you dont know your ass from your elbow ..
I don't think the people see an alternative here.

However, if you have an idea on how President Trump can resolve the Illegal Alien problem without the threat of tariffs, You should tweet it to him.
Would you be saying this had Hillary Clinton been President now?

All things being equal.

Be honest.
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.
Will a tax increase hurt your average joe??? That's what these tariffs will get you
it hurts for what ever is taxed. like gas in illinois just doubled to 38 cents a gallon, a $0.19 increase, a $1.90 per ten gallons of gas. I'm fairly confident that hurts any driver in illinois, even tourists. businesses, everyone! you don't think businesses will increase the price of their product to cover the increase in their spending now? never, and I mean never, do you whiny left ever say anything about that kind of shit. but if it's orangemanbad, you're like stink on shit. fk you, disingenuous bitches.
I don't think the people see an alternative here.

However, if you have an idea on how President Trump can resolve the Illegal Alien problem without the threat of tariffs, You should tweet it to him.
Would you be saying this had Hillary Clinton been President now?

All things being equal.

Be honest.
Clinton wouldn't be doing anything to help this country stop the meskin flow. So your fantasy fails again.
it still only against a product, not a household income. can you be honest about that?

Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.

yet you keep proving you dont know your ass from your elbow ..
explain how the tariff works and let's see then. come on walk the walk harold.
Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.

yet you keep proving you dont know your ass from your elbow ..
explain how the tariff works and let's see then. come on walk the walk harold.
I salute you for actually trying to engage these bastards. You're a better man than I am.
It means when nothing else has worked you try this unless you are fine with status quo which you seem to be.
Obama and the Democrats used this argument about the status quo for the Healthcare Act, yet you Republicans fought him tooth and nail, and are still fighting it.

Now you're using the same type of argument.

I was never against improving healthcare I just didn’t and still don’t see Obamacare as the answer which does not excuse the Republicans lack of a better alternative. What’s also interstellar is you using the same argument against tariffs you once used in favor of them.
Holy shit!

We import a good amount of our agriculture from Mexico!

So it will hit us at the market when shopping!

Also you do know Mexico supplies us oil, so what if they say no more oil?

Sure it did not hit you in the paycheck but hey who cares if people suffer while fueling and shopping!

Can you be honest?

No, why because anything Trump does is good enough for you!
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.
Will a tax increase hurt your average joe??? That's what these tariffs will get you
it hurts for what ever is taxed. like gas in illinois just doubled to 38 cents a gallon, a $0.19 increase, a $1.90 per ten gallons of gas. I'm fairly confident that hurts any driver in illinois, even tourists. businesses, everyone! you don't think businesses will increase the price of their product to cover the increase in their spending now? never, and I mean never, do you whiny left ever say anything about that kind of shit. but if it's orangemanbad, you're like stink on shit. fk you, disingenuous bitches.

state taxes and international tariff's are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS-

see what I mean Mr.ass/elbow ?

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