So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?

Are Republicans/Self-Professed Conservatives now Pro-Tariffs?

  • I'm a conservative, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a conservative, and I say no

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent, and I say no

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.

yet you keep proving you dont know your ass from your elbow ..
explain how the tariff works and let's see then. come on walk the walk harold.
I salute you for actually trying to engage these bastards. You're a better man than I am.
when one has facts on one's side, there is no battle to lose.
For me it became never ending frustration. So they can go...
I supposed I'm a masochist then.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

I'm an independent, and I say no

I believe true conservatives are still against tariffs. It's those that practice partisan politics who blindly adjust to their leader's convictions that I don't hold much respect for.

I would have picked Republicans: yes, Conservatives: no.

For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs aredefacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

I read where a 5% tariff on Mexico could push an extra 800$ a year on American taxpayers.

up that tariff to 25% like Goldilocks said he would do then remind me about tax cuts.

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

Trump supporters certainly are.

"It's different when we do it".

Your ALL 3 wrong, we HATE tariffs. But, these tariffs aren't there for the sake of policy, they are there to enforce policy, and will be removed as soon as either Mexico caves, or you Democrats cave in congress.

You are all trying to SPIN again, as usual. What would you have the President do? Every time he tries to alleviate the crisis at the border, you people go to your favorite Obama judge and get an injunction. You told everyone there was no crisis, and you say too say there is, but you won't do anything about it, so Trump will FORCE Mexico to, or it costs them.

As far as China, what weapon has Trump got to FORCE them to stop stealing our intellectual property? Money talks, and bullshit walks. You either stop stealing and make a fair deal, or I will make your goods SOOOOO EXPENSIVE, other countries will start producing the products you sell us, because they can get in under your price point.

Yep tariffs suck and do NOT work in the traditional sense, which is to PROTECT our jobs by over pricing foreign goods. But they DO WORK if you cut off the money train to other countries, until they quit screwing you!
Well then you have the right guy leading you He'll fight to the last drop of YOUR blood
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

I'm an independent, and I say no

I believe true conservatives are still against tariffs. It's those that practice partisan politics who blindly adjust to their leader's convictions that I don't hold much respect for.

I would have picked Republicans: yes, Conservatives: no.

For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs aredefacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

I read where a 5% tariff on Mexico could push an extra 800$ a year on American taxpayers.

up that tariff to 25% like Goldilocks said he would do then remind me about tax cuts.

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

Trump supporters certainly are.

"It's different when we do it".

Your ALL 3 wrong, we HATE tariffs. But, these tariffs aren't there for the sake of policy, they are there to enforce policy, and will be removed as soon as either Mexico caves, or you Democrats cave in congress.

You are all trying to SPIN again, as usual. What would you have the President do? Every time he tries to alleviate the crisis at the border, you people go to your favorite Obama judge and get an injunction. You told everyone there was no crisis, and you say too say there is, but you won't do anything about it, so Trump will FORCE Mexico to, or it costs them.

As far as China, what weapon has Trump got to FORCE them to stop stealing our intellectual property? Money talks, and bullshit walks. You either stop stealing and make a fair deal, or I will make your goods SOOOOO EXPENSIVE, other countries will start producing the products you sell us, because they can get in under your price point.

Yep tariffs suck and do NOT work in the traditional sense, which is to PROTECT our jobs by over pricing foreign goods. But they DO WORK if you cut off the money train to other countries, until they quit screwing you!
Well then you have the right guy leading you He'll fight to the last drop of YOUR blood
fk n a
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

The "end game"is to secure the border so that we can stop the flow of Illegal Aliens into America.

America does need immigrants. But we need ones who are educated, ones who have money and can invest in our nation, ones who are able to do the intellectual work that we have available. When my grandparents came to the country, America needed a lot of big guys with strong backs interested in emerging industries like coal and steel. Don't knead that now, its a different world than it was in 1908.

But the key is vetting. And these countries like in central America or Mexico need to be sending us their very best.

They haven't been doing this, believe me.

And that's got to change, and that's the purpose of the tariffs to bend the Mexican government to our needs.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
what's good for american workers. much like the military is good for our security.
I’ve been saying we need to implement tariffs for 20 years. It’s the number one thing I always hated about the GOP, how they put corporate profits over keeping jobs in the states.

I’ve always been pro-tariff.
I can respect this.

But your party, however, is buggin'.
Do republicans and conservatives have a reputation for being against tariffs? I don't recall. Were liberals pro-tariff during the Obama years? Maybe not because Obama didn't give a damn about the unfair trade policies the U.S. had to endure and his V.P. was skimming money from the trade policies with China.
How convenient...

Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
How TF do you think we got into this situation ?? You damn rednecks always looking for the cheapest prices
I was never against improving healthcare I just didn’t and still don’t see Obamacare as the answer which does not excuse the Republicans lack of a better alternative. What’s also interstellar is you using the same argument against tariffs you once used in favor of them.
I haven't made any argument for or against tariffs...scan through the thread and you'll see.

I'm simply asking, WHY have Republicans did a 180 now?

As for Obamacare, you'd be dishonest if you're asserting that Republicans, as a whole, haven't been saying that nothing was wrong w/the status quo as related to the American health care system. I don't believe I singled out you as the one doing that, but chosen your party, as a whole.
You want a reason for the tariff change the realization that as a nation we can’t continue to let China and others screw us over any more for those left and right who don’t like the use of of tariffs come up with an alternative. As for healthcare Republicans deal with it much like Democrats do illegal immigration and border security.
What letting China screw us really means is:
  • Allowing the import of Chinese goods of the same quality as America made goods that sell at twice the price.
  • A currency exchange system in China that makes payment for imported goods and services slow and cumbersome usually requiring representation in the country. Selling products in China is more difficult for many reasons.
Trump tariffs on China is not likely to bring about any meaningful changes in the trade deficit. For that to happen China would have to either restrict export to the US which they're not going to do or they would have to streamline their currency exchange plus other measures which would encourage imports from all other the world which is even less likely.

The most likely thing to come out of the trade talks is concessions by China to provide more protection for intellectual properties which they have already started doing, agree to eliminate currency manipulation which they have already stopped. China is not asking for hardly anything except lifting the tariff, a settlement would appear to be a great victory for Trump. However, nothing much is going to change.
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Depends on their values as conservatives. If they're free market conservatives, then they oppose the tariffs. If they're America-first conservatives, they support it.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
/——-/ Sober up and read the news, nitwit. It’s for Mexico to stop the flow of illegals through their country and over our border. Are you really that out of step? Did you even read the president’s statement?
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
/——-/ Sober up and read the news, nitwit. It’s for Mexico to stop the flow of illegals through their country and over our border. Are you really that out of step? Did you even read the president’s statement?
You do realize we import more from Mexico than we do China ?? You think Mexico won't answer in kind? Your AH trump wants to fight the world Thanks , you gave us a real pos ,,,,,,,But Hillary lol BS
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
/——-/ Sober up and read the news, nitwit. It’s for Mexico to stop the flow of illegals through their country and over our border. Are you really that out of step? Did you even read the president’s statement?

That is exactly right. Most of the Illegals are caravanning through Mexico from Central America to come to the US.

Mexico is allowing these uninvited guests to just pass through their nation to show up on our back door.

This current crop of Illegals are not Mexicans at all, at least not most of them.

Another idea I have is to sell the Illegals on the idea of seeking asylum in Canada instead. Canada is multi lingual, and has a lot more free health care and extensive welfare state than we do.

Maybe if we give the migrants passes to make it to the US Canadian frontier only and they can resettle them in the land of ice and snow, eh?
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
/——/ Your TDS is preventing you from seeing the end game.
What's the end game Bubba?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
/——-/ Sober up and read the news, nitwit. It’s for Mexico to stop the flow of illegals through their country and over our border. Are you really that out of step? Did you even read the president’s statement?
You do realize we import more from Mexico than we do China ?? You think Mexico won't answer in kind? Your AH trump wants to fight the world Thanks , you gave us a real pos ,,,,,,,But Hillary lol BS

Why doesn't Mexico just help out their Americano friends? Can't they see that our country is dying with all of the Illegals coming in and slaughtering our citizens?
How TF do you think we got into this situation ?? You damn rednecks always looking for the cheapest prices

You got the wrong guy. I routinely buy more expensive and lower quality items in order to avoid buying foreign goods as much as I can.
I'm definitely against tariffs and hope that Mexico is against them too.

All they have to do is cooperate in securing the border with America, and there will be no tariffs.

The Threat of Tariffs is just one of the tools in President Trump's tool chest.

He made a pledge in 2016 to deal with the border. The libs have given him no help, neither have the courts, so this is what he is doing instead to deal with the crisis.

Do you have a better idea?
So you believe in using America's strength to bully other countries.

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