So Are Republicans and/or Conservatives No Longer Against Tariffs?

Are Republicans/Self-Professed Conservatives now Pro-Tariffs?

  • I'm a conservative, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm a conservative, and I say no

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm an independent, and I say yes

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • I'm an independent, and I say no

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.
I was in the clothing business a while back everything including shoes were made in Hong Kong China or elsewhere overseas Even washing machines Ladies bathing suits I think were made here
Of course not. I've always been against tariffs. In fact, I don't know a single conservative anywhere that is for tariffs.
So why does our current President have so much support on this foolish tariff campaign he's on?

And why are so many self-professed conservatives professing that it's suddenly a good thing?

Because you are not what you say you are.

You are what your actions prove you are.

Remember, part of the reason Trump won, was that he attracted a large base of union workers. Union workers are generally left-wing Democrat supporters.

Remember Democrats were the pro-tariff party until Trump came on the stage.

Additionally it is possible to hold conservative views on 20 issues, and hold a left-wing view on another issue. Although generally this isn't the case, it does happen.

Trump is not a ideologue, and never claim to be. Trump has said numerous things that are non-conservative. Take for example him saying he supported a gun ban, and then reversing himself when there was blow back. Trump has governed far more conservative than I expected him to, which is why I didn't vote for him. I fully expected Trump to be a Hoover style Liberal Republican.

But instead, Trump backs away from his left-wing positions, not because he has strong ideology positions, but because it was what was political advantageous.

In this specific case, Trump has a base of union employees that want tariffs, and thus it is political advantageous to have that position.

It's that simple. I've never considered Trump to be conservative.


Trump is one of them. The only reason he is generally more conservative in his policies, is because it's to his political benefit to be so. Just like he is left-wing on tariffs, because it is politically wise to be so

If it was politically wise for Trump pro-taxes hikes, and regulation, he would be that.
Mexico isn't paying for a wall
China isn't paying for tariffs
Mexico isn't paying for tariffs


another Trump hoodwink!
We're the ones who made it great even with the likes of you pulling against us Case in point is this AH you put in our WH who makes America the laughing stock of the world Who gets his tariff next ? Who will he bail out with billions next?

The fact thst you care what foreign scum think of the United States tells me you’re the type of “american” we need to get rid of. We cannot become a strong nation again with citizens who have divided loyalties.

To answer your question... EVERYONE. The entire world. If we can’t make it here, we don’t need it.
For the record,m that would include...
Light bulbs
Most rechargeable batteries
The Manhattan Project
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.
There hasn't been a US-made TV in 30+ years.
ok, so give me an example of how it will hurt us. do a math figure for me on what it will mean.

first thing you need to do is figure out how a tariff works....

second thing is stfu until you do.
I know how a tariff works. I asked you to explain how it will hurt the average joe? why won't you? it seems you don't know or you can't do math.
Will a tax increase hurt your average joe??? That's what these tariffs will get you
it hurts for what ever is taxed. like gas in illinois just doubled to 38 cents a gallon, a $0.19 increase, a $1.90 per ten gallons of gas. I'm fairly confident that hurts any driver in illinois, even tourists. businesses, everyone! you don't think businesses will increase the price of their product to cover the increase in their spending now? never, and I mean never, do you whiny left ever say anything about that kind of shit. but if it's orangemanbad, you're like stink on shit. fk you, disingenuous bitches.

state taxes and international tariff's are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS-

see what I mean Mr.ass/elbow ?

Of course one you have no choice to pay (state taxes) and one you have a choice not to pay (tariffs)

For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
If they (tariffs) are presented as part of the ongoing war against the world and expansion of our rightful imperial dominance over all parts of the globe then sure, they will be all for it.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
The Founders thought tariffs had a place. I defer to their wisdom.
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??

Haven't you been paying attention boy?
No I suppose not you don't tend to to pay much attention to anything.

Both McConnell and grassley are publicly criticizing Trump's tariffs. It's been all over the news for the past couple days.

For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
The Founders thought tariffs had a place. I defer to their wisdom.

We should respect the wisdom of the founders. But we shouldn't perpetuate their mistakes - otherwise we'd still have slavery, eh?
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.

Séura Indoor Waterproof TVs

Learn About Séura

Made in the USA
Manufacturing products in our own Green Bay, Wisconsin facility means better quality control, better support, and a better hand on the products our customers receive.

Woman Owned
Séura is a certified Woman-owned Business Enterprise. The certification qualifies Séura to be considered for contracts with corporations and government entities that seek vendor relationships with businesses owned and operated by women.
I am against all Tariffs but the U.S. has been paying HUGE FOREIGN TARIFFS for decades that are unfair and cost us jobs. I am for NEGOTIATING by using the threat of tariffs, and temporary tariffs in order to cut better trade deals with other countries. Jeez you Libs are CLUELESS.

Econ 101

Maybe try taking them before you make yourselves look stupid.
Import tariffs general do not increase employment. In fact, they tend to do the opposite. Most of the cost of tariffs falls on the retailer. In some cases he can pass costs on to the customers which reduces the funds they have to make other purchases thus reducing sales. When the retailer can't pass costs on to his customers then he has to absorb the cost which usually means cutting labor cost. Either way it hurts the consumer.

Today, tariffs do not create manufacturing jobs because they're not permanent. Nobody builds factories, expands production or opens up new stores because a tariff is creating demand since the tariff could be gone tomorrow.
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.
There hasn't been a US-made TV in 30+ years.

I am against all Tariffs but the U.S. has been paying HUGE FOREIGN TARIFFS for decades that are unfair and cost us jobs. I am for NEGOTIATING by using the threat of tariffs, and temporary tariffs in order to cut better trade deals with other countries. Jeez you Libs are CLUELESS.

Econ 101

Maybe try taking them before you make yourselves look stupid.
Import tariffs general do not increase employment. In fact, they tend to do the opposite. Most of the cost of tariffs falls on the retailer. In some cases he can pass costs on to the customers which reduces the funds they have to make other purchases thus reducing sales. When the retailer can't pass costs on to his customers then he has to absorb the cost which usually means cutting labor cost. Either way it hurts the consumer.

Today, tariffs do not create manufacturing jobs because they're not permanent. Nobody builds factories, expands production or opens up new stores because a tariff is creating demand since the tariff could be gone tomorrow.

Trump tariffs are helping more than double U.S. solar capacity
For years, nay...DECADES, we've been told by self-professed conservatives and American Republicans that tariffs are defacto taxes and therefore are verboten.

Now that Trump has been levying tariffs left and right, seems that the American self-professed conservatives are all for it.

So is that old and historical trope now only good for the garbage bin?

Are Republicans and other self-professed Conservatives in America now PRO-TARIFFS?!??
One thing about those tariffs no one talks about is they are taxation without representation.
Something that's against the constitution.
Republicans stopped respecting the constitution decades ago.
Under Trump they don't even hide it anymore.

Where did you get the idea that Taxation without Representation is unconstitutional? Tourists don't have a vote out of state and have to pay hotel tax, etc. Permanent residents and temporary aliens are definitely taxed as well.

But of course the greatest abomination against the idea of "taxation without representation" is the Euphemistically labeled "death tax" which is just glorified grave robbery.
Do they know tariffs are a tax on us OR do they listen to the bullshit artist in our WH?

We know. We also recognize that any individual or company that relies on foreign good DESERVES to be forced to pay more for them.

Buy/Sell American or GTFO!!!!
The biggest problem in buying American is most of what Americans buy excluding foodstuff and services is either not available or the market is so small there is little choice and this neglects the fact that the prices are generally higher.

Try buying a US made TV. Until 2008, their were two manufactures. Since then one has gone bankrupt and the other is no longer selling in the US market. Need a cell phone? There are several US companies but their products are actually manufactured mostly or completely abroad. Unless you're looking for specialty shoes or a particular style, if you buy in the US they will be manufactured abroad. For large appliances, there are a number of US manufactures however essentially everything that goes inside the case comes from abroad.

Séura Indoor Waterproof TVs

Learn About Séura

Made in the USA
Manufacturing products in our own Green Bay, Wisconsin facility means better quality control, better support, and a better hand on the products our customers receive.

Woman Owned
Séura is a certified Woman-owned Business Enterprise. The certification qualifies Séura to be considered for contracts with corporations and government entities that seek vendor relationships with businesses owned and operated by women.
They make niche market products. How many people do you know that needs a TV in their backyard. A TV set that looks like a mirror is pretty niffy if you happen to need one. Also, not many people are going to spend $2500 for a 55 inch TV with less features than brand name products which sell at half the price or less.

Specialty manufacturing like this is fast growing and very profitable. The fact that the market is far too small for major Chinese manufactures creates an opportunity. However, they will never be a major producer of consumer goods.
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