So At the Trump Rally...

You think the Islamists are so stupid that they won’t realize that withholding votes from Biden will work to the advantage of Trump - who is the most pro-Israel president in my lifetime?

Trump is pro-Israel. But the protesters don't seem to be targeting him, as most every one of them are liberals, progressives, and Democrats. So they're focused on Biden right now, it's the "current thing."
Where are all those "white supremacists", wearing masks, defacing synagogues, and calling for the killing of Jews?

Oh wait, those are Democrats.
Why do the vast majority of Jews support Biden and the Democrat party.

Why do the majority of white supremacist organizations support Trump

I never would have heard of Proud Boys or Q-Anon if it weren’t for the blacktivists on this forum.

I think these alt-right groups are very small, disorganized, and made up of fringe losers. There was a big advance notice of a group of Neo-Nazis planning to March on the boardwalk at Ocean City, and the next morning I read that five Nazis showed up. Another time there was some skinhead group planning a protest in Arlington, VA, and maybe seven showed up.

Compare that to the nationwide anti-Jew protests, by thousands of students and thousands of paid agitators, funded by rich, far-left organizations.
Then you were sleeping, or lying.
I would rather see a sign that says “White Boys’ Summer” than many that say “Death to Jews,” and which liberal university presidents refuse to condemn.
It’s not an “either or” choice

Both suck ass
A left wing blog with the word "patriot? Anybody surprised? Anybody can see that it's a dirty trick setup. The interesting thing is that some (not all) lefties think that this is a subject for a legitimate political discussion.
It's about time Trump and his supporters got honest about what they stand for. We who are not white have known this for over 40 years. Trump is a racist. Just admit it.

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"White Boy Summer" Flag Unfurled on Stage at Trump's Detroit Rally

You ignore biden being the biggest racist ever in Congress. that could cuss a fit in the Halls of Congress with the N word being every other word out of his mouth. But some how put this crap out about Trump. If you check Trump still leads the lowest Black unemployment in history.
If Trump wins, it may be that enough blacks and Jews switched their votes in swing states.
Trump is making more headway with Blacks than Jews. To win, Trump needs to gain voters who voted for Biden in 2020.
The Arab Americans are not going to Trump but they will not voter for Biden. That will hurt him.
You ignore biden being the biggest racist ever in Congress. that could cuss a fit in the Halls of Congress with the N word being every other word out of his mouth. But some how put this crap out about Trump. If you check Trump still leads the lowest Black unemployment in history.
No I haven't. Biden wasn't one of the biggest racists ever, the n word was not every word coming out of hisn mouth when young. He never would have been able to start friendship woth James Clyburn 30 or 40 years ago had he been one. Biden has the lowest black unemployment rate in history amd he has done far more than that for blacks than trump.
It's about time Trump and his supporters got honest about what they stand for. We who are not white have known this for over 40 years. Trump is a racist. Just admit it.
Why do the vast majority of Jews support Biden and the Democrat party.

Why do the majority of white supremacist organizations support Trump

There are far more radical left-wing terrorist organizations who will be supporting Biden, even if some of them are protesting him.

But I still don't see any white supremacists out there defacing synagogues and calling for the murder of Jews.

Those are your peers. Your political equals.

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