So At the Trump Rally...

Trump had to rush over there after his event at a “black” church, whose congregants were decidedly pale!

If you are a Biden supporter, why do you spend so much time talking about Trump? Why don't you tell us WHY Biden should be President for another 4 YEARS IM2? We're waiting..........
Why do you want a convicted felon rapist to rep America?
I have to give credit to IM2 for posting this. I never would have heard of Charlie Kirk if IM2 hadn't actually paid USMB to turn everyone on to this wonderful right-winger.

Thanks, IM2 Keep spreadin' the good word. :laughing0301:
I never would have heard of Proud Boys or Q-Anon if it weren’t for the blacktivists on this forum.

I think these alt-right groups are very small, disorganized, and made up of fringe losers. There was a big advance notice of a group of Neo-Nazis planning to March on the boardwalk at Ocean City, and the next morning I read that five Nazis showed up. Another time there was some skinhead group planning a protest in Arlington, VA, and maybe seven showed up.

Compare that to the nationwide anti-Jew protests, by thousands of students and thousands of paid agitators, funded by rich, far-left organizations.
I never would have heard of Proud Boys or Q-Anon if it weren’t for the blacktivists on this forum.

I think these alt-right groups are very small, disorganized, and made up of fringe losers. There was a big advance notice of a group of Neo-Nazis planning to March on the boardwalk at Ocean City, and the next morning I read that five Nazis showed up. Another time there was some skinhead group planning a protest in Arlington, VA, and maybe seven showed up.

Compare that to the nationwide anti-Jew protests, by thousands of students and thousands of paid agitators, funded by rich, far-left organizations.
The big one in Charlottesville consisted of a few dozen....Would've gone unnoticed as the circus freak show that it certainly was, if Pantifa goons hadn't showed up and started shit.
I never would have heard of Proud Boys or Q-Anon if it weren’t for the blacktivists on this forum.

I think these alt-right groups are very small, disorganized, and made up of fringe losers. There was a big advance notice of a group of Neo-Nazis planning to March on the boardwalk at Ocean City, and the next morning I read that five Nazis showed up. Another time there was some skinhead group planning a protest in Arlington, VA, and maybe seven showed up.

Compare that to the nationwide anti-Jew protests, by thousands of students and thousands of paid agitators, funded by rich, far-left organizations.
The problem is you claiming you are thinking.

That's weak shit compared to the morons that show up when Biden speaks. They actually want to kill Jews..

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Do any of you Trump minions do any research. You blow out bullshit.
Supporters of Palestine are not pleased with Joe Biden.
They are not showing up for Biden rallies. In fact just the opposite. Many say they cannot support Biden.

I would rather see a sign that says “White Boys’ Summer” than many that say “Death to Jews,” and which liberal university presidents refuse to condemn.
Have you ever set foot on a college or university icampus in your entire life? I know you have never attended one.
The big one in Charlottesville consisted of a few dozen....Would've gone unnoticed as the circus freak show that it certainly was, if Pantifa goons hadn't showed up and started shit.
Yup, and you notice how the leftist keeps bringing that ONE incident up, trying to “prove” that antisemitism is on the right? These were fringe losers, that’s all.

The antisemitism on the Left, otoh, is protected if not outright sanctioned by high-level Democrats.
I think these alt-right groups are very small, disorganized, and made up of fringe losers.
I agree.
There was a big advance notice of a group of Neo-Nazis planning to March on the boardwalk at Ocean City, and the next morning I read that five Nazis showed up. Another time there was some skinhead group planning a protest in Arlington, VA, and maybe seven showed up.
White supremacists are cowards, but unfortunately they are a part of your political tribe. If you expect the other tribe to accept BLM/Antifa, you gotta accept white supremacists. :dunno:
Compare that to the nationwide anti-Jew protests, by thousands of students and thousands of paid agitators, funded by rich, far-left organizations.
You play victim just like they do.
Do any of you Trump minions do any research. You blow out bullshit.
Supporters of Palestine are not pleased with Joe Biden.
They are not showing up for Biden rallies. In fact just the opposite. Many say they cannot support Biden.

Bet they show up in force at the Democratic National Convention. That is, unless the DNC dumps Dipshitler Joe.
I agree.

White supremacists are cowards, but unfortunately they are a part of your political tribe. If you expect the other tribe to accept BLM/Antifa, you gotta accept white supremacists. :dunno:

You play victim just like they do.

Where are all those "white supremacists", wearing masks, defacing synagogues, and calling for the killing of Jews?

Oh wait, those are Democrats.

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