So biden is going to start charging GI's for the gear left behind in afghanistan... not surprised. Had to blame someone other than himself.

Why am I not surprised?

4K? He must have left behind a toilet seat and hammer.
Standard quartermaster accounting.
Equipment lost in a combat zone is routinely “combat lossed”. If anyone should be held responsible, it should be the officer giving the order to abandon the equipment. After WWII billions of dollars of equipment was destroyed on site or simply abandoned by American forces and no one was charged for it,
He is such a genius.White House staff must lay awake at night thinking of ways to cover for this dumb ###

LOL Guy leaves behind his equipment and he thinks he can get away with it?

Dug out this old article from 2014. Long story short -

"When Army property is lost or damaged, financial responsibility can fall upon the Soldier or Civilian to whom the property was issued."

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It’s a tik tok video so give it the grain of salt it deserves. If this was a legitimate story as presented Fox would be all over it. Heck even the left wing media outlets that are turning on Biden would jump on it. MTG would be all over it. Trump and the Republicans looking for the nomination would be all over it.
I wouldn’t put it past the military to charge a solider for gear they were told to leave behind, however I also think we would have heard more stories about this if it was happening especially heading into an election year.
Im not saying it didn’t happen just that I think there is a little more to the story than what this TikTok video is portraying.
He is such a genius.White House staff must lay awake at night thinking of ways to cover for this dumb ###

DO consider that maybe Biden is a fool.
50 years he's been around and he does not change.
Just consider it. I've watched him for decades. My findings: He is lazy as hell, quite dumb, and has one of the worst political senses of judgement in modern history.

BIllions to Ukraine and for Hawaian victims of family death and burnt down homes : $700

Okay , this is how it was reported in England. Imagine how disgusted the rest of the world was about it

Biden's one-time $700 checks to Hawaii fire victims slammed as a 'slap in the face': President earns even MORE criticism for being out of touch following his Maui stop riddled by uncomfortable moments​

  • FEMA is giving out the checks to address 'immediate needs' including water, food and clothing
  • The president was met in Maui with signs demanding he go home, and placards asking why Ukraine was receiving billions while they were in dire need
He is such a genius.White House staff must lay awake at night thinking of ways to cover for this dumb ###

CLAIMS he's being charged for equipment left behind in Afghanistan?



And, come to think of it, a single instance or example hardly constitutes a "trend" or newsworthy event, does it?


If Uncle Sam is charging him $4K for something, it's a good bet that it's over something else...

Something else that is more legitimate or righteous than what is being suggested here...

And that the departing trooper is trying to bull$hit his way out of paying for that legitimate something else...

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong about this, but it seems highly unlikely in this instance...

Show us documentation stipulating that it was attributable to equipment left behind in Afghanistan...

And even if that IS the case here... even if this guy IS being charged for left-behind gear...

If this guy had a lick of sense he would have reconciled signed-for equipment within days after returning safely...

But to leave it go for two years, long after there was any possibility of confirmation and reconciliation had passed...

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Biden hates our military, and America.

He proves it yet again.

What vermin he is.
How about you prove Biden had any involment in this case...

So you are basically a discredited bullshitter unless you can actually prove it..

So you call people vermin you are actually showing us what you are really like... You don't care about the truth and how it hurts you hurt America with your lies...
You don't care, you are supporter of your tribe over America... You are not loyal to America but your tribe.. Therefore you again have proven that you will turn on your country for your tribe... You are the classic definition of a domestic enemy.
How about you prove Biden had any involment in this case...

So you are basically a discredited bullshitter unless you can actually prove it..

So you call people vermin you are actually showing us what you are really like... You don't care about the truth and how it hurts you hurt America with your lies...
You don't care, you are supporter of your tribe over America... You are not loyal to America but your tribe.. Therefore you again have proven that you will turn on your country for your tribe... You are the classic definition of a domestic enemy.
A little triggered seeing your tribe go down in flames?
DO consider that maybe Biden is a fool.
50 years he's been around and he does not change.
Just consider it. I've watched him for decades. My findings: He is lazy as hell, quite dumb, and has one of the worst political senses of judgement in modern history.

BIllions to Ukraine and for Hawaian victims of family death and burnt down homes : $700

Okay , this is how it was reported in England. Imagine how disgusted the rest of the world was about it

Biden's one-time $700 checks to Hawaii fire victims slammed as a 'slap in the face': President earns even MORE criticism for being out of touch following his Maui stop riddled by uncomfortable moments​

  • FEMA is giving out the checks to address 'immediate needs' including water, food and clothing
  • The president was met in Maui with signs demanding he go home, and placards asking why Ukraine was receiving billions while they were in dire need

Thanks for my first laugh of the day.

So you think Biden is a lazy fool. Not very smart with poor judgement, you say. The insults you use about others says far more about YOU than it does Biden. And you're absolutely correct - you're not very smart and you have poor judgement.

Biden was the guy who re-started the US economy after W crashed it. Obama gave him that job and he did it spectacularly well. Biden is working in the Oval at 9:00 am. Trump watched TV until noon each day, and took Fridays off to go golfing.

Despite being from a working class family, and having endured tragedy, Biden has overcome a debillitating stutter, family tragedy, and risen to become the most powerful man in the world. That doesn't happen if you're stupid or lazy.

As for British press reports on Maui - only one British paper trashed Joe Biden - the Telegraph. A right wing rag with a history of failed fact checks.

A little triggered seeing your tribe go down in flames?

Who's going down in flames???? Did another one of Trump's lawyers plead guilty and flip on him????

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