So biden is going to start charging GI's for the gear left behind in afghanistan... not surprised. Had to blame someone other than himself.

Thanks for my first laugh of the day.

So you think Biden is a lazy fool. Not very smart with poor judgement, you say. The insults you use about others says far more about YOU than it does Biden. And you're absolutely correct - you're not very smart and you have poor judgement.

Biden was the guy who re-started the US economy after W crashed it. Obama gave him that job and he did it spectacularly well. Biden is working in the Oval at 9:00 am. Trump watched TV until noon each day, and took Fridays off to go golfing.

Despite being from a working class family, and having endured tragedy, Biden has overcome a debillitating stutter, family tragedy, and risen to become the most powerful man in the world. That doesn't happen if you're stupid or lazy.

As for British press reports on Maui - only one British paper trashed Joe Biden - the Telegraph. A right wing rag with a history of failed fact checks.

Who's going down in flames???? Did another one of Trump's lawyers plead guilty and flip on him????
Yeah, nonbody agrees with that hard-worker thing, kinda psycho to pick his worst trait to boast about :)

Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters​

I know, I know, you are going to say the world is wrong, and you are right. I know.
Can boomers please stop believing everything they read on the internet?
Why am I not surprised?

4K? He must have left behind a toilet seat and hammer.
Now the Taliban have $4K of American equipment thanks to Biden's incompetency. Of course that is a drop in the bucket compared to the $80 billion the stupid incompetent SOB let the Taliban have.
He is such a genius.White House staff must lay awake at night thinking of ways to cover for this dumb ###

Oh, I was under the impression that President Biden unilaterally and suddenly ordered instant leaving of all American personnel immediately. That would preclude having any time to gather belongings in order to appease the Biden lust for destroying Trump wins that included getting rid of key haters and killers of American citizens. So Biden sinks lower when he takes heroes and blames them for stuff he ordered. Sensational. /sardonic attitude :cranky:
Yeah, nonbody agrees with that hard-worker thing, kinda psycho to pick his worst trait to boast about :)

Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record 40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters​

I know, I know, you are going to say the world is wrong, and you are right. I know.

The New York Post???? Owned by Rupert Murdoch. Do you have any sources that can pass a fact check????

If your posts are lies, supported by right wing questionable sources, they have no value whatsoever.
  • Overall we rate the New York Post on the far end of Right-Center Biased due to story selection that typically favors the Right and Mixed (borderline questionable) for factual reporting based on several failed fact checks.

This is why you're so ill-informed and your posts are a joke.
It is typical for those Leftest idiots in the Biden Administration to never take any responsibility for their failures.
LOL Guy leaves behind his equipment and he thinks he can get away with it?

Dug out this old article from 2014. Long story short -

"When Army property is lost or damaged, financial responsibility can fall upon the Soldier or Civilian to whom the property was issued."

So privates will be paying for all of the millions of dollars worth of equipment they were ordered to leave behind in Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

So privates will be paying for all of the millions of dollars worth of equipment they were ordered to leave behind in Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

I think Potato should, him and his crackhead kid.

Use the Ukraine and China money
The Neo-GOP under Benedict Donald has great distain for the US military. The US military, the finest in the world, was in charge of the withdrawal included retrograding any equipment we couldn't take with us. That withdrawal began early in 2020 right after the Doha Accord was signed. 80% of all our troops were gone by Jan 20, 2021.

What we did leave behind that was operational were the supplies we gave the Afghan Army, to fight the Taliban over 16 years!
So privates will be paying for all of the millions of dollars worth of equipment they were ordered to leave behind in Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan?

Where does it say that? Where in the link you provided does it say that privates will be responsible for millions of dollars worth of equipment?

Do you have a challenge with reading and comprehension?
The Neo-GOP under Benedict Donald has great distain for the US military. The US military, the finest in the world, was in charge of the withdrawal included retrograding any equipment we couldn't take with us. That withdrawal began early in 2020 right after the Doha Accord was signed. 80% of all our troops were gone by Jan 20, 2021.

What we did leave behind that was operational were the supplies we gave the Afghan Army, to fight the Taliban over 16 years!
The Biden military leaders planned for every post-withdrawal scenario except for an immediate takeover by the Taliban, which was the most likely event and of course happened.

They knew that all of that equipment would be in the hands of terrorists within days.
Where does it say that? Where in the link you provided does it say that privates will be responsible for millions of dollars worth of equipment?

Do you have a challenge with reading and comprehension?
It doesn't because they will not. It is you who cannot comprehend if you thought I was arguing that they will.
The WEF democrats have been planning their war on Israel for a while now and leaving the military equipment behind to arm Israel's enemies is part of the plan.
The Biden military leaders planned for every post-withdrawal scenario except for an immediate takeover by the Taliban, which was the most likely event and of course happened.

They knew that all of that equipment would be in the hands of terrorists within days.
There is just the military, not a Biden military or a Trump military.

"Non-combatant evacuations remain among the most challenging military operations even in the best of circumstances. And the circumstances in August were anything but ideal.

Sec. Lloyd Austin: (22:27)
Extreme heat, a land locked country, no government, a highly dynamic situation on the ground and an active, credible and lethal terrorist threat. In a span of just two days from the 13th to the 15th of August, we went from working alongside a democratically elected longtime partner government to coordinating wearily with a long time enemy. We operated in a deeply dangerous environment, and it proved a lesson in pragmatism and professionalism. We learned a lot of other lessons too, about how to turn an air force base and cutter to an international airport overnight and about how to rapidly screen, process and manifest large numbers of people. Nothing like this has ever been done before and no other military in the world could have pulled it off. "

"As for when we started evacuations, we offered input to the State Department’s decision, mindful of their concerns that moving too soon might actually cause a very collapse of the Afghan government that we all wanted to avoid. And that moving too late would put our people and our operations at greater risk. And as I said, the fact that our troops were on the ground so quickly is due in large part to our planning and our pre-positioning of forces. And as for the missions end, my judgment remains that extending beyond the end of August would’ve greatly imperiled our people and our mission. The Taliban made clear that their cooperation would end on the 1st of September. And as you know, we faced grave and growing threats from ISIS-K. Staying longer than we did would’ve made it even more dangerous for our people and would not have significantly changed a number of evacuees we could get out."
It doesn't because they will not. It is you who cannot comprehend if you thought I was arguing that they will.
LOL So, I have to “comprehend” something that is not there? :auiqs.jpg:

And, you retards wonder we don’t take you seriously. :itsok:
LOL So, I have to “comprehend” something that is not there? :auiqs.jpg:

And, you retards wonder we don’t take you seriously. :itsok:
Yes thats what reading comprehension is, understanding the writers meaning. It used to be taught in public schools but they seem too busy grooming child shemales and teaching hatred for whites.

I'll explain It to you slowly:

I asked a rhetorical question, which means a question whose answer is so obvious that no answer is required. The purpose of the link was to show how much equipment was left behind. I never claimed that soldiers would be asked to pay for that equipment. The point was that the claim that anytime a soldier leaves equipment behind they have to pay for it is absurd. Hope that clears it up for you.
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