So Bolten is threatening Europe now over Iran!

Catholic Jesuit Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski was right about everything.

Truly the #1 politiican the U.S.A had in the 20th Century.

He was right about the U.S.A following Israel like a dumb mule.

He was right about Putin being an excellent strategist.

He was right about collapsing the Soviets, by propping up Afghanistan against the Soviet Union to collapse.
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
i mean , hey look , the 'new zealander' would probably be in 'new zealand' with his sweetheart sheep if it wasn't for 'reagan' and his amnesty and loosening of American borders Sob .

You truly have an infantile little mind
I moved at age 6, with my family as they expanded their business to the United States, which has employed 100's of Americans over the years. In other words, we have contributed to America
You on the other hand, are a little piss-ant who spends way too much time on a meaningless political message board, while making an ass out of yourself.
you identify as being a 'new zealander' as seen by your name . Get ALL your azzez back to 'new zealand' where you belong if you don't mind Kiwiman . [they contributed [chuckle] ]
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
------------------------------------- just so that WE Americans are militarized enough . Course i think that most of the world outside the USA is a buncha wusses anyway IBD .
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John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
-------------------------------- Yeah , thats the ticket . Sounds like you guys need some Big Boy so go ahead and sidle up with china' and Russia IBD.
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
------------------------------------- just so that WE Americans are militarized enough . Course i think that most of the world is a buncha wusses anyway IBD .

Yeah, trade Israel for the World, no wonder why people think your type of Zionist Neocon are insane, and retarded.
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John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
-------------------------------- Yeah , thats the ticket . Sounds like you guys need some Big Boy so go ahead and sidle up with china' and Russia IBD.
For an old bloke you sure talk like a baby.
Bolton is clearly mentally disturbed...has been for years. He is the Neocon poster boy.
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

So, he thinks the US can do whatever it likes. Well, he'll push the EU away from the US and the US can be weak.
well as pointed out by Penny . The 'upper penisula' isn't segregated but its mosly only full of Americans Sob .

You right, there is nothing to be segregated for , the whites have clicks and look down on the Native Americans.
If the paper mill was not in ESKY, everyone would be on food stamps.
aw , as i said , one of my girlfriends , a very nice and Proper young woman was Chippewa and French and i had a fine job . Paper mills in Munising , Esky , and iron ore hauling Rail Roads in Marquette and ore docks . Nothings perfect . U.P. is a beautiful place . outsiders , please stay away .
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24

So, he thinks the US can do whatever it likes. Well, he'll push the EU away from the US and the US can be weak.
--------------------------------------------------------- lets see what happens Fridge .
aw , as i said , one of my girlfriends , a very nice and Proper young woman was Chippewa and French and i had a fine job . Paper mills in Munising , Esky , and iron ore hauling Rail Roads in Marquette and ore docks . Nothings perfect . U.P. is a beautiful place . outsiders , please stay away .

and If not for the Hospital in Marquette and the University in Houghton and the railroad, I will except to visit my family. That is the motto of the UP , outsiders stay away.
John Bolton, Trump's hawkish national security adviser, mocked the European Union for its lack of detail on the planned mechanism.

"The European Union is strong on rhetoric and weak on follow-through," he told the United Against a Nuclear Iran campaign.

"We do not intend to allow our sanctions to be evaded by Europe or anybody else," he said.

Bolton also issued unsubtle warnings to Iran's leaders: "We are watching, and we will come after you."

"If you cross us, our allies or our partners, if you harm our citizens, if you continue to lie, cheat and deceive, there will be hell to pay."

Bolton has denied that the United States is seeking to overthrow the regime but before taking office had called for efforts to destabilize the country.

US warns EU against plan to sidestep Iran sanctions - France 24
Trumps' certainly doing a good bringing the West together with China and Russia.
It's just a shame that they're leaving the US out of the conversation.
America is becoming a militarised nuclear pariah state
-------------------------------- Yeah , thats the ticket . Sounds like you guys need some Big Boy so go ahead and sidle up with china' and Russia IBD.
------------------------------------------------ threats , go ahead , sidle up with 'china and Russia' and see what get . China and Russia , both will like herding you weakling around IBD .
Zionism is a problem, if not for Zionism we wouldn't be kicking, and screaming about Iran, and isolating the World from us.
----------------------------------------------------------- NEVER FORGET , 'iran' should never have taken American hostages Sob .
sobie----your catechism whore was too busy sucking sucking cock to make any sense at all

You're the mouth-piece to why every sane Catholic despises Jews.

sobie, dear-----silly comment-----the catholic faith was founded upon the roman
hatred of jews------the jews, who REFUSED to lick roman ass. Why do you
imagine that every "sane muslim" hates catholics? In fact, muslim children
are INSTRUCTED to hate catholics. How do I know------I heard all about it in a
MOSQUE-----long ago (like 50 years ago) ---in a mosque which was walking
distance from the site where the WORLD TRADE CENTER would later be built.
It is true that POLACKS are ardent catholics-----more ardent about it than are
german catholics. How do I know? ------I know lots of persons----of polish background who are catholic. For reality-----ask the people of Greenpoint.
I did not grow up in NYC-----but I did grow up with lots of Catholics. I attended
MIDNIGHT MASS ----for years. Not your fault-----the shit was ingrained in your
mind from the cradle ----the same kind of shit ingrained in the minds of muslims
that lead to such events as 9-11-01

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