So,Congress Obstructed Trump From Speaking To Them,Yet Trump Is Obstructing Congress? Hmm.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
did any of you see it this way? OK, Trump has been obstructing congress, yet when Trump wants to speak to congress regarding the whistle blower and their facts related to impeachment, they obstruct him?
Get my point?
She's a witch.....

Democrat model of Trumps impeachment...

when i first heard about Trump obstructing justice,,i had to laff! really? Trump is obstructing justice, meanwhile ,.,Trump wants to go to congress to speak to the whistle farter
She's a witch.....

Democrat model of Trumps impeachment...

when i first heard about Trump obstructing justice,,i had to laff! really? Trump is obstructing justice, meanwhile ,.,Trump wants to go to congress to speak to the whistle farter

The House denied Trump DUE PROCESS and the right to face his accusers... Then we found out that Schiff helped the whistleblower write his complaint and sent him to a lawyer friend who just happens to hate trump and is in on the Coup attempt...

They can't have trump question the person who started the mess as he would end up in prison along with about 20 democrats in the house who are complicit in the Coup d'eTat. And once this reaches the Senate they cant stop this..... and you wonder why Nancy won't transmit the Articles of Impeachment??? Nancy and others are headed to prison if they are outed... this is why she is making demands...
She's a witch.....

Democrat model of Trumps impeachment...

when i first heard about Trump obstructing justice,,i had to laff! really? Trump is obstructing justice, meanwhile ,.,Trump wants to go to congress to speak to the whistle farter

The House denied Trump DUE PROCESS and the right to face his accusers... Then we found out that Schiff helped the whistleblower write his complaint and sent him to a lawyer friend who just happens to hate trump and is in on the Coup attempt...

They can't have trump question the person who started the mess as he would end up in prison along with about 20 democrats in the house who are complicit in the Coup d'eTat. And once this reaches the Senate they cant stop this..... and you wonder why Nancy won't transmit the Articles of Impeachment??? Nancy and others are headed to prison if they are outed... this is why she is making demands... outrageous.,,,trump is obstructing justice! he's obstructing congress !! yet, he's not allowed to speak to congress?
There so called Obstruction charge was a Process Crime in their minds..........Trump declared Executive powers granted to him by the Constitution and the executive branch of gov't..........Congress demanded to have their cake and eat it to.......Demanding he do all they asked.............

So Trump told them to pound sand and take it to court if they don't like it.

So they then gave a BS charge of Obstruction of CONGRESS.......

Why did they do that...............why not Obstruction of Justice...........because that is an actual crime that requires evidence to support it.............which they don't have.........'s a Circus act...and an article of Impeachment that is useless.
What on earth are you wittering about?

They don't know. I guess they don't remember that congress wanted him to come and testify and he refused or that he won't be testifying in the senate trial if they ever get around to having one.
What on earth are you wittering about?

They don't know. I guess they don't remember that congress wanted him to come and testify and he refused or that he won't be testifying in the senate trial if they ever get around to having one.
Why would he cooperate with the Dems.....for 3 years they have been trying to run him over with a bus.......

The proof of on the shoulders of those accusing..........No crimes are in the Impeachment...........NO STATUE it all boils down to ..............We HATE HIM.....articles......

The Obstruction of Congress is a REAL JOKE........That's why the terms Obstruction of Justice were not used....

sometimes i watch this clown show and wonder if i am watching a rerun of SNL

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