So democrats do in fact advocate socialism

The demand is irrelevant to the fact that the producers will, one way or another, eventually refuse to continue paying for the moochers.

Your notion that real capitalism can be centrally planned and directed has been proven by history to be completely fallacious.

Street level Mexican dope dealers know more about markets than a know-nothing know-it-all like you.

The dope dealer I am sure knows about drug marketing, which is not the same as consumer product(non drug) marketing
Wow...Someone admitting that they're involved in ongoing criminal activity.

There's something we don't see every day.

I am retired. I operated form 1977 - 2001. Never busted. I can tell you that a majority of businessmen and women are active in the lifestyle. One just passed away a real coke head, his name, John Tyson, of Tyson foods.
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Wendy's natural fries are to die for.
Actually, they suck....As do all frozen processed fries.

The only fast food fries worth a shit are at In-and-Out.

Go get a job there.

I own a part of a Wendy's in Rogers Arkansas, come ther some time, the processing of natural fries means they are not steamed. i'll give you a burger, but if your nasty to me in person, I'll teach you the full nelson olympic style wrestling hold.

A capitalist eh?

Why don't you pay your employees 18 bucks an hour and give them plasma TV's at Christmas for their bonus?
This little Union is out exporting America

The EU had 1.8 Trillion in Exports in 2010
The US had 1.2 Trillion in exports in 2010

who isn't? But it has nothing to do with socialism, communism or marxism. It has to all do with capitalism. Proponants of capitalist will sell their own to earn a buck. Jobs left the USA to make more jobs for the wealthy. Huge corporations try to monopolize markets, both in production and consumerism.
It is sad that socialist countries are beating our pants off. I do honor the American workers and their desire to live a decent life. Instead the corporations and the wealthy are again returning the American worker to the position of a proletariat. But to listen to the ditto heads and foxbots they try to blame Obama and a select few, and miss the ability to realize that it is not about those few people but the picture of all of us as a whole.
Nice post, but it's pretty much on the cusp of inaccurate.

brevety is wit? I like the way you refute, but do nothing to back up your position.
Actually, they suck....As do all frozen processed fries.

The only fast food fries worth a shit are at In-and-Out.

Go get a job there.

I own a part of a Wendy's in Rogers Arkansas, come ther some time, the processing of natural fries means they are not steamed. i'll give you a burger, but if your nasty to me in person, I'll teach you the full nelson olympic style wrestling hold.

A capitalist eh?

Why don't you pay your employees 18 bucks an hour and give them plasma TV's at Christmas for their bonus?

it's not in the budget.
I own a part of a Wendy's in Rogers Arkansas, come ther some time, the processing of natural fries means they are not steamed. i'll give you a burger, but if your nasty to me in person, I'll teach you the full nelson olympic style wrestling hold.

A capitalist eh?

Why don't you pay your employees 18 bucks an hour and give them plasma TV's at Christmas for their bonus?

it's not in the budget.

So you understand what a budget is?

Good for you...

Now teach our president and democrats in general the concept of a budget..
govt budgets are not the same as a corporate budget. I doubt they would listen to me. its' like being on a jury panel and you can't get the majority to agree. it has nothing to do with not knowing how to budget, it is more about not being able to compromise.
As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.

You think the commodity market is an example of socialism?

Government always fails. The past 3 years and the current circus over raising the debt ceiling are indisputible proof of that.

Yes, I do. It stifles the free market exercise and keeps prices artificially inflated so consumers have to pay more, and capitalism fails.

If raising the debt ceiling is proof of failure, capitalism has been failing for a long time. Times of bailouts through the Bush presidency, as he borrowed us into deeper debt while giving tax cuts during two wars. Unheard of, huh?
govt budgets are not the same as a corporate budget. I doubt they would listen to me. its' like being on a jury panel and you can't get the majority to agree. it has nothing to do with not knowing how to budget, it is more about not being able to compromise.

Really? didn't know the fundamentals of capitalism didn't apply to taxes and how the government runs er rules over us..

You just subtly cracked the earth in half..
You think the commodity market is an example of socialism?

Government always fails. The past 3 years and the current circus over raising the debt ceiling are indisputible proof of that.

Yes, I do. It stifles the free market exercise and keeps prices artificially inflated so consumers have to pay more, and capitalism fails.?[/QUOTE]

How can a market be an example of socialism? And commodity markets do not keep prices artificially inflated.

If raising the debt ceiling is proof of failure, capitalism has been failing for a long time. Times of bailouts through the Bush presidency, as he borrowed us into deeper debt while giving tax cuts during two wars. Unheard of, huh?

Government activity is proof of the failure of capitalism?

You're killing me with this stuff!
Socialismis communism. France is the USSR....fegging morons....get a passport, read a book, JFC!

I've read too many...

Maybe we should just take all your wealth and give it to your Wendys employees? you know so we can all be equal as Marx suggests...

You're the motherfuckingn devil...

Who the fuck do you think you are having more than others?

Now, you're either a liar or a hypocrite...

Get in where you fit in....
Socialismis communism. France is the USSR....fegging morons....get a passport, read a book, JFC!

I've read too many...

Maybe we should just take all your wealth and give it to your Wendys employees? you know so we can all be equal as Marx suggests...

You're the motherfuckingn devil...

Who the fuck do you think you are having more than others?

Now, you're either a liar or a hypocrite...

Get in where you fit in....

ur lost and directing that comment to the wrong person, have another beer.

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