So democrats do in fact advocate socialism

Notice what has happened in a little more than 24 hours.....

Liberoidal democratics have gone from outright denial that they are in fact promoting socialism, to admitting the undeniable fact then claiming that the framers of the American republic were themselves socialists.

Well, I suppose the goalposts weren't going to move themselves.

Yes, even you have to admit to living in a socialist country.:lol:
Not by either choice nor original design....And a situation I would very much like to see remedied.

As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.
Pubs cheat workers and make college ridiculously expensive. They are totally fecking everyone but the rich. AND make you into racist haters. Enjoy hell.
Socialist countries are leaving us in the dust, and you blame it on lazy blacks. Pub dupes!! And NOT communist countries. Except maybe China, which has gone savage capitalist. I have a masters in French Civ. and a World and American History Certification, and I'm not exactly stupid, dupe.

If you do have a degree, please try to a bit of self respect and do not lower yourself to pandering to patronization, and poor debate skills, not to mention your horrific use of a word to describe coitus.
Well libfucks are authoritarian tools...

any political party or leader can become authoritarian. Do you really think you are impressing anyone with your inability to speak decently to your fellow poster, or your fellow American?

At least I know proper grammar.....

Does common knowledge impress you?

ur typing here, so I do not know about your abilities of penmanship. grammar and punctuation was never my strong suit, but here the tempo is usually conversational. But at least you have some redeeming qualities, although I doubt you communicate this way to humans face to face.
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This is kinda a stupid thread, just about everyone advocate for socialism in one way or another, the difference? How much of it you advocate for. Even conservatives like some of it, such as public funding for schools, even Ron Paul with his plan to subsidize schooling through a tax credit (hr 1056) is still a form of socialism, i.e. more and better education will help people to get better jobs and contribute more to the economy.

100% wrong, knucklehead. I don't support socialism of any kind, including public schools. I favor 100% private schools with no government vouchers.

That is politicians "planning" how the economy should be built from the bottom, laying a framework for it.

No it isn't.

If you truly want to get rid of socialism, the conservative stand point should be "we don't care if you kids go to school or not, its your choice, and we will not fund it at ANY level."

That's the libertarian position, not the conservative position. However, that being said, vouchers are less socialism than government run schools. If you move to a voucher system, you are moving away from the current system of completely socialized education.

Also police, fire, and military is more socialism.
So to respond to the thread title "So democrats do in fact advocate socialism" yeap they sure do, but also you can say "So conservatives do in fact advocate socialism" yeap they sure do, just not as much as democrats.

There's certainly no justification for government run fire departments. There are plenty of cities in this country that have privately run fire departments. Some have argued that you can even have private police/protection agencies. In fact, we already have plenty of private law enforcement such as mall cops and private security companies.

However, you can't have a private military. Admitting that reality doesn't make you a socialist in the mold of Harry Reid and Nazi Pelosi.
Yes, even you have to admit to living in a socialist country.:lol:
Not by either choice nor original design....And a situation I would very much like to see remedied.

As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.
The demand is irrelevant to the fact that the producers will, one way or another, eventually refuse to continue paying for the moochers.

Your notion that real capitalism can be centrally planned and directed has been proven by history to be completely fallacious.

Street level Mexican dope dealers know more about markets than a know-nothing know-it-all like you.
Yes, even you have to admit to living in a socialist country.:lol:
Not by either choice nor original design....And a situation I would very much like to see remedied.

As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.

I do not think you will ever see any nationalization of private industry in the USA
any political party or leader can become authoritarian. Do you really think you are impressing anyone with your inability to speak decently to your fellow poster, or your fellow American?

At least I know proper grammar.....

Does common knowledge impress you?

ur typing here, so I do not know about your abilities of penmanship. grammar and punctuation was never my strong suit, but here the tempo is usually conversational. But at least you have some redeeming qualities, although I doubt you communicate this way to humans face to face.

It's the caps (or lack there of).

That shows you're lazy.....
As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.

You think the commodity market is an example of socialism?

Government always fails. The past 3 years and the current circus over raising the debt ceiling are indisputible proof of that.
Not by either choice nor original design....And a situation I would very much like to see remedied.

As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.
The demand is irrelevant to the fact that the producers will, one way or another, eventually refuse to continue paying for the moochers.

Your notion that real capitalism can be centrally planned and directed has been proven by history to be completely fallacious.

Street level Mexican dope dealers know more about markets than a know-nothing know-it-all like you.

The dope dealer I am sure knows about drug marketing, which is not the same as consumer product(non drug) marketing
As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.

You think the commodity market is an example of socialism?

Government always fails. The past 3 years and the current circus over raising the debt ceiling are indisputible proof of that.

all other presidents through history have had to raise the debt ceiling, for some reason Obama is different to that process. Why is that?
Memorize this phrase:

"Would you like fries with that?"

Wendy's natural fries are to die for.
Actually, they suck....As do all frozen processed fries.

The only fast food fries worth a shit are at In-and-Out.

Go get a job there.

I own a part of a Wendy's in Rogers Arkansas, come ther some time, the processing of natural fries means they are not steamed. i'll give you a burger, but if your nasty to me in person, I'll teach you the full nelson olympic style wrestling hold.
That's why we have a fegging Pub style health reform-and it will be a little off, but a helluva lot better than this crappe. Bless you Moo:eusa_angel:nglow, and shove it. Go back to BS MSN Refugees if you don't like it
As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.

You think the commodity market is an example of socialism?

Government always fails. The past 3 years and the current circus over raising the debt ceiling are indisputible proof of that.

all other presidents through history have had to raise the debt ceiling, for some reason Obama is different to that process. Why is that?

Because we can't keep on stealing our kids money..

Quite frankly I find it severely fucked up you expect my little boy to pay for your welfare.

I expect democrats believe it should be like "taking candy from a baby" though.
This little Union is out exporting America

The EU had 1.8 Trillion in Exports in 2010
The US had 1.2 Trillion in exports in 2010

who isn't? But it has nothing to do with socialism, communism or marxism. It has to all do with capitalism. Proponants of capitalist will sell their own to earn a buck. Jobs left the USA to make more jobs for the wealthy. Huge corporations try to monopolize markets, both in production and consumerism.
It is sad that socialist countries are beating our pants off. I do honor the American workers and their desire to live a decent life. Instead the corporations and the wealthy are again returning the American worker to the position of a proletariat. But to listen to the ditto heads and foxbots they try to blame Obama and a select few, and miss the ability to realize that it is not about those few people but the picture of all of us as a whole.
Nice post, but it's pretty much on the cusp of inaccurate.
As the population continues to grow, the demand for socialism will increase. Capitalism fails because it is unorganized and always in chaos. There is no central guidance, except those supplied by gov. socialist programs, like the commodity market to set prices, which defeats competition of capitalism.
The demand is irrelevant to the fact that the producers will, one way or another, eventually refuse to continue paying for the moochers.

Your notion that real capitalism can be centrally planned and directed has been proven by history to be completely fallacious.

Street level Mexican dope dealers know more about markets than a know-nothing know-it-all like you.

The dope dealer I am sure knows about drug marketing, which is not the same as consumer product(non drug) marketing
Wow...Someone admitting that they're involved in ongoing criminal activity.

There's something we don't see every day.

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