So democrats do in fact advocate socialism

At least here you have freedom..

We're also three times the size of Germany...

They have freedom there as well, and take those 45 day mandatory vacations all over the globe, or relocate if they wish. Speaking of free, they have free cable TV.

And what does being three times bigger mean? That we have three times as much cash, yet we don't give our citizens free medical, 200+ computerized autobahns & bullet trains, or a living wage retirement, etc.

While capitalism demands you go fight wars, socialist country's improve their lot and country, leaving America in the dirt and trillions of dollars in debt to communist country's. We are the biggest debtor nation in the world, with workers who work longer hours for less, and pay taxes that offer little in benefits.

We could be technically advanced like the EU, it is only a state of mind in how we allow government to prioritize our assets.

You ever been to a major US city??

There is an entire government dependent populace living in them.

The majority of those motherfuckers couldn't pass a 5th grade test.

Those motherfuckers are useless.

How the fuck are we supposed to give people free this and that when 25% of the population is lazy???

Economies are based on production - which is why in real socialism if you don't pull your weight you're culled.

This is why soft ass socialism FAILS and Germany will FAIL...

If free energy is impossible then so is free goods and services for the lazy that consume. It takes manpower to create goods and services and those who are fucking lazy drain those resources.

Why the fuck do you think guys like Stalin killed all those people for???

It wasn't because he was sadistic (per se) it was because he didn't have enough resources to take care of his supporters...

When you don't have enough in socialism you purge and cull.

Look at what Castro did in 1979-80... He couldn't afford to provide for his people so he purged his prisons, and people in general and told criminals to go swim to America... Thats why Florida is so Cuban.

Oh, and three times the size means three times the fucking problems and three times the authoritarianism it will take to create an obedient populace.

Again, for the uber ignorant, Socialism is not the same as Communism and is not the same as Marxism, or Leninism.
you should really try shuting your mouth and read up on what you know little of.

They are Statist gov'ts which can really exist from either side of the political spectrum

Not really. Statists are almost exclusively from the left side of the political spectrum. Conservatives are only partially statist, and libertarians are not statist at all.
Castro is a COMMUNIST, you braindead fuq, not a socialist.....They figure now Pubs AND PUB DUPES qualify as sociopaths they hate so much and are so thick. TY Ronnie Rayguns, etc.:razz:

If you had a brain you would realize socialism is communism.....
This little Union is out exporting America

The EU had 1.8 Trillion in Exports in 2010
The US had 1.2 Trillion in exports in 2010

who isn't? But it has nothing to do with socialism, communism or marxism. It has to all do with capitalism. Proponants of capitalist will sell their own to earn a buck. Jobs left the USA to make more jobs for the wealthy. Huge corporations try to monopolize markets, both in production and consumerism.
It is sad that socialist countries are beating our pants off. I do honor the American workers and their desire to live a decent life. Instead the corporations and the wealthy are again returning the American worker to the position of a proletariat. But to listen to the ditto heads and foxbots they try to blame Obama and a select few, and miss the ability to realize that it is not about those few people but the picture of all of us as a whole.
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Capitalist tool!! LOL!:lol::lol: Even if I wanted to, YOU CAN"T, moron. They think we're barbarian azzholes, and in you're case, they're right!! Go suck Glenn Beck!!:lol:


No you're cavemen....

The barbarians were quite intelligent warriors.
Speaking of lazy shit bags, when are you going to pay the Commies back the trillions you owe them, ya fucking slob!!! Your system is so fucking buried it will take a decade just to see sunlight in your outdoor shitter.:lol:

You're confused. The commies owe us money. The USSR never paid back a dime of the lend lease money we gave them.
It is here if you are an American and can take the oath to the American Creed. Here we take the voluntary guys and force them to be extended and deny them leaving the service, or bribe them with bonuses and benefits.

People have free will - you just say no..

Temptation is the root of all evil..

People need to think before they act...
Notice what has happened in a little more than 24 hours.....

Liberoidal democratics have gone from outright denial that they are in fact promoting socialism, to admitting the undeniable fact then claiming that the framers of the American republic were themselves socialists.

Well, I suppose the goalposts weren't going to move themselves.

I doubt they were socialists. i do know they were landed gentry and refused to acknowledge much about the mass populace except that they were shy of the intelligence to elect the president of the US
Speaking of lazy shit bags, when are you going to pay the Commies back the trillions you owe them, ya fucking slob!!! Your system is so fucking buried it will take a decade just to see sunlight in your outdoor shitter.:lol:

You're confused. The commies owe us money. The USSR never paid back a dime of the lend lease money we gave them.

no countries during WWII except South Africa ever paid back the USA, even reparations against Japan and Germany were forgiven, and for a good reason, they did not want the same thing happening again as what was the conditions after WWI.
Pubs cheat workers and make college ridiculously expensive. They are totally fecking everyone but the rich. AND make you into racist haters. Enjoy hell.
Socialist countries are leaving us in the dust, and you blame it on lazy blacks. Pub dupes!! And NOT communist countries. Except maybe China, which has gone savage capitalist. I have a masters in French Civ. and a World and American History Certification, and I'm not exactly stupid, dupe.

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