So Dem's Praised Obama For"Stopping The Bleeding" Where Are The Economic Statistics ?

in your own town, just tell us about what % of small business have shut down or just clinging to life,,,in my part of naples (southern part) its a nightmare, when Obama took office, they were shutting down on an average of one a week,,empty strip malls by the end of 2009 !!!! I knew this was gonna happen,,,,I wonder how bad it is in Detroit,,,,didnt Michigan vote for Obama? and there-after residents were fleeing the state?
Better chart on job creation. Amazing what happens with a little perspective. The disaster that is Obama's presidency becomes clearer.

That goes to 2009, you know, the year he was inaugurated?

It's as if they're people pretending to be conservatives, in order to make conservatives look bad.

I mean, a chart that makes the "disaster that is Obama's presidency clearer" that ends the year he was elected... nobody can be that dumb.
the DOW average has nothing to do with unemployment. or "Increased Home Values" it's the money in circulation going into it. That does not create jobs. The DOW could be 13,000 next October, unemployment will still be around 9% and America would have lost their patients a year prior to that.

patience, sir. America is not a Doctor. :razz:
I wish America was a doctor then maybe we can get rid of this disease called Progressives :lol:
It's as if they're people pretending to be conservatives, in order to make conservatives look bad.

I mean, a chart that makes the "disaster that is Obama's presidency clearer" that ends the year he was elected... nobody can be that dumb.

I won't say who; but I sent a PM to one of the "conservatives" on this board, and basically told him that I thought he was a fake conservative trying make the real ones look bad. I told him that I believe he's so deep into his role that I didn't expect him to admit it. His only response was a smiley w/ a halo. It was a little vague; so, I'm not entirely sure if that was an admission or a protest of innocence. I didn't ask him to clarify. He is so out there that to my mind, he can't possibly be legit. At least, I sincerely hope so.
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the DOW average has nothing to do with unemployment. or "Increased Home Values" it's the money in circulation going into it. That does not create jobs. The DOW could be 13,000 next October, unemployment will still be around 9% and America would have lost their patients a year prior to that.

patience, sir. America is not a Doctor. :razz:
I wish America was a doctor then maybe we can get rid of this disease called Progressives :lol:

and if our lives are so much better than in 2008, can someone explain what is going on in New York City Today?

1. Employment began recovering within the first year of Obama's presidency.

2. This recovery is stronger than the recovery after the 2001 recession.
If you know the real failure rate, then you would have said to Teals that his question was irrelevant.

Noooo, the problem is after they close very few are opened. Walk through your mall.

My mall(s) are thriving. There's 2 majors in my area, and both have been doing great for a loooong long time.

Well that's odd because most of America is not in that boat, but good for you and where you live.

I don't care to go down this road with you. If things were so wonderful why are the only areas that do well happen to be where Government/Obama dumped a shit ton of cash. I shouldn't say "only," but in all if there was such massive growth we would have a lot more jobs being created every month, instead we lose more jobs than we create.
God who doesn't miss the good old decade of 1985-the clinton years? these times suck thanks to our modern day Castro choking small business.

Even the real RINO's know the truth

At N.H. town hall, Romney says Obama has made the economy worse

“The president came in, and he didn’t cause the recession, as you know . . . but he didn’t make it better, he made things worse,” Romney said, speaking at Bayside Grill & Tavern in Wolfeboro. “And he made things worse through a series of actions which hurt the economy at a time when it needed to be taking off. The recovery is extraordinarily anemic, again, because things he did made that recovery worse.”
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you got to love it/and laugh whenever a liberal commentator tries to convince hannity or o'reilly how much better things are in general and how Obama SAVED AMERICA from another recession.,,,,,ughh,,,,,yet they will never mention that HE PRINTED UP A FEW TRILLION to do so. so am I wrong that I state that Obama Borrowed The Money in 2009/2010 to stop the bleeding,,,and now that he cant pay it back,,HE WANTS THE INNOCENT RICH to pay it back,,,and they did not cause the Obama Recession !!!

And how many times over the last 30 or so months have we been hearing "Well When Obama Took Office, We Were Losing 700,000 Jobs A Month"?
And here we are pushing 36 months later, yet no improvement on just about ANYTHING !!!
So what bleeding did Obama Stop? :dunno:
Yet we have Obama,Biden,Pelosi and Wasserman trying to convince us that our lives are much better now and could of been so much worse if they hadn't borrowed 4 Trillion dollars{plus interest} from our children to stabilize the economy and make our lives So Much Happier !! :boobies:

And yet our "Nobel Peace Prize" winner can't and wont even make an effort to stop the OWS Protesters from destroying some of our metropolitan cities. :hellno:

It's going to take time to clean up the Republican's mess. Everything they touched they fucked up. Not only that, but they are trying to stop Obama from cleaning up THEIR mess so they can blame it on him. Go figure.
It appears most Americans probably want Papa Obama to stop whatever he is doing because it is not working

CBS Poll: (so you know it is even worse for Papa Obama)

Obama disapproval rating on economy at record high

Papa Obama offers only more failed extreme leftist ideas that the US people do not support

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if Bambi really wanted to stop the bleeding, why didnt he just give every small business a check for 100-150K as part of the 875 Billion dollar stimulus plan, where instead he gave it to banks,unions, and his chicago thug buddies.{like a money laundering scam}.

And how many times over the last 30 or so months have we been hearing "Well When Obama Took Office, We Were Losing 700,000 Jobs A Month"?
And here we are pushing 36 months later, yet no improvement on just about ANYTHING !!!
So what bleeding did Obama Stop? :dunno:
Yet we have Obama,Biden,Pelosi and Wasserman trying to convince us that our lives are much better now and could of been so much worse if they hadn't borrowed 4 Trillion dollars{plus interest} from our children to stabilize the economy and make our lives So Much Happier !! :boobies:

And yet our "Nobel Peace Prize" winner can't and wont even make an effort to stop the OWS Protesters from destroying some of our metropolitan cities. :hellno:

The statistics have been posted on this board hundreds of times. Have someone read them to you.

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