So Dem's Refer To Elizabeth Warren As "A Darling"?. Are They All Nearsighted Or Just Blockheads?

:dunno: Now Seriously! Elizabeth Warren Is A Darling? A 67 Year Old Woman? Who blatantly spews her hated of the middle and upper-middle class? And never mind her "Not So Womanly" Looks, Where is the "Darling Personality" they all see in her? All she does is complain about Everything!!! God, if Warren is a darling, then can we assume that so is Patty Murphy, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman? If they see her as a darling, then Sarah Palin must be the Goddess Of The Universe !!!:eusa_clap::eusa_dance:
Uh, not to poop on a perfectly good hate rant, but who exactly is calling her "darling" except maybe her husband?
Quit being superficial. We like her because she knows what she is talking about and is not a total whore for the plutocrats like your conservative slutbags.
You're kidding, right? Warren is the biggest hypocrite in the Senate (OK, maybe thats an overstatement). She takes money from Wall St firms and then talks about how bad they are. Her Consumer Protection bureau is a total joke.
So Dem's Refer To Elizabeth Warren As "A Darling"?. Are They All Nearsighted Or Just Blockheads?

From the Democrat Destruction, Deception, and Newspeak Dictionary:

DARLING (n) - A woman who might be able to keep Democrats in power, and so should be coddled and idolized until she can no longer be of any use. (see "Hillary", "Cindy Sheehan", "Sandra Fluke", "Geraldine Ferraro", etc.)

Anything else I can clarify for you?
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Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
well I am pretty sure that Rottweilers find her a darling, more like a darling well done,extra A1 sauce.
just looking at that picture I can hear her boring voice, sounding like a lesbian librarian that is pissed off that men even exist. Come on Dems, dump that old shrill Hillary and get this old hippie out on the campaign trail. Can't wait

just look at her. Any man that has ever been in her life deserves our pity. At least Sarah Palin would be a fun romp:cool::p:p:p:D:thanks::thanks::thanks:
just looking at that picture I can hear her boring voice, sounding like a lesbian librarian that is pissed off that men even exist. Come on Dems, dump that old shrill Hillary and get this old hippie out on the campaign trail. Can't wait
The only thing her picture is good for is to keep giant cockroaches out of our homes.

just look at her. Any man that has ever been in her life deserves our pity. At least Sarah Palin would be a fun romp:cool::p:p:p:D:thanks::thanks::thanks:
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Warren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her
just looking at that picture I can hear her boring voice, sounding like a lesbian librarian that is pissed off that men even exist. Come on Dems, dump that old shrill Hillary and get this old hippie out on the campaign trail. Can't wait

just look at her. Any man that has ever been in her life deserves our pity. At least Sarah Palin would be a fun romp:cool::p:p:p:D:thanks::thanks::thanks:
I love this rhetoric

It shows Republicans for what they are. Spiteful assholes who hate those less fortunate
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Waren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her

Lizzy Cheekbones lied about her heritage to get an Affirmative Action Education and job. The only thing she sacrificed was the truth
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Warren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her

exactly what is she doing for the little guy? spouting Marxist crap about equal pay... people are paid what they are worth end of discussion. does the stage hand or the ticket seller deserve the same pay as the performer. does the burger flipper or the walmart greeter deserve $25 an hour? If so I deserve and equal raise and so does everyone all the way up, and what does that get you. when is George Soros going to donate his money down to a reasonable amount of wealth.

What is the limit to what a person or couple should be able to amass? come on lets hear what the number is...
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Warren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her
How much did she contribute to charity last year?
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Waren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her

Lizzy Cheekbones lied about her heritage to get an Affirmative Action Education and job. The only thing she sacrificed was the truth
if you work hard, save your money, and eventually have enough money to retire, help send your kids to college, You Are An Evil Bigot!!! According to Elizabeth Warren, who will then demand you give her all of your cash so she can buy another house on cape cod.
Liz Warren connects with working Americans

I can see why she upsets Republicans
She connects with people who lie about their heritage to further themselves. That's why Obama loves her

Liz Waren shows she is concerned with average Americans. She is willing to sacrifice her own wealth to make life better for others

That is why Republicans hate her

Lizzy Cheekbones lied about her heritage to get an Affirmative Action Education and job. The only thing she sacrificed was the truth

Actually, she didn't

If racist Indian references are the best that Conservatives have to use against her, you are in trouble

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