So, do you remember when Joe Biden said that supporters of the Confederacy were fine people?

Joe Biden actually said what they accuse Trump of saying....while they lie about what Trump said....

Here.... China Joe Biden stating that supporters of the Confederacy are fine people...

The segment starts at the 1:22 mark on the video...the rest of the show is also worth watching...

That was 30 years ago, snowflake. People change and grow. Well, except for your tantrumming dotard.

a politician change?....they only change if it means votes and yes that includes biden....

30 years. If you think the same 30 years from now as you do right now, then you are incapable of growing as a person.

Nope, libs only apply that standard to one side of the equation. Hypocrites and not to be believed.
Joe Biden actually said what they accuse Trump of saying....while they lie about what Trump said....

Here.... China Joe Biden stating that supporters of the Confederacy are fine people...

The segment starts at the 1:22 mark on the video...the rest of the show is also worth watching...

That was 30 years ago, snowflake. People change and grow. Well, except for your tantrumming dotard.

a politician change?....they only change if it means votes and yes that includes biden....

30 years. If you think the same 30 years from now as you do right now, then you are incapable of growing as a person.

i aint a lifelong politician like your buddy joe is.....his whole fucking life has been how to get public approval.....when you can grasp that then maybe you might grow a little....

1 candidate publicly opposes what the confederacy stood for, 1 candidate publicly defends the confederacy and is supported by those who celebrate it. You can be a big fucking idiot and pretend they are the same if you want.

why do you think biden says that?.....he wants your fucking vote.... you can be a big fucking idiot too and pretend he has party people eat up all the shit these people feed you....dont you ever get tired of following them blindly?...

So you want me to vote for the guy who, currently, openly defends and celebrates the confederacy because you don't think his opponent, who is actively denouncing it, is 100% genuine? You're an idiot.

did not say you had to vote for anyone did i?....but you are an idiot for believing everything these asswipes tell you.....

Lol "openly celebrating the confederacy" vs "openly denouncing the confederacy," and this motherfucker thinks the 2 are the same.

can you show me were i said that?.....i just looked and the only one that said confederacy was you...why dont you try sticking to what the conversation was about.....but then you cant deny what i said about you can you?....
Joe Biden actually said what they accuse Trump of saying....while they lie about what Trump said....

Here.... China Joe Biden stating that supporters of the Confederacy are fine people...

The segment starts at the 1:22 mark on the video...the rest of the show is also worth watching...

That's textbook Democrat playbook, accuse your opponent of doing precisely what you have done while the liberal news media gives you a pass and looks the other way.
But no one cares what Mr. Biden says.

Not even the Dems.

They are just using him to win the election with the indispensable help of a lady of color VP.

Then the Dem bigwigs will gently sideline the old frail dude and rule through a BLM-dominated VP and Cabinet.

The old gent is too confused to realize that he is just a puppet. Or maybe he does, but he feels that it's a small price to pay in order to realize his ambition of becoming the President.
Well in actuality they were good people just a little mixed up. In the south one fought for the confederacy and most didn't even know what they were fighting for. Most of the men who fought didn't own slaves ,

and weren't like today, white supremacists.

White supremacists? Why did you bring the democrat party into this?
That was 30 years ago, snowflake. People change and grow. Well, except for your tantrumming dotard.

Watch you twat burgers tap dance around your own hypocritical BULLSHIT makes me both laugh at you and want to commit depraved acts of violence at the same time.


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