So, Do You Think We're Headed For Another Civil War?

Do You Think That We're Headed For Another Civil War?

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pretty sure we are in one.

what would you think it would look like?
States would seceed.

Federal government might send in the military to force those states to rejoin the Union.

If so guerrilla warfare would be the name of the game for the rebels. Attacks on power grid and transportation infrastructure would be common.

Major blue cities would run out of food and toilet paper as trucks stop rolling into blue states. War ends.

The Untied States is now the Divided States.

A decade or so later the Chinese take over the world.

Let’s resolve our differences peacefully. Nobody wants to have to learn Mandarin Chinese and live like slaves to the Chinese.

First and perhaps the most important thing is to make damn sure our elections are honest and aboveboard. No election rigging.

Could your government help the Mexican government crush the drug cartels? That would solve problems.
I suspect corrupt politicians in our government are working with the drug cartels to enable drug and sex trafficking and profiting from it.

I think it's very possible that we could see shootouts and assassinations rather than an intersectional war with thousands against thousands in a pitched battle.

It will be like the fighting in the Balkans. Viscious as hell.

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